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joined Sep 15, 2015

dofudofu & GraciousLlama
Yea, got plenty of socks at home buuuuuuuut~ it just feels weird when I don't buy new socks. Weird. Really -_-

Well, gtg for now. Back to work. :>

joined Mar 17, 2016

So one of my co-workers has this system set up that will give her a transcript of a voicemail that was left on her phone at work. Sometimes it gets it really wrong.. this is what the transcript sent her: "Yes my name is Michael I'm in bed for Kroger. About a store-- ran the with parishes summer were having lobsters here."

joined Mar 2, 2016

So one of my co-workers has this system set up that will give her a transcript of a voicemail that was left on her phone at work. Sometimes it gets it really wrong.. this is what the transcript sent her: "Yes my name is Michael I'm in bed for Kroger. About a store-- ran the with parishes summer were having lobsters here."

Wth xD So fail

joined Apr 3, 2016

20cm shorter than you? Just pick her up and set her down like a baby :P (my girlfriend would be so mad if I said this in front of her... I'm almost 20cm taller than her hahaha shorty). Well I'm glad you seem to be fine now ^^

xD I can just imagine myself trying that! /picks up person, ready to slam them into ground/ , /freezes up/, /gently puts them back down on their feet while apologizing/ I'm such a wimp, lol. But yeah, I'm fine. Got used to it, so as long as I can at least run faster than my enemy whenever I get into unexpected danger, I'm good. ^_^

This is good advice, thanks :)

No problem. :-)

is marriage something you've talked about doing? Can you two get married in Germany if you want to? I'm not familiar with your laws.

Weelll...this is pretty much the plan, to be honest. Our relationship is going really good and since we're both pretty open and good at talking, there hasn't been a problem yet, that we couldn't sort out. With this being one of our key characteristics, I know for a fact that we both see us going a long way together. So yeah. We've been talking about marriage before. A lot, actually. :-) There are just a few things at the moment, that need to be done in advance. First and foremost, I want her to be healthy and ready to deal with the shitload of stress called "wedding preparations." We still want to get to know each other at least a bit more as well. I mean, she hasn't even met my parents, so that's definitely one thing that just needs to be done before. xD And there's a bunch of other stuff as well, but to cut it short: with us, it's just a matter of time, really.

Unfortunately, we can't get married in Germany. We could have a civil partnership, but we don't want to settle on that, since we both don't like the entire idea of it. However, if gay marriage hasn't been officially legalized by the time we decide to get married, we plan to use a loophole in the law. Gays can't get married in Germany, but the country acknowledges marriages, that were officially contracted in other countries - including gay marriages. So the plan is that we'll get married in Denmark (which is pretty much the Las Vegas of Europe in that regard) and get officially recognized as a married couple when we get back.

joined Mar 17, 2016

So one of my co-workers has this system set up that will give her a transcript of a voicemail that was left on her phone at work. Sometimes it gets it really wrong.. this is what the transcript sent her: "Yes my name is Michael I'm in bed for Kroger. About a store-- ran the with parishes summer were having lobsters here."

Wth xD So fail

Right?? XD

joined Apr 3, 2016

So one of my co-workers has this system set up that will give her a transcript of a voicemail that was left on her phone at work. Sometimes it gets it really wrong.. this is what the transcript sent her: "Yes my name is Michael I'm in bed for Kroger. About a store-- ran the with parishes summer were having lobsters here."

Maybe the person was using a code to leave a secret message. 0_0

joined Mar 17, 2016

So one of my co-workers has this system set up that will give her a transcript of a voicemail that was left on her phone at work. Sometimes it gets it really wrong.. this is what the transcript sent her: "Yes my name is Michael I'm in bed for Kroger. About a store-- ran the with parishes summer were having lobsters here."

Maybe the person was using a code to leave a secret message. 0_0

O.O maybe I need to crack this code.. I only have an hour left at work so I better start now

joined Mar 8, 2014

oh gosh this program doesn't load the sound -.-
I wanna kill it...
okay it loaded it and crashed right afterward -.-

That sucks a lot. Is it possible that the program is too heavy for your computer that's why it crashes a lot? o.o

no it's not, it's just a pirated version that's kinda buggy, also it's a bit old...

joined Mar 8, 2014

oh gosh this program doesn't load the sound -.-
I wanna kill it...

