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joined Feb 4, 2017

Staying at a hotel alone is safer than staying at home with her security guards/ bodyguards around? wth?

if you noticed, Seju does not trust her driver to take her home and would rather take a taxi (ch53)
I do not believe she trusts bodyguards .. (makes me rethink of the time she got drunk with the bartender.. )

the mole guy cares about her in a weird way

last edited at Mar 18, 2017 1:07PM

joined Feb 4, 2017

I understood it as: I don't care ( referring to meet Seju at a hotel - I don't care about the location- what she means).. then she actaually takes the address and drives to the hotel and inform seju that she was near

--> the conversation was in the bathroom, behind Sungji's back once more :D
so you get the affection and trust issues .. I do not know what kind of a couple are they !

Yeah, basically, she doesn't care, the words she said in English should be what I translated literally. Tbh, to me, the whole pharagraph is more that she doesn't care, just get it over with, not just merely dont care about the location

same thing.. same idea

joined Feb 5, 2016

Did her brother not trust her bodyguards too that he had to tell her to live alone in a hotel?

last edited at Mar 18, 2017 1:13PM

joined Feb 4, 2017

Did her brother not trust her bodyguards too that he had to tell her to live alone in a hotel?

very possible .. I wonder if Seju's mother death circumstances make him anticipate his brothers ways.

last edited at Mar 18, 2017 1:17PM

joined Feb 5, 2016

That experience is quite than enough to make him hire a ton of bodyguards to secretly watch Seju at the hotel, right?

joined Feb 4, 2017

That experience is quite than enough to make him hire a ton of bodyguards to secretly watch Seju at the hotel, right?

depends, if Seju's mother was killed while surrounded by bodyguards, then no! he would not trust them.. in the end, a bodyguard can also be bribed to participate in the crime itself.

back again to the bartender incident: Seju claimed she was not aware of what was going on, but Summin rolled that out by saying that the guard would not have allowed it.. look at Seju's face !.. what happened that night is not very clear.. giving Seju's personality.

lastly: it is safer to be in a place that it is both: crowded and no body knows that you are there
I know what I was saying is confusing, here I list what the points:
* Seju does not trust guards could be attributed to the bartender incident (so they are good for nothing)
* Mole guy not trusting them could be attributed to her mother death circumstances

last edited at Mar 18, 2017 1:40PM

joined Apr 28, 2016

well, she did not know how the ending of that chapter would look like, still Sumin told her in ch 74 ( that she does not care anymore).. Seju gets the message. and in the matter of fact, Summin is the one who called her in this chapter (I think to finalise the matter in ch 74)
never ever has Seju stopped Summin from doing what she wanted.. but she is always there whenever Summin needs her.

I don't get what you're saying in this pharagraph, though. Sorry ^^
She could've fought harder like the typical third wheel should be but she didnt
She could've been the simple nice third wheel who made a mistake but want to redeem herself but she didn't
It's like she's been jumping back and forth between good and bad. Yes, it's good and it's more human-like since we're not perfect and everything is not just black or white but it's not good for a mere comic or drama since with this kind of character, it's very easy to make a bad ending for her, an ending that would not satisfy the reader. In real life, you could still find your way to go on and don't know where this leads you but this is just mere character in a story with fixed ending and the span of story is not long, her ending would make us feel the shame that it could've been better than this, sort of like that. It's ok to push her character to some point but if you push too much, it could make some unsatisfying developments and to me, Seju's character has been pushed too much.

last edited at Mar 18, 2017 1:42PM

joined Feb 5, 2016

I don't think so. Seju's mom being killed while surrounding by bodyguards doesn't lead to any idea like she wouldn't have been killed if she were alone. Therefore, him asking Seju to stay in the hotel alone without secretly hiring anyone to watch her is illogical.

joined Apr 28, 2016

I don't think so. Seju's mom being killed while surrounding by bodyguards doesn't lead to any idea like she wouldn't have been killed if she were alone. Therefore, him asking Seju to stay in the hotel alone without secretly hiring anyone to watch her is illogical.

