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joined Dec 9, 2014

I did not realize about ever seeing MacySan. When i wen thru and found out that she was one of the early posters with us, i felt sort of bad for not remember her. Sorry MacySan. I wish i was able to talk to you.

Lol. I remember MacySan. I still look for her in this thread whenever I have the chance to take a look at this thread xD

Oh heyy people xD Hello Fay! :D
I don't visit this thread anymore, I'm regularly on WDTFS one though. I need to focus on my work, and conversations make me really lose my drift anf focus.
But I couldn't sleep tonight much, so I decided to visit this thread and look a couple of pages back and found this xD

I've noticed the news about Su's health before, and I'm glad she is fine! I don't usually like to say much, because I feel like words are meaningless in these situations. Anyway glad it all turned good!

Also about Citrus lol. To be honest, I dont really dislike it, but not something that excites me either. After last year's 4 month hiatus people started losing interest though. The updates shoud be once in a month imo, to keep the interest going. Because for this much wait, we get almost nothing in the end.
It was good in the beggining, but it feels like the author had the idea only for the first chapters (maybe until Mei's dad arc) and then ran out of ideas, so she started introdusing new characters.
Last chapters, it has gotten a little better, now that there is some develpment between Yuzu and Mei.

I think that we got way better yuris during last year, so Citrus has lost its shine because other better stuff have emerged too, like FF and WDTFS.

last edited at May 13, 2016 9:47PM

joined Jan 13, 2016

Hello MacySan...are u still wandering here?

joined Jan 13, 2016

Hooray we made to page 311 people. I think today has been very active.

joined Feb 8, 2016

Lin (I may or may not have written Su, the first time around...)

I had the same thoughts about the brother of one of my ex-girlfriends back in uni. xD He was so ridiculously handsome, I kept wondering why in the world he didn't have a girlfriend. Then I found out he was a jerk, who was just out there to stick his dick in any pussy he could find (which wasn't too hard for him, given his looks) and he basically treated all women like breathing sex toys. =_= Such a waste of a nice face. But seriously, it's mind blowing just how pretty some people are. xD

Lol yeah heard that one before. Hopefully his sister didn't have the same attitude ;)

Oh, tell me about it! I probably lost 10 years of my life on that day. xD I already had this weird foreboding feeling in my stomach when Su told me that morning, that she wasn't feeling well, that she thought something might be off with her heart and that she'd see her doctor right after breakfast. Then next thing I know is I had literally just arrived in the office when I get a call from the hospital and they ask me to come over. And as soon as I get there, they're telling me it's transplantation time and Su gives me that awful "If I don't make it" talk. Dx Then they're taking her away before I can even respond properly to everything she said and so the longest 3.5 hours of my life begin. Wasn't it you, who once said you fainted in hospital one time? I guess now we have something in common. xD I was just so relieved when they told me everything went perfectly fine and she'll be okay. I'm probably gonna cry like hell when I go visit her on Sunday. xD

The fainting club isn't one I would wish upon anybody, but yes that was me that mentioned it before. What's important is that she's okay now! Are you much of a cryer? It's probably for the best to just let it out :) Kanojo cries at the drop of a hat, so if I told her yours and Su's recent happenings, she would definitely cry.

That moment when you've written a rough draft of the first 25 pages of a term paper and you read through it just to check where you're going with your thoughts only to realize you've been talking in circles for an estimated 10 pages. /sighs/ Well then. Have at it, girl.

Lol that's bad but you'll manage. Talking in circles isn't necessarily a good thing, but writing a coherent paper where you set up your point and then beat it over the head for many many pages of sound examples is a skill that everyone should have.

joined Feb 8, 2016

ulala all of those are all very impressive Nezchan and Newp

Yes you're both awesome ^^ Hope you both pursue your passions.

elthundergato, did you get the intern out of your system after a few evening romps lol? You haven't talked about her in awhile.

hmmmm funny that u mention it, i just had a conversation with her this past weekend about being Poly and her reaction wasn't the greatest but last night she mention that she was "curious to learn more." Im not sure what that means moving forward but I guess she's not running away....right now. sigh we always get bad rep.

