Forum › Things To Be Noted By Assassins discussion

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Maybe go into another line of work? This one doesn't seem to be working out.

joined Feb 28, 2013

I genuinely felt bad for Haruki. She honestly felt friendship for Haru, and she loves her family. Otoya... I still think Nio ate her. I tried to feel sympathy for Kouko, and I kinda do, but she was just so over her head.

Chitaru and Hitsugi.... don't talk to me about them... I'm not done emotionally processing that.

joined Feb 25, 2013

Aww, that last one. ;w; <3

joined Aug 22, 2013

quite cute though :3

joined Apr 14, 2013


vanilla salt
joined Jan 18, 2014

this was quite cute and funny :3

Chitaru and Hitsugi.... don't talk to me about them... I'm not done emotionally processing that.

i know that feel bro TwT

joined Sep 22, 2013

The sencond one was hilarious, I'd be curious to see another part with Chitaru and Hitsugi laughing badly

joined Feb 5, 2013

Chitaru and Hitsugi.... don't talk to me about them... I'm not done emotionally processing that.

i know that feel bro TwT

x3 :'( seriously I just can't process that :/

vanilla salt
joined Jan 18, 2014

Chitaru and Hitsugi.... don't talk to me about them... I'm not done emotionally processing that.

x3 :'( seriously I just can't process that :/

i still feel like crying everytime i see something related to them :'(

joined Mar 30, 2012

Oh that was funny, looking for the rest of them soon :D That last one looked like it actually couldve happened lol

joined Apr 26, 2014

I try to hold my laugh at the last one, the expression of Haruki and how Ichinose comfronted~, LOL very cute, really want more of this XD

joined Dec 27, 2013


joined May 6, 2013

Lol at the string, never think it could happen.

joined May 20, 2014

Best, assassins, EVAR!

joined Mar 12, 2014

Haruki's expression of chibi version is just so damn CUTE~!!♥ but it's sad knowing that the failed assassins will be killed/be in jail.

joined Apr 30, 2014

Hmmmmm..... Namatame and Kirigaya's would be failure due to not seeing the goal clearly...... or hormones raging, they really needed to calm down, so if they did and talked things out they wouldn't have killed each other... (Just saying a random thought)

joined Jun 21, 2013

Akuma no Riddle: a short guide on how not to fail at being an assasin
1) Don't talk too much
2) Watch your step
3) Use something stronger than piano wire

last edited at Jun 18, 2014 5:48PM

joined Mar 19, 2016

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL "Don't cry, you still have another chance" "Hey Ichinose!!"

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