Do it. With fire.
Like this

omg, hahah, I wish, seriously... hopefully now I can get the face right in the first attempt and not spend 2 hours... I don't even understand gosh, I can draw these faces just fine but when I start animating they look WRONG, because the image underneath confuses me!! >< It's very hard to keep a consistency in the expression while turning the head correctly -.- sigh~

joined Apr 3, 2016

So one of my co-workers has this system set up that will give her a transcript of a voicemail that was left on her phone at work. Sometimes it gets it really wrong.. this is what the transcript sent her: "Yes my name is Michael I'm in bed for Kroger. About a store-- ran the with parishes summer were having lobsters here."

Maybe the person was using a code to leave a secret message. 0_0

O.O maybe I need to crack this code.. I only have an hour left at work so I better start now

I'll help you!
Okay, so what do we got here. Kroger is probably meant to hint at Chad Kroger. Chad Kroger is the front man of Nickelback. So if Michael is in bed for Kroger, then maybe...0_0 ... Nickelback is gay!

last edited at Apr 11, 2016 5:46PM

joined Mar 17, 2016

OH. MY. GOSH! O.O but what about the lobsters?

That is awesome haha

joined Mar 8, 2014

Weelll...this is pretty much the plan, to be honest. Our relationship is going really good and since we're both pretty open and good at talking, there hasn't been a problem yet, that we couldn't sort out. With this being one of our key characteristics, I know for a fact that we both see us going a long way together. So yeah. We've been talking about marriage before. A lot, actually. :-) There are just a few things at the moment, that need to be done in advance. First and foremost, I want her to be healthy and ready to deal with the shitload of stress called "wedding preparations." We still want to get to know each other at least a bit more as well. I mean, she hasn't even met my parents, so that's definitely one thing that just needs to be done before. xD And there's a bunch of other stuff as well, but to cut it short: with us, it's just a matter of time, really.

Unfortunately, we can't get married in Germany. We could have a civil partnership, but we don't want to settle on that, since we both don't like the entire idea of it. However, if gay marriage hasn't been officially legalized by the time we decide to get married, we plan to use a loophole in the law. Gays can't get married in Germany, but the country acknowledges marriages, that were officially contracted in other countries - including gay marriages. So the plan is that we'll get married in Denmark (which is pretty much the Las Vegas of Europe in that regard) and get officially recognized as a married couple when we get back.

Awww, cute ^-^
By the way is Denmark really that cool? I know there's a good animation course there and Hans Christian Andersen XD but that's the only thing I know about Denmark!! >< Is Denmark really open about LGBT people?
Btw, I was looking at some chart about lgbt acceptance in Europe and surprisingly enough Germany and Greece are not that far apart O_O. I always thought Germany was pretty liberal but maybe I was wrong X_X was I? Maybe I thought so because it's really close to Belgium, I lived there for some years when I was a child, not that I even knew what being gay was back then XD when I was 8 I thought that same sex relationships were a sort of friendship union because they didn't like anyone of the opposite sex so they got together instead XD, yeah my parents didn't talk a lot about that so I had no clue and I just assumed >.>
The UK is pretty accepting as well, there are like approximately 10 queer girls in my class, I swear! XD And not even counting the guys ahahah! But the UK wants to leave the EU, though I doubt that's gonna happen... well, they said so about Greece at some point too but there's no way Greece is leaving the EU, I think the economy will be doomed if that happened. Seriously, there were so many scandals about politician stealing money, in Cyprus there was like a mayor or sth and he had an affair and he was stealing money but I don't know the details... such a mess -.-

joined Mar 8, 2014

XD I also hate doing the laundry, and mine is outside the house so I have to walk... such a pain -.-

joined Apr 3, 2016

Hang in there! xD

Well...lobsters have claws, right? And claws can cut things. Hmm...what would a gay man want to cut?...
Nickelback is gay!
And they're getting a sex change!

joined Sep 15, 2015

Nickelback is gay!
And they're getting a sex change!

No way ?!

joined Mar 8, 2014

Nickelback is gay!
And they're getting a sex change!

No way ?!

they cut it in the middle, don't they?
also I don't know who this guy is >.>

joined Mar 17, 2016

Hang in there! xD

Well...lobsters have claws, right? And claws can cut things. Hmm...what would a gay man want to cut?...
Nickelback is gay!
And they're getting a sex change!

