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Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Because of new work I will be home usually around 23 or later (our european time) on saturdays so I won't be able to play. I might try asking if I can always come faster on saturdays, but I'm not sure if that is even possible. Starting session later with our pacing is pointless and asking you 'lune to always take a nap before I finish, so you can stay longer is out of the question. So they only realistic options are to change time or to give up.

joined Aug 16, 2014

Would you be willing/avaible for it on sundays, 'lune?

joined Dec 18, 2013

As long is in weekend, I'm game for any time.

joined Feb 11, 2014

sundays afternoon could be an option for me, but would probably mean morning or even earlier for some of you. Sunday evenings... Well, could be possible, but frankly that would mean shorter sessions as I can't afford to stay up too late on a sunday night. We usually stop session around 2am my time, so on sunday night, might end up around 1am instead.

Friday evening would allow me to stay around the same time, but if some of you work around that time, might not be an option either way.

When are you starting on those hours, nevri ?

joined Aug 16, 2014

sundays afternoon could be an option for me, but would probably mean morning or even earlier for some of you.

At least about 13:00 GMT should be doable for myself.

Sunday evenings... Well, could be possible, but frankly that would mean shorter sessions as I can't afford to stay up too late on a sunday night.

Less time is better than no time xD

Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Chantelune posted:

When are you starting on those hours, nevri ?

I already did. I work tuesday - saturday, so friday is out of question. Sunday morning-afternoon sounds like best bet. From what I got when and how long I work depends on when the delivery comes. It is usually around 13-14 so that is usually when I will be starting work, but sometimes I might have to come on 12, sometimes 15-16. Usually I will work 8 hours, but depending on how much there is I might need to stay later or I might finish faster. Basically I can't predict it beforehand so it is best to set it on day I don't work (aka sunday).

joined Dec 18, 2013

Sunday is perfect for me, so I'll be fine with any of your suggestions Lune

joined Feb 11, 2014

Mmmh, guess we can try sunday afternoon, at 13:00 GMT.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Perfect for me

Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Turned out that because of christmas I have friday and saturday free. So if you want we can have session on normal time this week. Though it would probably be better to get used to new time already.

joined Feb 11, 2014

Well, unless someone can't make it on sunday, might as well go on the new schedule.

joined Aug 16, 2014

I've updated my journ the wiki with the info we have about the Order of Leopold and the Sheriff.

last edited at Jan 3, 2016 2:50PM

joined Feb 11, 2014

Just a reminder that you'll get to finally keep strolling in the sewers sunday, at the usual time. ^^

joined Feb 11, 2014

I'll be busy on sunday, so will have to report the next game to the week after.

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Np 'lune

joined Dec 18, 2013

Okay Lune. Be careful out there!

joined Feb 11, 2014

Not sure yet, but there's a chance I might be a bit late today, hopefully not at all or not too much.

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Just reminder that this sunday I can play normally.

joined Feb 11, 2014

Well, if both dark and none are available, guess we can do a session, though I might be a bit late.

joined Dec 18, 2013

I'm free

joined Aug 16, 2014

Same here.

joined Feb 11, 2014

Then all good. But as I said, I might be late, not sure how long, but hopefully shouldn't be too much.

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Chantelune posted:

Then all good. But as I said, I might be late, not sure how long, but hopefully shouldn't be too much.

No problem

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

So everyone is fine with having session this week on saturday, on our old time? For me and 'lune 20:30, none 15:30, Dark 13:30?

joined Aug 16, 2014

Saturday 18:30 GMT is fine by me.

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