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joined Mar 28, 2017

It is funny that immediate families and relatives perceived success as being married and gave importance on having children.

Typical in Asian family.

For me, arranged marriage is one of the biggest mistakes of our ancestors. It degrades love and tramples dignity.

I discussed this with a few of my Indian guy friends awhile back. Their view of arranged marriage was quite positive. Their point was modern arranged marriage was very much like dating agency, except the match was chosen by their parents, and both families got to participate in the "courtship". Both guy, gal and their relatives would meet and choose if they wanted to proceed. The end result was both families would be socioeconomically matched, couple and relatives would be pleased with the appearance and temperament of their mates.

Sounds almost too good to be true, but this is "modern" arranged marriage, and it is the men's perspective. Haven't had a chance to hear from their ladies yet...

joined Jun 23, 2017

Orange and Foxy lady

Anyway, jpeg fun is whatever you think is fun.. If clubbing isn't fun for you then why club XDDD

Precisely. Our choices must always conform to what we are made of. That is the beauty of us all individuals... unique in every way..

Agreed with both statements. Is that what you meant by "little" though, Foxy lady?

joined Jun 23, 2017

Foxy lady

Thus, to me, happiness then depends not on what we have such as wealth or talent but on the quality of choices we make. (inspired by Dumbledore)

True, perception can be added to that as well. :)

joined Jul 11, 2017

I like how even Dumbledore gets dragged into the picture XDDDD

joined Jun 23, 2017

Foxy lady

To make this as an analogy to WDTFS, all three main characters' choices were influenced by their perceptions.

Nice way of tying that together. :D

last edited at Jul 26, 2017 3:12AM

joined Feb 4, 2017

I guess I could be just comparing it to my boring life, but you've seem to have gone many places and experienced many things. So seems exciting to me. :)

hahah.. I read the clubbing thing.. you are probably more of an introvert. so too much exposure to the outside world tires you.
as much as I like to be left alone.. but an Extrovert rebel was the one responsible of making me have all those experiences. If it was up to me, I would just sit by the beach or go diving.. nothing more nothing less.


Ah, that's what the 89 means. I am one year younger than you, Nora. My mindset has not changed much since my 20 years old self though. More mature ladies (and gentlemen), do you change as you age?

haha.. I think alot have changed, in August 2012 I thought that I could change the world and be everyone's hero.. make it better with my ideals.. I think it only took me one year to realise that I could change nothing and all I could do is being just a single person's hero.. it took me another 5 years to realise I could be nothing but by my own.. it kinda scares me, because I don't even know if I could do that. This is what I meant earlier by "false independence"

unlike Orange she was able to accept what she couldn't change.. but my pride didn't let me.. and here is where my age factor appears.
actually I still set a very high bar to myself, and when I don't reach it, myself esteem crushes.. this non acceptance of what can't be changed is what I want to learn without being so bitter about it.

last edited at Jul 26, 2017 5:25AM

joined Feb 4, 2017

Foxy lady

English was never a language I could speak fluently nor it was the one I hear in my mind when I feel or think of something.. so much is lost trying to find the accurate word when I could be much more lyrical in my own language.. a single word would say a lot, so I end up keeping those notes to myself hehehe, I guess it was about time I that I polish my English.
But if it works, then I am happy.

last edited at Jul 26, 2017 5:22AM

joined Jun 23, 2017


hahah.. I read the clubbing thing.. you are probably more of an introvert. so too much exposure to the outside world tires you.
as much as I like to be left alone.. but an Extrovert rebel was the one responsible of making me have all those experiences.

Haha, I'm definitely more introverted than extroverted. I think the club scene would not fit me, because I do not feel the need to impress people in that way, based on the "stereotypical" partygoer.

Foxy lady mentioned the Myers Briggs personality test in the main discussion forum in regards to Seju. Have not taken that test, but I'm curious what my results would be.

