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joined Sep 15, 2015

Why people don't believe me?

Remember you jumped under Newp's bed sheets to escape from Faylicia? Yeah, you don't seem to have much room to defend yourself. xD

She sneaked in my wifey's covers. She's got no shaaaame

Su and Lin is coming with us right ??

Depends on when and how. xD

we're still finalizing the details and such. It's quite complicated considering everybody's schedules and such.

last edited at Apr 15, 2016 5:48PM

joined Feb 8, 2016


joined Apr 3, 2016

She's got no shaaaame

Coming out the mouth of the one flirting with Llama. Your wifey is gonna divorce you at that rate. xD

joined Sep 15, 2015

She's got no shaaaame

Coming out the mouth of the one flirting with Llama. Your wifey is gonna divorce you at that rate. xD

We had an agreement that Newp's gonna be the #1 and GraciousLlama's the #2. We all agreed with a 3P ending xD


Sounds about right xD

last edited at Apr 15, 2016 5:49PM

joined Mar 8, 2014

An orgy trip held by Azai

Ya'll people need to learn to keep your raging libidos in check. Seriously, and I thought Su was bad! x'D

I don't want that either ;_;

joined Mar 8, 2014

She's got no shaaaame

Coming out the mouth of the one flirting with Llama. Your wifey is gonna divorce you at that rate. xD

We had an agreement that Newp's gonna be the #1 and GraciousLlama's the #2. We all agreed with a 3P ending xD


Sounds about right xD

yeah and I'm their daughter ^-^

joined Sep 15, 2015

She's got no shaaaame

Coming out the mouth of the one flirting with Llama. Your wifey is gonna divorce you at that rate. xD

We had an agreement that Newp's gonna be the #1 and GraciousLlama's the #2. We all agreed with a 3P ending xD


Sounds about right xD

yeah and I'm their daughter ^-^

And we have a proud daughter here people !!

joined Feb 13, 2016

She's got no shaaaame

Coming out the mouth of the one flirting with Llama. Your wifey is gonna divorce you at that rate. xD

Burn, KittoKatto. Can I borrow Draglin?

joined Sep 15, 2015

She's got no shaaaame

Coming out the mouth of the one flirting with Llama. Your wifey is gonna divorce you at that rate. xD

Burn, KittoKatto. Can I borrow Draglin?

Lol. No you burn Azai
Burn and sink with your sinking ship xD

joined Feb 13, 2016

Bc you're like dofudofu's right hand girl with all the perviness xD

LMAO. Tofu-san injured her hand and I am the substitute? So that makes me The hand that sets things ablaze?

joined Feb 8, 2016

Bc you're like dofudofu's right hand girl with all the perviness xD

LMAO. Tofu-san injured her hand and I am the substitute? So that makes me The hand that sets things ablaze?

Lol Azai's the pervy understudy. Fills in when necessary.

joined Sep 15, 2015

Bc you're like dofudofu's right hand girl with all the perviness xD

LMAO. Tofu-san injured her hand and I am the substitute? So that makes me The hand that sets things ablaze?

And don't bring out that hands set ablaze again >.<

Lol Azai's the pervy understudy. Fills in when necessary.

She totally have it in her xD

last edited at Apr 15, 2016 5:56PM

joined Feb 13, 2016

Bc you're like dofudofu's right hand girl with all the perviness xD

LMAO. Tofu-san injured her hand and I am the substitute? So that makes me The hand that sets things ablaze?

Lol Azai's the pervy understudy. Fills in when necessary.

My future is brilliant.

joined Feb 8, 2016

In a bit I have to go to meet all of kanojo's coworkers at some dinner/out-for-drinks thing -_-

joined Jan 13, 2016

She's got no shaaaame

Coming out the mouth of the one flirting with Llama. Your wifey is gonna divorce you at that rate. xD

Burn, KittoKatto. Can I borrow Draglin?

No. Lin already lend him to me to fight Thia*** Sama this weekend.

joined Feb 13, 2016

Why people don't believe me?