Being open about it is probably a good start. Admittedly, my only experience with someone who actually used the word "polyamorous," was not a good one by the end of it. I had recently broke up with my college girlfriend (longest relationship up to that point), and wasn't looking to get into another any time soon. I met my boss's sister at the time and we really hit it off. Even so, I had made it really clear that I didn't want a relationship and then things went on for awhile and she talked about being polyamorous. I think she may have just not explained it that well to me, but I was completely ignorant on the term and she made it sound like it was a nice term for having more than one friend with benefits, which seemed totally fine given the situation we had going. Then she was gradually wanting to introduce me to people in her life and it just felt like we were going in a much more serious direction than I wanted, and she had been giving me quite a bit of attitude as if she were jealous about some stuff (which she was, apparently). So I talked to her about it and became clear she thought we were a couple, and I was just like, "but wait.. what?" She just seemed really frustrated with me even though we'd both made an effort to be clear about what we wanted... I guess. Wow this got long-winded, but yeah, I don't think that's how polyamory always goes down, but for sure if you're with somebody who's unfamiliar and doesn't identity as poly, tread carefully and with very open communication lol.

joined Feb 8, 2016

Sorry I didn't answer you guys sooner! Thought I'd be back on sooner, but the evening sort of got away from me. Captain America was fun, but not really how I was expecting things to pan out (considering the comics). At least kanojo enjoyed it compared to most superhero movies, and it's hard to rope her into some of my geekier interests.

Kanojo's mom wanted the kids over for dinner and shit sort of hit the fan with kanojo's imoto and mom. Imoto's boyfriend didn't show up for dinner, and their mom already doesn't like the guy (he is a bit of a tool, but you don't tell your friends that until they're ready to hear it...) and they got into big bickering match.Anyway, we were off in our own world washing the dishes (I was washing the dishes and kanojo was finding creative/frisky ways to make it a much slower process) and then imoto starts yelling about "not every relationship is like those two (points to me and kanojo...), and now you think anybody I date is shit, but you had known [insert my real name] for years already..." and blahblahblah... it escalated... I'm always mortified that they can swear around their parents. If I swore in an argument with my mom, I would be in deep shit. We were having such a nice evening together so kanojo and I got out of there pretty quickly o_o'

Side note: ever since it got warmer, all I want is frozen yogurt. Think I got a little cup of it 4 out of 5 weekdays now...

last edited at May 14, 2016 4:53AM

joined Apr 3, 2016

Lin (I may or may not have written Su, the first time around...)

/sighs/ It's okay, I got used to it by now, I think. xD It always happens when Su and me are in the same forum somewhere. People start mixing us up for some reason after a while. Are we really that similar? xD

Lol yeah heard that one before. Hopefully his sister didn't have the same attitude ;)

She didn't. xD She had no idea what moderation was (she was the kind of girl who thinks of buying something and then basically immediately walks out the door to go buy that thing) and I don't think there was even one weekend when she didn't go partying, but she was nice overall. xD

The fainting club isn't one I would wish upon anybody, but yes that was me that mentioned it before. What's important is that she's okay now! Are you much of a cryer? It's probably for the best to just let it out :) Kanojo cries at the drop of a hat, so if I told her yours and Su's recent happenings, she would definitely cry.

Kanojo and me might have something in common as well then, in the fact that we probably both belong to the small percentage of people, who are actually empathetic instead of sympathetic. xD Makes my job as a psychologist a whole lot easier, but it also makes my inner world a complete mess. xD I don't cry right away, but compared to other people, I'd say I do cry quite a lot.

Lol that's bad but you'll manage. Talking in circles isn't necessarily a good thing, but writing a coherent paper where you set up your point and then beat it over the head for many many pages of sound examples is a skill that everyone should have.

Trust me, even examples to prove a point are only good in moderation, at least for the kind of paper I'm writing. xD I'm mainly trying to explain how I came to the conclusions I'm describing and then use these conclusions to suggest adapting a different mindset for psychotherapy and for applied humanistic psychology in general. Being able to prove a point is good, but when you're trying to get people to follow your thoughts and arrive at the same conclusions you came to, you need to make sure to have a thick, golden thread for easy guidance instead of putting up walls and defenses around a point nobody has even challenged yet. Persuasion is always Plan A. Argumentation comes in as Plan B when persuasion failed. xD

joined Apr 3, 2016

Sorry I didn't answer you guys sooner! Thought I'd be back on sooner, but the evening sort of got away from me. Captain America was fun, but not really how I was expecting things to pan out (considering the comics). At least kanojo enjoyed it compared to most superhero movies, and it's hard to rope her into some of my geekier interests.