Uhm, didnt Seju herself say she does not want anybody with her unless thats someone she wants. That's why there is no explicit bodyguards. I think under circumtances, aka Seju's personality and situation, moving to somewhere no one knows is the best solution. As for secret agent, we haven't known for sure there eould be one or not. To me, it's not that illogical, it's understandable though

joined Feb 4, 2017

I don't think so. Seju's mom being killed while surrounding by bodyguards doesn't lead to any idea like she wouldn't have been killed if she were alone. Therefore, him asking Seju to stay in the hotel alone without secretly hiring anyone to watch her is illogical.

of course she would, but the less people who know where you are and have access to you the better your situation is.

joined Feb 5, 2016

iirc, the reason moleguy wanted to send someone to Seju was because, as he said, it's not safe for Seju to be alone. Also, the fact that moleguy has someone to send to her means that he still trusts his people. Moving to somewhere nobody knows is normally the best option, but in her case, it is nonsense; how could nobody find out where she live given that she still goes to work every day? Also, they can as well kill her on her way home, right? Imo, hiring bodyguards to secretly watch her 24/7 is apparently the best option, so I don't get why moleguy end up suggesting her to be alone in the hotel.

joined Feb 4, 2017

well, she did not know how the ending of that chapter would look like, still Sumin told her in ch 74 ( that she does not care anymore).. Seju gets the message. and in the matter of fact, Summin is the one who called her in this chapter (I think to finalise the matter in ch 74)
never ever has Seju stopped Summin from doing what she wanted.. but she is always there whenever Summin needs her.

I don't get what you're saying in this pharagraph, though. Sorry ^^
She could've fought harder like the typical third wheel should be but she didnt
She could've been the simple nice third wheel who made a mistake but want to redeem herself but she didn't
It's like she's been jumping back and forth between good and bad. Yes, it's good and it's more human-like since we're not perfect and everything is not just black or white but it's not good for a mere comic or drama since with this kind of character, it's very easy to make a bad ending for her, an ending that would not satisfy the reader. In real life, you could still find your way to go on and don't know where this leads you but this is just mere character in a story with fixed ending and the span of story is not long, her ending would make us feel the shame that it could've been better than this, sort of like that. It's ok to push her character to some point but if you push too much, it could make some unsatisfying developments and to me, Seju's character has been pushed too much.

what I meant is: according to Team Gaji, Seju did not originally plan for the last scene of arc. 2, so she did not expect Sungji's reaction.. of course she would not go have a cat fight with Sungji .. look at how she topped Summin ( and looked at Sungji) as if she is saying: she is mine.. yet, Sungji reaction made her realise: nope, you are not even sure she is yours and you are waiting for me to back off.. I'm not going to !

come again in ch74, Summin told her she does not care about her anymore.. (see how the body language changes, from a flirty position -tucking hair behind the ear- to a defensive and protective posture?). she backed off.. indeed Seju is not the kind of person that forces herself on Summin, but Summin who always comes back and does whatever she wanted. even in that particular scene.. it was Summin who walked to the bed room on her own feet.

I personally do not read it as mere comic, the story is better than most novels and movies out there, maybe better than any lesbian movie story that I've seen (exception for the "the Handmaiden"). the ending was already designed, yet there were some plot changes on how to reach it.. what I appreciate the most, is when they make u reach a general idea about one character then in one single chapter your idea would change dramatically, and that is extremely satisfactory .. I am not worried about the pacing.. I've seen couple of chapter where the story shifts completely by few panels. I remind you of the chapter where Nammi tries to sleep with Seju.. it sounds weeeeird as hell, but it was played nicely and lead to 2 chapters of very important consequences.

hang in there buddy :D

last edited at Mar 18, 2017 3:12PM

joined Feb 4, 2017

iirc, the reason moleguy wanted to send someone to Seju was because, as he said, it's not safe for Seju to be alone. Also, the fact that moleguy has someone to send to her means that he still trusts his people. Moving to somewhere nobody knows is normally the best option, but in her case, it is nonsense; how could nobody find out where she live given that she still goes to work every day? Also, they can as well kill her on her way home, right? Imo, hiring bodyguards to secretly watch her 24/7 is apparently the best option, so I don't get why moleguy end up suggesting her to be alone in the hotel.

she is not alone at work.. but yeah, I agree about the moleguy trusting his people but Seju does not at all.
but yeah, it is reckless.. since the creepy girl has her way in the building multiple times.

joined Feb 4, 2017

--> the conversation was in the bathroom, behind Sungji's back once more :D
so you get the affection and trust issues .. I do not know what kind of a couple are they !

