Slice of life stuff like this always makes me smile. I love it X)
Ahhhh,,so cute ;_;
last edited at Jan 28, 2017 5:59PM
Lovely art...
@Phil I completely agree. Third year OT3 is the best.
I bust out laughing XD this is something I would do sadly v_v
Did Touko-senpai put them up to this? XD
Oh god, i laughed too much.
...if this happens...the Disney world is going to end for sure xD
.....i ship it???
To Ship, or not Ship... That is the question
last edited at Jan 28, 2017 6:53PM
Oooo rapunzel's hair be wrapping around Aurora's legs :3
rapidly scrolling THIS.IS.SOME.DUMB CRAP.THAT.I.CAN'T.READ.CAUSE.MY.MOM'S.IN.THE.ROOM. Why are the pictures so big anyway? ;__;
Awwww she tried her best...HANG IN THERE YOU WILL GET THERE ONE DAY!!!
Hhhhhhhhhhuuuuuuuhhhhh!!!! S-SO K- KAWAII!!!!
Oh sayaka you tease :3
last edited at Mar 10, 2017 11:00PM
^ I've seen the visit, I'll admit that It's pretty good. But I haven't seen Split yet, Is it any good?
@june-monkey: Yes, they're in middle school, but Papikana's gotta be at least thirty. Besides, any show with enough of a fanbase is going to erotic fan art, especially when we have an established couple like this.
Oh boy, Dr. Goto got herself a new assistant~ (aka. Mizuki, Marina's former aide)
Tiger and bunny?
^ she found out that she had gotten ears some how xD
Aww cute it suits her nicely. Who is the 3rd person? Chika? Mari? Hanamaru?
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