Captain America was Marvel, right? I always mix up Marvel and DC. Dx

Kanojo's mom wanted the kids over for dinner and shit sort of hit the fan with kanojo's imoto and mom. Imoto's boyfriend didn't show up for dinner, and their mom already doesn't like the guy (he is a bit of a tool, but you don't tell your friends that until they're ready to hear it...) and they got into big bickering match.Anyway, we were off in our own world washing the dishes (I was washing the dishes and kanojo was finding creative/frisky ways to make it a much slower process) and then imoto starts yelling about "not every relationship is like those two (points to me and kanojo...), and now you think anybody I date is shit, but you had known [insert my real name] for years already..." and blahblahblah... it escalated... I'm always mortified that they can swear around their parents. If I swore in an argument with my mom, I would be in deep shit. We were having such a nice evening together so kanojo and I got out of there pretty quickly o_o'

Oh wow....Hope everything is gonna turn out okay with those two. By the way, if you don't mind me asking: what did you mean when you said the boyfriend is a bit of a tool? What does he do to get that rep?

Side note: ever since it got warmer, all I want is frozen yogurt. Think I got a little cup of it 4 out of 5 weekdays now...

I've been having ice cream a lot lately as well. If this continues, I'm gonna have to start hitting the gym again soon. xD

joined Feb 8, 2016

Lin (I may or may not have written Su, the first time around...)

/sighs/ It's okay, I got used to it by now, I think. xD It always happens when Su and me are in the same forum somewhere. People start mixing us up for some reason after a while. Are we really that similar? xD

Lol I don't think it's your similarities so much as you share a life together so we'll hear a story from one of you and then possibly part of it from the other, but both your names are mentioned at any given time, and it all sort of mushes together :P

She didn't. xD She had no idea what moderation was (she was the kind of girl who thinks of buying something and then basically immediately walks out the door to go buy that thing) and I don't think there was even one weekend when she didn't go partying, but she was nice overall. xD

Not the partying bit, but kanojo's spending habits can be pretty outrageous when she has something in mind. Some times it's small, and then some times it's revamping the entire kitchen... Her mother and sister are the same way, so I've gotten used to it and learned to pick my battles.

Kanojo and me might have something in common as well then, in the fact that we probably both belong to the small percentage of people, who are actually empathetic instead of sympathetic. xD Makes my job as a psychologist a whole lot easier, but it also makes my inner world a complete mess. xD I don't cry right away, but compared to other people, I'd say I do cry quite a lot.

Yeah the way I'd put it is that you're both better and nicer people than I am lol... It's not like I go out of my way to be an ass, but ya know some people are just more adept to making the people around them happy. Kanojo's just a born leader. She's not very chatty around large groups of people, but she compels them to do stuff with a lot fewer words than whatever I could babbling about. So sure she cries a lot, but mostly to me and her close friend and family. Anyway, I get a similar vibe from you in that respect lol.

Trust me, even examples to prove a point are only good in moderation, at least for the kind of paper I'm writing. xD I'm mainly trying to explain how I came to the conclusions I'm describing and then use these conclusions to suggest adapting a different mindset for psychotherapy and for applied humanistic psychology in general. Being able to prove a point is good, but when you're trying to get people to follow your thoughts and arrive at the same conclusions you came to, you need to make sure to have a thick, golden thread for easy guidance instead of putting up walls and defenses around a point nobody has even challenged yet. Persuasion is always Plan A. Argumentation comes in as Plan B when persuasion failed. xD

I see your point, good luck :D What I was talking about is the foundation that people should learn, not a specialized skill for a particular type of field. A lot of people have problems getting their words out, and it helps to get everything out and then arrange it and cut out the fat until it's a lean and compelling paper. It's surprising to me how many people can go through high school and college and still not be able to properly articulate a point, especially in written form. Even if it's not something they need to do for their work, it's one of those life skills I think everyone should have.

joined Mar 8, 2014 work IS yuri!

wait what? o_o you actually get payed?

joined Feb 8, 2016

Captain America was Marvel, right? I always mix up Marvel and DC. Dx

Lol yes Cap is Marvel. Captain America: Civil War, is actually based off a Marvel comic series (Civil War) that wasn't specifically about Captain America, but they adapted the story into his movie series anyway.

Oh wow....Hope everything is gonna turn out okay with those two.

