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joined Feb 4, 2017

I understand :) if you're ever up for exchanging emails or numbers for a chat offline (ah there is some irony there since technically it is still online XD but you know what I mean) just let me know!


Oh I like your father already XD LOL

hehe.. amazing father.. mediocre husband. my mother probably wasn't having the same fun we had back then XD

Thank you ahahaha professional feel XD Lol you make my day (or well.. Night rather lol)

heheh.. well, I am serious. Your field of occupation does affect how you look at things, perceive them and how you communicate your ideas.

last edited at Jul 13, 2017 4:44PM

joined Jul 11, 2017

That is true lol what do you think foxy lady work as?

joined Feb 4, 2017

That is true lol what do you think foxy lady work as?

she told me.. but I don't know if I she is okay with me disclosing this info.

joined Jul 11, 2017

Haha it's okay. Understand

joined Mar 21, 2017


You really are a romantic. I just can't see subservience being that romantic lol.

joined Feb 4, 2017


You really are a romantic. I just can't see subservience being that romantic lol.

hehehe.. it comes natural to me like that.. don't know why XD
it's either romance or perversion.. accompanied by lots of arguments XD

joined Jul 11, 2017

You read too much rulebook for arguments XD LOL

joined Mar 28, 2017

(I've never been a christian, but let's assume it's a middle ground, a religion we are both familiar with).. the mere idea of a woman letting go her desires to be intimate and loved by a man she can actually feel physically to be married to another whom she may never meet in her life.. is purely romantic. the trust, believe.. love.. sacrifice and sufferness.. are all part of it.

The tragic romance is caused by religion; likewise the same tragedy can happen because of something else, social status, politics for example. I wouldn't say religion itself is romantic, at best it influences romance... usually in a bad way.

another side of that.. how believers think of God..they never saw him.. they may never will.. but there's a yearning to be understood by this God and to receive forgiveness and love from him.. they believe in mutual trust: so they trust him to take care of them.. and he trusts them with whatever he gave them to do good with it.. and when they pray, they get this sense of sacred special connection as if there is no one else but them. The bible for them is the letter they received.. they admire and read it with love and respect.. stories that he shares with them.. warnings.. promises.. it's all there.

I don't have faith, nor do I understand faith. Probably why I think believers are irrational.

the sexy part .. we can talk about it if you are interested still XD

Oh yissss!!!

joined Feb 4, 2017


The tragic romance is caused by religion; likewise the same tragedy can happen because of something else, social status, politics for example. I wouldn't say religion itself is romantic, at best it influences romance... usually in a bad way

depends on how you look at it.. for me, every thing that you could apply on romance is applicable in religion.. people are actually willing to sacrifice their lives and current pleasures for their religion.. and ,back to christianity, Jesus who sacrificed his life to save the ones he loved is also romantic beyond believe (well, even if I don't believe in this story either)

I don't have faith, nor do I understand faith. Probably why I think believers are irrational.

it's okay.. even if you don't understand two person's love for eachother.. you would think the same: they are irrational XD

the sexy part .. we can talk about it if you are interested still XD

Oh yissss!!!

oh that has to be related to metaphysics, which I personally find it sexy. So in all religion that I happened to read about, there is a challenge of our limited minds and senses.. you can never be a believer without admitting your limitation and weakness.. in a sense, we human understand the world around us using our senses not only that, but also our brain capability of translating what we sensed into an information that we understand. Can you ever explain the concept of color to a blind person? can you guarantee that the colors we see are the actual colors .. a solid black car, is actually black not a combination of rays that our brains just ignore. WE CAN'T.. even by using every physical measure, physics is what we can understand and measure ONLY. hehehe.. we are weak and very materialistic.. the idea of soul gives us another depth to ourselves, adds strength by allowing us to understand our weaknesses.. and that's my friend, is very sexy!

another aspect of religion sexiness.. the intimacy that a practitioner would have doing their prayers.. very special movements, that require engagement of mind, body and soul to please this divine entity that they love and believe in so much.. they even consider it the joy beyond joys.. think of Nirvana state.. and tell me this not an orgasmic experience. XD

Their whispers, worships.. the way the call their Gods names first thing when they are in need and feel like no one else could understand.. look at the temples, shrines, Churchs and Mosques.. either religoin is sexy and romantic or my sex and romance are religious XD

last edited at Jul 14, 2017 3:30AM

joined Jul 11, 2017

If you are a 2D creature on a piece of paper, the concept of volume and depth (3D) can be mind-boggling (and even unbelievable), there isn't even a way to prove (or disprove) the existence of depth. I don't know if I would call this sexy but there is something very humbling about this. I suppose this means that even when I know I don't believe in something I can't ever truly trust what I believe or don't believe to be right/ the ultimate truth. The ground we are walking on is hardly ever solid. Maybe there is something depressing about that. But then again maybe there's beauty in that -after all isn't that what faith is all about -having conviction even in absence of proof?

last edited at Jul 14, 2017 6:11AM

joined Mar 21, 2017


You reminded me of a song called Christian Woman by goth metal band Type 0 Negative. Won't post the lyrics here though as they're quite dodgy haha.

joined Feb 4, 2017


If you are a 2D creature on a piece of paper, the concept of volume and depth (3D) can be mind-boggling (and even unbelievable), there isn't even a way to prove (or disprove) the existence of depth.

