As another one of the minority here, I was pretty disappointed at the illusion of choice that the game had, especially since for the entire game (yes, even after the canon couple happened), my mother ship was AnoYuna. Since I didn't want to be spoiled whatsoever, I avoided most information about the game and bought it immediately without learning of its linearity. And so, when the choice between two specific individuals happened (Ano, maybe? ; Hina, maybe?), I assumed it was a route determining factor, and I begun shipping the choice I picked. I have no problems with kinetic novels but the fact that that made me actually hope and hope only to crush all of that later on left a bitter taste in my mouth.
I still love the game, in fact my disappointment is directly proportional to how much I love the game. But even though I can honestly say I don't hate YunaHina (I just don't support it, but I can see it's cute at least) , I definitely did NOT enjoy the moments at the end of the main story. I really wish I did, so I could've left the game with a smile on my face. But I'm in the minority here, so I kind of envy you guys in that regard.
P.S. Oh yeah, great doujin.