They'll be alright. They're a very close family, but it's been an adjustment. I love her to death but imoto... enjoys attention. Kanojo had been living away from here for years, so even though they all talk with each other a lot, it was always imoto that was buddy buddy with their mother. Once kanojo and I met and then started going out, all the sudden the older sister is visiting more and now lives here in the same city... sibling rivalry kicks in a bit. Both of them are very successful in their professions, but obviously kanojo's older and is farther along in her career... and love life... so I think it's starting to get on imoto's nerves even though she loves her family very much. I get her point honestly. Her mom has been all over me lately, and once she decided she didn't like this guy, it's been hard for him to do anything right.

By the way, if you don't mind me asking: what did you mean when you said the boyfriend is a bit of a tool? What does he do to get that rep?

He's a bit of a closet geek, which I like and so does imoto, but otherwise he's a financial consultant that has a bad habit of talking about getting wined and dined by such and such people or whatever, and it comes off reeeaaally pretty cocky lol. Also they're all such family-oriented people and he has no concept of that. Whenever I have a moment around him alone, I'll bother to drop a hint and make it obvious that I'm going to be at whatever their parents want, because I know imoto wants him to go, but he misses a lot of it. I remember him skipping their dad's birthday party for a game of golf. He made it seem like he would have missed a big networking opportunity, but it didn't go over well...

Side note: ever since it got warmer, all I want is frozen yogurt. Think I got a little cup of it 4 out of 5 weekdays now...

I've been having ice cream a lot lately as well. If this continues, I'm gonna have to start hitting the gym again soon. xD

I pretend like it's no big deal because I eat it while standing :P

last edited at May 14, 2016 7:23AM

joined Apr 3, 2016

Lol I don't think it's your similarities so much as you share a life together so we'll hear a story from one of you and then possibly part of it from the other, but both your names are mentioned at any given time, and it all sort of mushes together :P

I see, that makes sense. xD The people in the other forums say it's because we're kind of similar, which always surprises me, cause most of the time I feel like the only things Su and me don't disagree on are what to eat for dinner and which movie to watch afterward. xD

Yeah the way I'd put it is that you're both better and nicer people than I am lol... It's not like I go out of my way to be an ass, but ya know some people are just more adept to making the people around them happy. Kanojo's just a born leader. She's not very chatty around large groups of people, but she compels them to do stuff with a lot fewer words than whatever I could babbling about. So sure she cries a lot, but mostly to me and her close friend and family. Anyway, I get a similar vibe from you in that respect lol.

I cry to my cat most of the time, to be honest. xD I don't feel comfortable crying around people, so I usually suck it up for a while and let it out later when I'm on my own. I think Su and Lucy are the only ones, who saw me cry more than once or twice. I usually try to avoid crying around Su though, because she has a habit of getting really protective when she sees me cry. She dotes on me and clings to me for hours even when I tell her I'm fine and as cute as that is, but I'm not a fan of it. xD

I see your point, good luck :D What I was talking about is the foundation that people should learn, not a specialized skill for a particular type of field. A lot of people have problems getting their words out, and it helps to get everything out and then arrange it and cut out the fat until it's a lean and compelling paper. It's surprising to me how many people can go through high school and college and still not be able to properly articulate a point, especially in written form. Even if it's not something they need to do for their work, it's one of those life skills I think everyone should have.

That's something I agree with. Sometimes it's downright worrisome how not even grown, supposedly intelligent adults can get even a simple point across without tripping over their words at least once or twice. Written or not, you should be able to argue properly.

joined Feb 8, 2016

I see, that makes sense. xD The people in the other forums say it's because we're kind of similar, which always surprises me, cause most of the time I feel like the only things Su and me don't disagree on are what to eat for dinner and which movie to watch afterward. xD

Hehe well you're both #TeamPink also :P

I cry to my cat most of the time, to be honest. xD I don't feel comfortable crying around people, so I usually suck it up for a while and let it out later when I'm on my own. I think Su and Lucy are the only ones, who saw me cry more than once or twice. I usually try to avoid crying around Su though, because she has a habit of getting really protective when she sees me cry. She dotes on me and clings to me for hours even when I tell her I'm fine and as cute as that is, but I'm not a fan of it. xD

Su sounds like a nice puppy. Sit by your feet for hours while you're upset lol. I cry maybe once a year at most, and usually not to anyone but my mom. Usually it's parent-induced crying anyway; I get a bit mushy when it comes to my family. Though I did have a bit of a weepy moment not long ago once kanojo and I had worked things out. Tears of relief. That was the first time she's seen me cry :| Totally mortifying.

