How is it not a doujin of Sakura Trick when they are quite obviously the girls from the series?
Because it's published and endorsed by the company behind Sakura Trick. Doujinshi are a firm step below that, completely unofficial.
I wouldn't say this is just a doujin and anthology issue though, because you can't access a series' doujin or anthology pages from even the main series page either. Although this is just my opinion, what I would suggest is more direct linking between related categories rather than any merging of two together.
If I'm understanding correctly, you're interested in more series being treated like Saki?

Though it may ultimately be a band-aid solution, official anthologies could be directly linked to (but not filed under) from the main series page and the doujins page. Not the prettiest(?), but I do think this would improve both visibility and properly link together related series/anthologies/whatever without improperly classifying anything.
last edited at Mar 12, 2014 3:51PM