Remember you jumped under Newp's bed sheets to escape from Faylicia? Yeah, you don't seem to have much room to defend yourself. xD

Excuse me. Let us remember who had her ass groped today.

last edited at Apr 15, 2016 6:12PM

joined Apr 3, 2016

...This thread seems to get more and more random with each day. I can't even remember who hooked up with whom in here. xD

Meh. I shall offer the assistance of my trusty Draglin as a make-up gift to Azai. Before she actually does send the Yakuza after me. ^_^;;
Go, my sweet, scaley darling! =D

So, we cool?

Also, I almost forgot.
/sighs/ I will slap myself for this, but...Su wants me to ask you if you actually do want that report on the hospital bathroom.

joined Feb 8, 2016

Also, I almost forgot.
/sighs/ I will slap myself for this, but...Su wants me to ask you if you actually do want that report on the hospital bathroom.

Oh hell to the yes.

Lin, you have a horny young girlfriend that's down to fuck. Be happy :) :P

last edited at Apr 15, 2016 6:06PM

joined Jan 13, 2016

...This thread seems to get more and more random with each day. I can't even remember who hooked up with whom in here. xD

Meh. I shall offer the assistance of my trusty Draglin as a make-up gift to Azai. Before she actually does send the Yakuza after me. ^_^;;
Go, my sweet, scaley darling! =D

So, we cool?

Also, I almost forgot.
/sighs/ I will slap myself for this, but...Su wants me to ask you if you actually do want that report on the hospital bathroom.

Lin didn't you already gave him to me to help defeat my enemy? How cruel? Did you call him back?

joined Apr 3, 2016

Oh hell to the yes.

/siiighs/ I should've just kept my mouth shut. Fine, I'll tell her tomorrow. xD

Lin, you have a horny young girlfriend that's down to fuck. Be happy :) :P

Oh, I am, I am. Sometimes I just wish she would give me a little more time to adapt, not just drag me off somewhere and suddenly start stripping me. I mean, sometimes she gets started in the most random of moments and I'm all like "Oh, we're doing it? Oh, okay then." xD

joined Apr 3, 2016

Lin didn't you already gave him to me to help defeat my enemy? How cruel? Did you call him back?

Well, I lent her services to you so you could defend your honor, but now I need her back to actually save my skin, so...sorry, but yes. Also, it's a HER. u_u

...o_o...I wonder if Draglin is a lesbian?

joined Feb 13, 2016

Lin didn't you already gave him to me to help defeat my enemy? How cruel? Did you call him back?

Well, I lent her services to you so you could defend your honor, but now I need her back to actually save my skin, so...sorry, but yes. Also, it's a HER. u_u

...o_o...I wonder if Draglin is a lesbian?

Even though you groped me out of nowhere, I will forgive you. To prove our truce, I will lend the Yakuza if you ever need them (but Draglin is a good girl and I don't think you will need those wimps).

joined Feb 8, 2016

Oh hell to the yes.

/siiighs/ I should've just kept my mouth shut. Fine, I'll tell her tomorrow. xD

Thatta girl xD

Lin, you have a horny young girlfriend that's down to fuck. Be happy :) :P

Oh, I am, I am. Sometimes I just wish she would give me a little more time to adapt, not just drag me off somewhere and suddenly start stripping me. I mean, sometimes she gets started in the most random of moments and I'm all like "Oh, we're doing it? Oh, okay then." xD

Girls make cuter faces when they're surprised :P

joined Mar 8, 2014

Oh hell to the yes.

/siiighs/ I should've just kept my mouth shut. Fine, I'll tell her tomorrow. xD

Lin, you have a horny young girlfriend that's down to fuck. Be happy :) :P

Oh, I am, I am. Sometimes I just wish she would give me a little more time to adapt, not just drag me off somewhere and suddenly start stripping me. I mean, sometimes she gets started in the most random of moments and I'm all like "Oh, we're doing it? Oh, okay then." xD

so it´s not like this?

joined Apr 3, 2016

but Draglin is a good girl

You've never seen her on her period. She takes PMS to a whole new level. >_<

... My mind just imagined dragon pussy sized tampons. Oh my lawd, brain. Stahp it!

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