joined Mar 8, 2014

ugh I cant stand Citrus it has the IQ of a Telenovela (Latin American television soap opera.)
just bad everything

it's missing the evil blonde.
to be honest I would say it's that bad, at least they're making some progress and they don't keep going on between "I love you, I don't love you" XD
Btw, yesterday I found a spanish series that has a lesbian couple ^-^, it seemed interesting (it's not like a telenovela I think!)

elthundergato, did you get the intern out of your system after a few evening romps lol? You haven't talked about her in awhile.

hmmmm funny that u mention it, i just had a conversation with her this past weekend about being Poly and her reaction wasn't the greatest but last night she mention that she was "curious to learn more." Im not sure what that means moving forward but I guess she's not running away....right now. sigh we always get bad rep.

.> I did think she might not be saying everything she feels... I don't know anything about her but if she really likes you it's likely that she wants to give it a try.

wow, you have an interesting back story!! do you also write books or plan to publish anything??

joined Mar 8, 2014

I did not realize about ever seeing MacySan. When i wen thru and found out that she was one of the early posters with us, i felt sort of bad for not remember her. Sorry MacySan. I wish i was able to talk to you.

Lol. I remember MacySan. I still look for her in this thread whenever I have the chance to take a look at this thread xD

Oh heyy people xD Hello Fay! :D
I don't visit this thread anymore, I'm regularly on WDTFS one though. I need to focus on my work, and conversations make me really lose my drift anf focus.
But I couldn't sleep tonight much, so I decided to visit this thread and look a couple of pages back and found this xD

I've noticed the news about Su's health before, and I'm glad she is fine! I don't usually like to say much, because I feel like words are meaningless in these situations. Anyway glad it all turned good!

Also about Citrus lol. To be honest, I dont really dislike it, but not something that excites me either. After last year's 4 month hiatus people started losing interest though. The updates shoud be once in a month imo, to keep the interest going. Because for this much wait, we get almost nothing in the end.
It was good in the beggining, but it feels like the author had the idea only for the first chapters (maybe until Mei's dad arc) and then ran out of ideas, so she started introdusing new characters.
Last chapters, it has gotten a little better, now that there is some develpment between Yuzu and Mei.

I think that we got way better yuris during last year, so Citrus has lost its shine because other better stuff have emerged too, like FF and WDTFS.

yes, you're right about citrus!!
and yeah I do see you in the wdtfs thread some times XD
btw, I wanted to ask what city you live in, if you don't mind telling me ^-^

joined Apr 3, 2016

They'll be alright. They're a very close family, but it's been an adjustment. I love her to death but imoto... enjoys attention. Kanojo had been living away from here for years, so even though they all talk with each other a lot, it was always imoto that was buddy buddy with their mother. Once kanojo and I met and then started going out, all the sudden the older sister is visiting more and now lives here in the same city... sibling rivalry kicks in a bit. Both of them are very successful in their professions, but obviously kanojo's older and is farther along in her career... and love life... so I think it's starting to get on imoto's nerves even though she loves her family very much. I get her point honestly. Her mom has been all over me lately, and once she decided she didn't like this guy, it's been hard for him to do anything right.

That sounds complicated. But a close family like that usually has its way of working out their problems among each other. Though I do agree, things like that take adjusting from both sides. If he continues with that attitude of his and the mother doesn't give him another chance, things might just take quite a while to settle. Have you considered using the mother's affection for you to his advantage? If you think he's a good person, maybe you could try putting in a word for him.

He's a bit of a closet geek, which I like and so does imoto, but otherwise he's a financial consultant that has a bad habit of talking about getting wined and dined by such and such people or whatever, and it comes off reeeaaally pretty cocky lol. Also they're all such family-oriented people and he has no concept of that. Whenever I have a moment around him alone, I'll bother to drop a hint and make it obvious that I'm going to be at whatever their parents want, because I know imoto wants him to go, but he misses a lot of it. I remember him skipping their dad's birthday party for a game of golf. He made it seem like he would have missed a big networking opportunity, but it didn't go over well...