EXACTLY.. we are bound by what we can understand. the added depth of unmaterialistic/ intangibility/ immortality to our entity is by itself sexy to those who are materialistic/ tangible and weak by their mortality.. religion is able to make you look at death as a beautiful transition from the lower grade entity to perfection. I loved the idea of the reincarnation I found it very fascinating.

I suppose this means that even when I know I don't believe in something I can't ever truly trust what I believe or don't believe to be right/ the ultimate truth. Maybe there is something depressing about that. But then again maybe there's beauty in that -after all isn't that what faith is all about -having conviction even in absence of proof?

isn't that sexy of some sort.. the unfalsified and the philosophical part of it.. it's very mind challenging.. then comes the idea of eternity, faith and fate.. all these are parts of what I find fascinating about religion.

my God.. hehehe I thought I was a perv hehehe.. but no, the sexy part of religion in my view is totally different than the animalistic part of our sexual practices XD the song is really something

last edited at Jul 14, 2017 9:37AM

joined Mar 21, 2017

my God.. hehehe I thought I was a perv hehehe.. but no, the sexy part of religion in my view is totally different than the animalistic part of our sexual practices XD the song is really something

Think of the song more as an allegory if you will.

joined Mar 28, 2017

Christian Woman by goth metal band Type 0 Negative.

The pauses at the beginning reminds me of the song Hurt by Johnny Cash.

joined Feb 4, 2017

wow 0_0 music that I never heard before.. heheh I'm being unconsciously feminist .. most of the music I hear are either played by woman or sung by them (or maybe my ear is a bit too gay XD)

last edited at Jul 14, 2017 3:53PM

joined Mar 21, 2017

Christian Woman by goth metal band Type 0 Negative.

The pauses at the beginning reminds me of the song Hurt by Johnny Cash.

That's a good song too. It's actually a cover of a Nine Inch Nails song.

joined Mar 21, 2017

wow 0_0 music that I never heard before.. heheh I'm being unconsciously feminist .. most of the music I hear are either played by woman or sung by them (or maybe my ear is a bit too gay XD)

I try to seperate music from gender but I'll be honest, when i see a female playing music in a heavily male dominant genre i still end up looking up to them. But generally for me, male or female if you play something i like the sound off i will give you my full support.

last edited at Jul 14, 2017 5:02PM

joined Feb 4, 2017

I try to seperate music from gender but I'll be honest, when i see a female playing music in a heavily male dominant genre i still end up looking up to them. But generally for me, male or female if you play something i like the sound off i will give you my full support.

I don't know if I did it intentionally, I mean liking female deep voiced singers.. it's a tendency.. but them even my favorite pianist is also a female hehehe.. I can't miss Hélène Grimaud

joined Mar 28, 2017

wow 0_0 music that I never heard before.. heheh I'm being unconsciously feminist .. most of the music I hear are either played by woman or sung by them (or maybe my ear is a bit too gay XD)

I checked my playlist after you mentioned this. Majority male singers. With the exception of Korean music where it is ~80% female. Hmmm fascinating.

joined Feb 4, 2017

ah heheh I remembered, Eden and Tom Chaplin are two of favorite male musicians XD.. (I am not as sexist as I thought, phew ~)

joined Mar 28, 2017

If you are a 2D creature on a piece of paper, the concept of volume and depth (3D) can be mind-boggling (and even unbelievable), there isn't even a way to prove (or disprove) the existence of depth. I don't know if I would call this sexy but there is something very humbling about this. I suppose this means that even when I know I don't believe in something I can't ever truly trust what I believe or don't believe to be right/ the ultimate truth. The ground we are walking on is hardly ever solid. Maybe there is something depressing about that. But then again maybe there's beauty in that -after all isn't that what faith is all about -having conviction even in absence of proof?

I am actually a fish in disguise. Mystery beyond the water surface roused my curiosity and desire. One day I took a leap of faith, that was how I died.

joined Feb 4, 2017

I am actually a fish in disguise. Mystery beyond the water surface roused my curiosity and desire. One day I took a leap of faith, that was how I died.

you were faster than the evolution then XD

joined Mar 28, 2017

I am actually a fish in disguise. Mystery beyond the water surface roused my curiosity and desire. One day I took a leap of faith, that was how I died.

you were faster than the evolution then XD

Soul is an interesting species. Anything can evolve into it, and evolution is instantaneous.

joined Mar 21, 2017

I am actually a fish in disguise. Mystery beyond the water surface roused my curiosity and desire. One day I took a leap of faith, that was how I died.

I like this.

joined Mar 21, 2017

I have two, one on each foot.

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