While the conversation is private by being in the bathroom doesn't Seongji still know that Sumin is on the phone? Or does Sumin say it's no one or something when Seongji calls out to her? Since i can't read Korean and can only go by the pictures.

very obviously, she knew Sungji is upstairs checking Sumin's (cabinet - I forgot the name of the clothes thingy), and she told Sungji she will clean the bathroom.. in there she makes a phone call. (now, imagine your companion talking to the ex in the bathroom with our letting you know before looking for excuses for her action)
that thing signals trust issues!

last edited at Mar 18, 2017 3:22PM

joined Feb 4, 2017

Team Gaji say that Seju didnt plan for the ending of season 2 from the moment of the end of Season 1. They never say she never planned it later on closer to the end.

the part I am referring to is Sungji reaction was a total surprise to her.. again, her body language and the surprise she had.

joined Feb 4, 2017

I couldn't tell from the picture that Sumin was the one who called, i thought Seju called her?

I can't make excuses cause i don't know without a translation as to what is being said.

I can only take your word till the translation is done.

very obvious from the context, last time they spoke, Sumin told her she will call her.. and how would Seju know when exactly Sumin will be in private
and it is fine, you and I look at things very differently :D

joined Feb 4, 2017

very obvious from the context, last time they spoke, Sumin told her she will call her.. and how would Seju know when exactly Sumin will be in private
and it is fine, you and I look at things very differently :D

I'm not argueing for once, just asking questions ;p

hehehe, it is a response, bcz true you can not take my word even if the translation came out anyway, no text is there to say clearly who started the call, but I got it naturally that it was Summin from the context of their last interaction in ch74 (ch75 takes off from the same day) .. it is okay to have different opinions about it though.. since this point does not change anything viral.
(but who carries their phone in a bath rope to the bathroom unless they want to make a phone call)
---> about the question mark, I did provide an answer.

last edited at Mar 18, 2017 3:41PM

joined Feb 4, 2017

---> about the question mark, I did provide an answer.

Was meaning the question marks at the end of my sentences.

did I sound angry ?!.. sorry about that.. it could be my German way XD

joined Mar 5, 2017

Still waiting for official trans. Merely basing from the pics, Sungji feels so happy and inlove but imo i can't tell if Sumin is happy as well. Well, that secret phone call, again? Really Sumin?

joined Feb 4, 2017

Still waiting for official trans. Merely basing from the pics, Sungji feels so happy and inlove but imo i can't tell if Sumin is happy as well. Well, that secret phone call, again? Really Sumin?

something is off between them too, look at Sungji facial expression.. then later Sumin nicely pushes Sungji's hug with a lame excuses to clean the bathroom.. guess to do what !

the moment I saw the bath top I was hit by memories of the silver haired girl too

joined Feb 4, 2017

Well you doesn't call me a dummkopf so no ; )

hehehehe, I would never XD

joined Mar 5, 2017

Still waiting for official trans. Merely basing from the pics, Sungji feels so happy and inlove but imo i can't tell if Sumin is happy as well. Well, that secret phone call, again? Really Sumin?

something is off between them too, look at Sungji facial expression.. then later Sumin nicely pushes Sungji's hug with a lame excuses to clean the bathroom.. guess to do what !

the moment I saw the bath top I was hit by memories of the silver haired girl too

Sumin looks worried more to me than anything else. She could be anxious about the whole house/Seju thing. I know I'm not very affectionate looking when i am.

It didnt look like Sumin pushed Seongji off to me. That's why i thought the sound effect in that panel was the phone ringing meaning Seju called her. But without a translation i could be wrong. It could have been the door closing.

This is why the translation is just as important as the "physical" scene itself.

Did she honestly whisper that she had to go clean the bathroom in Seongji's ear. Not the kind of dirty talk I'd expect.

I took a second look, as if Sungji is trying too hard, just imo. I agree with everyone with this chapter having too many unnecessary panels. Sumin soooo impatient and rude again, makes me wanna knock her head :)
Short hair, an ally or enemy???creepy

last edited at Mar 18, 2017 4:43PM

joined Mar 5, 2017

I took a second look, as if Sungji is trying too hard, just imo. I agree with everyone with this chapter having too many unnecessary panels.

Seongji's definitely a lot more aggressive now. Don't blame her though.

She has to. Shouldn't just be waiting on the sideline or else... Lol

joined Mar 5, 2017

I read some fans views on facebook. Last panel, short haired woman said "room service". i think Seju is in danger. will Sumin be on time? Aww drama!
Also, they want more SuminxSungji sex scenes!!!! Like really?? XXXDDD

last edited at Mar 18, 2017 5:20PM

joined Mar 5, 2017

The comments on there were painful to read. Both character fans were as bad as each other : p

Sumin has started to annoying me a bit more but she is still only my second least liked character.

I have always felt you're a Sungji fan though you never really said it straight. Hehehe

They really do trash talk in there and i just find my myself laughing. I'm weird. Hehehe

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