You know, tool or not, but I feel this guy. ^_^; Even when you do try your best to make a good impression, families with tight bonds can be very hard to deal with. I remember when Su and me started dating and she introduced me to her family. Grandparents, parents and kids all living together in one big house. All these eyes silently judging me... /shivers at the memory/ Her younger brother, who was 13 at the time and barely stood tall enough to reach my chest, actually stood in front of me, stared me up and down and then told me "I don't trust pretty people like you. I can kickbox, just so you're warned. In case you hurt Su, I mean." I repeat: he was 13 and about half my size. /trembles/ Pride of lions, I'm telling you. You mess with one of them, you mess with the entire clan. >_<

I pretend like it's no big deal because I eat it while standing :P

Sorry to burst your bubble, but I don't think it works that way. xD

joined Feb 8, 2016

Yeah also agree with MacySan about Citrus losing its shine to better yuri. Sorry forgot to answer when I got caught up answering Lin. Hey Fay, hope you're enjoying your break and having a bit of fun :)

joined Mar 8, 2014

Yeah also agree with MacySan about Citrus losing its shine to better yuri. Sorry forgot to answer when I got caught up answering Lin. Hey Fay, hope you're enjoying your break and having a bit of fun :)

nope I'm starting work, which is good but my mom keeps insinuating I'm gonna mess up my finances again next year and I probably got mildly heartbroken and have very confusing feelings for a friend, but I'll be fine I guess...

last edited at May 14, 2016 7:52AM

joined Feb 8, 2016

That sounds complicated. But a close family like that usually has its way of working out their problems among each other. Though I do agree, things like that take adjusting from both sides. If he continues with that attitude of his and the mother doesn't give him another chance, things might just take quite a while to settle. Have you considered using the mother's affection for you to his advantage? If you think he's a good person, maybe you could try putting in a word for him.

I don't like him enough to go too far out of my way for him on my own. If imoto or kanojo asked me to, I would, but neither of them have suggested anything of the sort to me yet. I did test the waters once, telling their mom that we'd gone a nice double date together and how they seem pretty chummy lately, and all I got was some grumbling about how he must have a problem with them (the parents) since he seems to have time for everyone else... Geez am I glad I got on her good side... going on almost a decade ago / horrid realization that imoto and I have been friends for more than a decade /

You know, tool or not, but I feel this guy. ^_^; Even when you do try your best to make a good impression, families with tight bonds can be very hard to deal with. I remember when Su and me started dating and she introduced me to her family. Grandparents, parents and kids all living together in one big house. All these eyes silently judging me... /shivers at the memory/ Her younger brother, who was 13 at the time and barely stood tall enough to reach my chest, actually stood in front of me, stared me up and down and then told me "I don't trust pretty people like you. I can kickbox, just so you're warned. In case you hurt Su, I mean." I repeat: he was 13 and about half my size. /trembles/ Pride of lions, I'm telling you. You mess with one of them, you mess with the entire clan. >_<

Lol quite horrifying but very funny xD Su said you and her dad had a better encounter recently, so I hope things only improve on that end. If it's any consolation, kanojo's dad has an entire room of the house dedicated to his antique gun collection. I think there are some swords in there, too. He claims all of them are still functional...

I pretend like it's no big deal because I eat it while standing :P

Sorry to burst your bubble, but I don't think it works that way. xD


last edited at May 14, 2016 8:29AM

joined Feb 8, 2016

nope I'm starting work, which is good but my mom keeps insinuating I'm gonna mess up my finances again next year

That's rude of her, to say the least. Try to keep your chin up, work hard, and makes lots of dough. There's really no replacement for the feeling financial independence can give you.

and I probably got mildly heartbroken and have very confusing feelings for a friend, but I'll be fine I guess...

That's a part of life that's hard to learn how to navigate no matter how old you get. But mild heartbreak is probably accurate. You have to really want something from the person for it to be extra bad, and it seems like you're still occupied trying to get your footing in school and work and college life in general. Try not to let it get you too down and focus on getting done the things you have control over :)

last edited at May 14, 2016 8:23AM

joined Mar 8, 2014

nope I'm starting work, which is good but my mom keeps insinuating I'm gonna mess up my finances again next year

That's rude of her, to say the least. Try to keep your chin up, work hard, and makes lots of dough. There's really no replacement for the feeling financial independence can give you.

