Here are some replies to posts from last night and this morning:
@ MattoMaindo
Does that mean that you don't like kinky cakes either... T_T
I couldn't find any yuri cake, sorry! ^^
Hey, thanks for pointing that out! I know my English is a little wonky sometimes so I appreciate the help!
About the bad movie discussion... I know there are a lot of bad movies out there... but it's kinda funny that nothing comes to mind at the moment... maybe that's because I don't like to watch bad movies to begin with and when I do end up seeing one by chance... I usually just switch programs and forget about them...
But I can tell you about some bad TV shows! ^^
I've watched the new episode of Fear The Walking Dead yesterday... Boy that show is crap... It seems to me that the writers don't even try to make it any good anymore... It can't get any worse than this! It still pisses me off that they killed Lexa so that the actress could participate in FTWD...
Last show I canceled because it was just incredibly bad was True Detectives season 2.
I loved the first season – it was brilliant - but the second one is unbearable...
hahah! Jamiroquai!! Great!
That video was popular back in the day!
Good to see it again...
@ Blackkitty
Maybe I am good at it ^^ But it's a big hindrance for being a productive member of society at the same time ;) 'cause you can't get me to do anything that doesn't make me feel good – it doesn't have to be immediately but at least on the longer run...
That scene you described sounded like a dream like state indeed...
It's a shame that so many people don't pay attention to those little things...
Glad you liked your purple cake! (^_-)v
@ ciega
Sorry for that cake! But unfortunately it was the only kinky cake I found with some chocolate on it... otherwise I would have preferred a different one, believe me!!! ;)
That one looks a lot funnier tbh:
@ Rina
Loved your comment about Justice Warriors and Feminist Agenda! ✌(◕‿-)✌
@ Galich
Yeah, that's exactly what I meant... great help... (V_v)
But whatever... it's not that I need to know... just made me curious... I have my theories at least ;)