I'm guessing that extroverted rebel is your girlfriend? It's good to have an "opposite" in a significant other. Makes life more interesting, depending on the person. :)

last edited at Jul 26, 2017 11:19AM

joined Feb 4, 2017

... my only deepest sin is that I let your humid cavern idle for too long. It feels so hot and bothered...begging for invasion and relieve. Let me have my redemption, wide :3

and for that sin, you lost your way to my heaven.. but you still can take me by the hand and we could go somewhere better.. I'll walk you the long slow journey .. I must say, you may not be able to walk later, but I would carry you still till you reach your heaven.. don't worry.. relax and follow along.

what you tried to say is that your moans and panting will be filling up the silence of the bedroom and echoing into the restless night, right? I will go for hours conquering your unapproachable lands, reaching those coveted mountain picks, leaving a trail of marks on your vast wealds, exploring that fervent valley in search for the desired fire bump...

why just me when we could sing it together.. I forgot the lyrics.. remind me.. it's been winter in here for too long, the frost is slowly melting.. don't slip.. as we're getting deeper in this mess take careful contemplation

Keep dreaming, girl! I will bring all your defenses down...leaving you whimpering and asking for more. Want another bet?

oh ?.. I thought your dream Episode 69 wasn't over yet.. shall we push rewind ?.. Now, why are you being a chicken ?

You didn't answer my question. Did you miss me, my sweet honey bun?  Say it...admit it...obey it... :3

I did ~
didn't you too look for my traces.. reread my comments before you sleep and dream of me ?

singing with Alicia Keys's voice "this bush is on fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiire!"

which bush honey? this is the great Sahara and the heat is real.. don't lose track.. or you may get deadly dehydrated
I promise, if you see an illusion.. I will be the one to spank you back to reality ~

God, I started with frost and ended up in Sahara.. this planet spins way too fast for our needs ~

last edited at Jul 26, 2017 2:43PM

joined Feb 4, 2017

Foxy lady

Norah, it worked. Study now. I will wait for you...hmmm...

thanks alot :D

You are fluent in English, albeit, it is not a native accent. Nevertheless, the fluidity of thought is there. You can articulate what is in your heart and mind with ease ..... and pervertness even... hahaha...

hahaha.. I thought I sounded like a retard with a dysfunctional communication skills XD


because I do not feel the need to impress people in that way, based on the "stereotypical" partygoer.

It might not look it.. but I am the same.. the person who sits back, talks to the bartender about his day.. and ask him to give me sparkling water and pretend that it's not XD.. goes home at 11:00 because Dynasty is more fun.

I'm guessing that extroverted rebel is your girlfriend? It's good to have an "opposite" in a significant other. Makes life more interesting, depending on the person. :)

at times.. but outings were not easy, I was the one wanting to laze around and she is the one who will hit more than one pub at a single night XDDD
she had so many hobbies that involved socialising: fencing, horse riding.. etc
meeeeh ? I fractured my wrist in Judo and made it an excuse to rot at home XD
other hobbies involve: pimple popping XD.. fighting with the printer, and well, the unsaid one.

last edited at Jul 26, 2017 2:44PM

joined Jun 23, 2017


It might not look it.. but I am the same.. the person who sits back, talks to the bartender about his day.. and ask him to give me sparkling water and pretend that it's not XD.. goes home at 11:00 because Dynasty is more fun.

I could definitely see myself doing that as well if I go to a bar. XD

at times.. but outings were not easy, I was the one wanting to laze around and she is the one who will hit more than one pub at a single night XDDD

That's kind of adorable. :) It's been working for 6 years (right?), so...

and well, the unsaid one.

Haha, yes, I figured.

joined Feb 4, 2017

That's kind of adorable. :) It's been working for 6 years (right?), so...

not after June 2017.

joined Jun 23, 2017

not after June 2017.

Oh... I'm sorry.

joined Feb 4, 2017

Oh... I'm sorry.

it's okay.. we live.

joined Jun 23, 2017

it's okay.. we live.

True. :) I could say any cliche post-relationship phrase out there, but you have probably heard them all.

joined Feb 4, 2017

True. :) I could say any cliche post-relationship phrase out there, but you have probably heard them all.

hahahah.. that's why I like people like you.. practical XD

joined Jun 23, 2017

hahahah.. that's why I like people like you.. practical XD

Haha, thanks. XD

joined Feb 4, 2017


out of curiosity.. are you F or M.. if I may know ?

joined Jun 23, 2017


Guess? XD (It's more fun this way, right?)

joined Feb 4, 2017

I put my money on an M XD

joined Mar 21, 2017

F for File format.

joined Jun 23, 2017


I kind of did not want to say it before, but what the heck. I don't use this username anywhere else.

You would lose that money. :)

Good one, Es0teric. XD

joined Feb 4, 2017

hahahhaha.. thanks alot for telling me .. you saved me from suicidally betting on it XD

joined Jun 23, 2017


lol What are the reasons you thought I was a male? Curious.

joined Feb 4, 2017

the fact that you didn't want to tell.. I thought you were trying to avoid clashes or having your opinion belittled if you were a guy discussing lesbos art in a female dominated thread.

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