Well, she didn't directly say that and she probably doesn't even realize she insinuated it and I guess she didn't mean to but... she did insinuate it and I didn't like that... because when it comes to trying to encourage she'll tell me "don't worry, you'll be fine" but technically she'd never say that she'll just try to make sure she makes a bunch of plans in case I mess up and when I say it's not needed she will insist that it probably is. It's all lies; her trusting me, it's just that if I ask her directly she'll act like a good mother and say she does but when it all comes down to it she just thinks I'm not mature enough or responsible enough or whatever.

and I probably got mildly heartbroken and have very confusing feelings for a friend, but I'll be fine I guess...

That's a part of life that's hard to learn how to navigate no matter how old you get. But mild heartbreak is probably accurate. You have to really want something from the person for it to be extra bad, and it seems like you're still occupied trying to get your footing in school and work and college life in general. Try not to let it get you too down and focus on getting done the things you have control over :)

it's not that; I'd never let school and other stuff (or more accurately it wouldn't happen) get in the way of my feelings for someone. It just happens that they're not very strong feelings... Ah, and yes of course I don't want anything from this person. She clearly wouldn't like me back and it's not like I feel that I don't have eyes for anyone else but her so I don't think that would change because I've known her for a long time... but I'm still not sure to what degree I'm suppressing them because I have no other option but to suppress them...

joined Dec 9, 2014

Hello MacySan...are u still wandering here?

Nah, maybe I check once in a week but I don't really follow. It takes my attention away and it's hard for me to focus afterwards. But last night I was up late and happen to see this xD

yes, you're right about citrus!!
and yeah I do see you in the wdtfs thread some times XD
btw, I wanted to ask what city you live in, if you don't mind telling me ^-^

I currently live in Thessaloniki xD

joined Feb 8, 2016

Well, she didn't directly say that and she probably doesn't even realize she insinuated it and I guess she didn't mean to but... she did insinuate it and I didn't like that... because when it comes to trying to encourage she'll tell me "don't worry, you'll be fine" but technically she'd never say that she'll just try to make sure she makes a bunch of plans in case I mess up and when I say it's not needed she will insist that it probably is. It's all lies; her trusting me, it's just that if I ask her directly she'll act like a good mother and say she does but when it all comes down to it she just thinks I'm not mature enough or responsible enough or whatever.

It's pretty normal for parents to have some back up plans or saved money in case their kids need more than expected. It's not normal to let their kids know about said safeguards unless they're necessary. But yeah, can't emphasize enough that providing for yourself is important. Even if she continues doing stuff you don't appreciate, you can move on day to day not caring as much about her actions.

That's a part of life that's hard to learn how to navigate no matter how old you get. But mild heartbreak is probably accurate. You have to really want something from the person for it to be extra bad, and it seems like you're still occupied trying to get your footing in school and work and college life in general. Try not to let it get you too down and focus on getting done the things you have control over :)

it's not that; I'd never let school and other stuff (or more accurately it wouldn't happen) get in the way of my feelings for someone.

Not letting something happen and something that "wouldn't happen" are very separate things. You don't really know what you will and will not do until you're met with a challenge.

It just happens that they're not very strong feelings... Ah, and yes of course I don't want anything from this person. She clearly wouldn't like me back and it's not like I feel that I don't have eyes for anyone else but her so I don't think that would change because I've known her for a long time... but I'm still not sure to what degree I'm suppressing them because I have no other option but to suppress them...

Well, as a rule of thumb, suppressing things usually doesn't turn out well. This is coming from someone that's prone to shelving things that I don't like to think about until I can't take it anymore. Just liking someone with complete sincerity can feel pretty good. Don't let the doubt get in the way of you having a bit of fun.

joined Apr 3, 2016


/ horrid realization that imoto and I have been friends for more than a decade /

xD Time is a scary thing, eh? Lol

Lol quite horrifying but very funny xD Su said you and her dad had a better encounter recently, so I hope things only improve on that end.

Yes, we had some refreshingly nice conversations when we visited them on Mother's Day. I don't expect him to become the next gay rights ambassador, but if we can just remain civil like that with each other, I'll be happy enough.

kanojo's dad has an entire room of the house dedicated to his antique gun collection. I think there are some swords in there, too. He claims all of them are still functional...

A whole room? Okay, question: how big is that room exactly?


I currently live in Thessaloniki xD

Is that in Greece as well?

joined Dec 9, 2014


I currently live in Thessaloniki xD

Is that in Greece as well?

Yep. There are a lot of tourists in those areas in summer (besides the islands). And people from Germany too

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