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joined Sep 15, 2015

I'm fucking dying now xD

joined Mar 17, 2016

Like I said, it's a different meat xD

okay :<
maybe it's not meat but fat then! >:|

Oooohhh shittt. Llama your illegitamate daughter just called you fat.

Woah woah woah hang on now..

joined Sep 15, 2015

Maybe she does need a friend for now. Buuuuut. I'm not saying you can't sleep with her. If you don't click, then move on xD

joined Sep 15, 2015

You need to hide xD

joined Feb 8, 2016

ok so im going to admit to the fact that I was totally ok with hooking up with her before i found out she was 19 now im seriously troubled.
she rants about everything from her parents to her housemates.. she has a lot going on and is new to the city.
maybe she just needs a friend

19, ouch... Lol... how old are you? Well, if she's an intern, she's going to leave soon enough anyway, right? Does she try to touch you when she's talking to you? She might need a friend. Gunning for her supervisor is not the best path for that though.

please do tell???

I mean... I spent a few months of my early 20s fucking my boss's sister (they lived together) on pretty much every surface in their condo. There's really no talking your way out of "my face is in your sister's crotch". I slept with one my mom's patients, but in my defense I didn't know about that until long after we'd done it.When I was in college there was a young professor (still older than I was lol) in my department that I had a thing for so one day I went into her office, closed the door, and straddled her face to face and yeah... anyway, it could have really harmed my academic career and the beginning of hers. And then once you get into actual relationships, I've been categorically pretty awful... and so were a lot of my partners.

somehow in a loving, committed, relationship now... lol...

last edited at Apr 14, 2016 2:40PM

joined Mar 8, 2014

You need to hide xD

no that type of fat! >:D ha!

joined Mar 17, 2016

You need to hide xD

You callin me fat??? I raised you better than that -_-

joined Mar 2, 2016

You need to hide xD

You callin me fat??? I raised you better than that -_-

Oooo angry Llama alertt~

joined Mar 17, 2016

You need to hide xD

You callin me fat??? I raised you better than that -_-

Oooo angry Llama alertt~

Come take care of your child, I just need a moment...

joined Jan 4, 2016

ok so im going to admit to the fact that I was totally ok with hooking up with her before i found out she was 19 now im seriously troubled.
she rants about everything from her parents to her housemates.. she has a lot going on and is new to the city.
maybe she just needs a friend

19, ouch... Lol... how old are you? Well, if she's an intern, she's going to leave soon enough anyway, right? Does she try to touch you when she's talking to you? She might need a friend. Gunning for her supervisor is not the best path for that though.

please do tell???

I mean... I spent a few months of my early 20s fucking my boss's sister (they lived together) on pretty much every surface in their condo. There's really no talking your way out of "my face is in your sister's crotch". I slept with one my mom's patients, but in my defense I didn't know about that until long after we'd done it.When I was in college there was a young professor (still older than I was lol) in my department that I had a thing for so one day I went into her office, closed the door, and straddled her face to face and yeah... anyway, it could have really harmed my academic career and the beginning of hers. And then once you get into actual relationships, I've been categorically pretty awful... and so were a lot of my partners.

somehow in a loving, committed, relationship now... lol...

ok you win take the cake and the olympic medal!!
you have inspired me. i dont think sleeping with your 19 year old intern is that bad. now to proceed the thin line of morals smh xd

joined Mar 8, 2014

You need to hide xD

You callin me fat??? I raised you better than that -_-

not that type of fat I said!!!! >.<

joined Mar 8, 2014

ok so im going to admit to the fact that I was totally ok with hooking up with her before i found out she was 19 now im seriously troubled.
she rants about everything from her parents to her housemates.. she has a lot going on and is new to the city.
maybe she just needs a friend

19, ouch... Lol... how old are you? Well, if she's an intern, she's going to leave soon enough anyway, right? Does she try to touch you when she's talking to you? She might need a friend. Gunning for her supervisor is not the best path for that though.

please do tell???

