Well BF already has someone..... sigh
Best love triangle in the series :3
It looks as if Sayaka is using Kyubey's disembodied head as a toy...
Mmmm :3
Haven't watched pokemon for so long so I don't know these two. That brown haired girl looks cool:)
Is there any copy left? I want one lol
Meiling has also been paired with Flan, which while I'm mostly a huge fan of Meiling x Sakuya is a good pairing as well
Idk what "eating some seaweed" means. But the only thing that came to my mind about that seaweed thing was bushy vagina lol
perfect we need more mugi x sawako
Eris is so damn perfect... o.o
Sweet lewd sweet lewd..x3
Well, I know Mugi is always in the ''S'' part :D I want to see some S/M thing provided that Mugi is sadist one.
Yay for new Mariali pic \ ^^/ I will live longer :D
last edited at May 21, 2014 1:38PM
KanyuTeru, the translation came from Danbooru, so you're free to use it howover you want.
last edited at May 21, 2014 2:00PM
Oh Kyubey.. you filthy animal ç_ç Agree with Waki_Miko, he seems a toy...
AkaneXMiyuki 4Ever!
SO CUUUUUTEEEEEE !!! // >_<\\ !!!
First of all I like how it looks Sayaka's body with all the sweat all over and the structure of it -- so sexxy!!! And second come on Sayaka we all know that you enjoy it and you are kind of happy that it has happened!!! (^ ^ ) : )
oh my i feel so naughty looking at this so right at same time
adorable art from Namori as always, and what a nice pose ! xD
This is so cute :3
last edited at May 21, 2014 7:49PM
Tehehe <3
Could you make a page that is just as cute as it is sexy?
lol i love how the author of the manga draws doujin pics for their own manga.
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