I mean... I spent a few months of my early 20s fucking my boss's sister (they lived together) on pretty much every surface in their condo. There's really no talking your way out of "my face is in your sister's crotch". I slept with one my mom's patients, but in my defense I didn't know about that until long after we'd done it.When I was in college there was a young professor (still older than I was lol) in my department that I had a thing for so one day I went into her office, closed the door, and straddled her face to face and yeah... anyway, it could have really harmed my academic career and the beginning of hers. And then once you get into actual relationships, I've been categorically pretty awful... and so were a lot of my partners.

somehow in a loving, committed, relationship now... lol...

ok you win take the cake and the olympic medal!!
you have inspired me. i dont think sleeping with your 19 year old intern is that bad. now to proceed the thin line of morals smh xd

y-you are all talking about sleeping with her... you haven't even kissed yet! ><

joined Feb 8, 2016

ok you win take the cake and the olympic medal!!
you have inspired me. i dont think sleeping with your 19 year old intern is that bad. now to proceed the thin line of morals smh xd

I don't encourage people to just do whatever the fuck stupid shit their horniness tells them to, but I'm just saying that whatever you do is probably not THAT bad, and that I've done things that are truly dumb.

y-you are all talking about sleeping with her... you haven't even kissed yet! ><

Those things can happen in rapid succession lol.

joined Jan 4, 2016

please do tell???

I mean... I spent a few months of my early 20s fucking my boss's sister (they lived together) on pretty much every surface in their condo. There's really no talking your way out of "my face is in your sister's crotch". I slept with one my mom's patients, but in my defense I didn't know about that until long after we'd done it.When I was in college there was a young professor (still older than I was lol) in my department that I had a thing for so one day I went into her office, closed the door, and straddled her face to face and yeah... anyway, it could have really harmed my academic career and the beginning of hers. And then once you get into actual relationships, I've been categorically pretty awful... and so were a lot of my partners.

somehow in a loving, committed, relationship now... lol...

ok you win take the cake and the olympic medal!!
you have inspired me. i dont think sleeping with your 19 year old intern is that bad. now to proceed the thin line of morals smh xd

y-you are all talking about sleeping with her... you haven't even kissed yet! ><

oh wait i forgot to tell u guys that we already had a thing happen two weeks ago, before I started feeling guilty for possibly taking advantage of a her youth..

last edited at Apr 14, 2016 2:53PM

joined Feb 8, 2016

"had a thing happen" is quite ambiguous

joined Mar 17, 2016

"had a thing happen" is quite ambiguous

Yes. Would you please explain? lol

last edited at Apr 14, 2016 2:58PM

joined Mar 8, 2014

"had a thing happen" is quite ambiguous

Yes. Would you please explain? lol

Yes, EXPLAIN ☻_☻

joined Mar 8, 2014

no one asked me what type of fat ;_; I'm sad now

joined Feb 8, 2016

no one asked me what type of fat ;_; I'm sad now

You're not any type of fat. Now hush.

joined Mar 8, 2014

no one asked me what type of fat ;_; I'm sad now

You're not any type of fat. Now hush.

that's irrelevant! T_T

joined Mar 17, 2016

no one asked me what type of fat ;_; I'm sad now

You're not any type of fat. Now hush.

Lmao!! XD

joined Mar 8, 2014

no one asked me what type of fat ;_; I'm sad now

You're not any type of fat. Now hush.

Lmao!! XD

I do have fat! I'm not flat!

joined Feb 8, 2016

no one asked me what type of fat ;_; I'm sad now

You're not any type of fat. Now hush.

that's irrelevant! T_T

It was perfectly relevant. Best behave little cinnaroll, because the dofu methods of getting you to hush are ones you greatly frown upon.

joined Jan 4, 2016

"had a thing happen" is quite ambiguous

Yes. Would you please explain? lol

Yes, EXPLAIN ☻_☻

"had a thing happen" is quite ambiguous

Yes. Would you please explain? lol

Yes, EXPLAIN ☻_☻

growl/growl i guess i have no choice.

so two weeks ago my bf and I had a show and i invited some of coworkers and she must have found out and came out to support. After the show i told some ppl about the after party where i was going to be spinning a set.. my other co workers didnt come but she was there and danced a lot. we had a good time but i couldn't really hang out cause i ended up doing more sets then expected cause other dj friend got really tipsy. Anyhow being that its my BF house i was crashing she ended up hanging out the entire night and helping us clean up.i felt responsible for her cause she is my coworker so i offered to walk her to the train station.. we kinda walked and smoked and ended up missing her train. so she had to crash on at my BF spot where we found ourselves sharing a tiny sleeping bag cause other drunk fool had taken my spare bed. growl.. anyhow we made out and other stuff then i got up to use the bathroom and when i came back we just cuddled. then the next day we didnt talk about it.. and now im like well its for the best.

aww mane retelling that story just made me fuck i cant make eye contact with her or i will turn red and die=

last edited at Apr 14, 2016 3:18PM

joined Feb 8, 2016

By bf do you mean boyfriend or best friend lol. My mind immediately goes to boyfriend which would automatically make this story pretty weird lol.

Also you're already in deep lol. Just do it; she's clearly into you.

Also "other stuff" is extra ambiguous.

last edited at Apr 14, 2016 3:23PM

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