Gah! Lin you cracked the code!! And a shocking one at that!

joined Apr 3, 2016

By the way is Denmark really that cool? I know there's a good animation course there and Hans Christian Andersen XD but that's the only thing I know about Denmark!! >< Is Denmark really open about LGBT people?

They're open enough about it to have legalized gay marriage back in 2012, that's all we really care about. xD

I always thought Germany was pretty liberal but maybe I was wrong X_X was I?

In Germany, there is a very big, noticeable gap between the opinions of the young generation and the opinions of the older generations. The young ones are pretty liberal while the older ones are very traditional and conservative. I actually find it pretty amazing, how the rebellion of the young people against their elders in this country is so extremely obvious and unmasked. An overwhelming majority of the teens and young adults keep talking about how there are many things going so wrong in this country and how they must and will change it once they're old enough to have gained the rights for it. The full acceptance of people of any ethnicity, religion, gender and sexual orientation seems to be high on the list, so as time passes by, I remain hopeful, that this country is going to change for the better.

But the UK wants to leave the EU, though I doubt that's gonna happen...

I personally don't think either, that the UK is going to leave the EU. Strategically, it wouldn't be a very wise step.
Hint: whoever thinks the European Union has only been founded for the economical benefit of the countries, that join it, is a fool.

Gah! Lin you cracked the code!! And a shocking one at that!

We should keep it a secret for now. 0_0 Who knows what kind of scandal is going to happen once these news get out there.

last edited at Apr 11, 2016 6:28PM

joined Sep 15, 2015

I seriously thought about that Nickelback thingy to be true =_=

joined Mar 8, 2014

But the UK wants to leave the EU, though I doubt that's gonna happen...

I personally don't think either, that the UK is going to leave the EU. Strategically, it wouldn't be a very wise step.
Hint: whoever thinks the European Union has only been founded for the economical benefit of the countries, that join it, is a fool.

wasn't it founded to prevent wars among the countries? >.> Tbh, I'm not exactly sure myself ^-^''' I guess also military and political reasons, to promote equality? I don't know, is that too naive?
A lot of people in Cyprus have a pretty much equally foolish approach. Okay, so I had this teacher in high school. She studied in England and has a phd and she goes on and on about how the EU is ruining us and that the reason we joined was because we were promised to have the Cyprus dispute (I don't know if you know about it) solved... even if that was promised... are people really that dumb? It's not the EUs job to solve the Cypriot dispute... ugh This is an issue regarding Cyprus so obviously Cyprus will have to solve it -.-, I mean the EU can help and all... but on top of that there were some suggestions the EU made that were rejected. Like what does she want? Seriously... -.- Personally I don't really want a union between Cyprus and northern Cyprus because northern Cyprus is even more conservative and that's definitely not good. at all. I think it's a good idea to wait to see if they become less conservative rather than have a separation though... Aaaaanywaaaaay, I'll stop rambling. I'm not going back to Cyprus anyway also I hate it when people look surprised when I tell them that, ugh! As though Cyprus is this some sort of wonderland and I'm crazy to want to leave... I only lived there for 3 years, I don't have a home there...
Also do you know the World War III conspiracy theory or sth? This teacher also said she thought it was gonna happen. I'm like >.> "I don't really think so ^-^'''''" and she'd go on and on about her stuff >.> But well anyway, she's a fascist, she was telling us not to get married to a foreigner 'cause we'd have problems with them and when a classmate disagreed she went like "oh, yeah, okay, go on marry a foreigner, don't tell me I didn't warn you though, you're gonna spoil your race" she was kind but she said some cringy things... I'm probably gonna 'spoil my race' and I'll probably be with a woman so double hit XD... yeah, she'd cringe if she knew... she might learn who knows? when I return to the village for holidays everyone will give me that weird look... Like when I always went to church late and everyone looked at me; I was 'that girl who used to live abroad' -.-

last edited at Apr 11, 2016 6:53PM

joined Mar 17, 2016

I seriously thought about that Nickelback thingy to be true =_=

Lmfao!! XD it is true.. It was the secret code ;)

joined Mar 8, 2014

it crashed again but I saved muahahahaha

joined Sep 15, 2015

I seriously thought about that Nickelback thingy to be true =_=

Lmfao!! XD it is true.. It was the secret code ;)

Naaaaah. You ain't gonna fool me again xD

joined Feb 13, 2016

it crashed again but I saved muahahahaha

I see you've been working non-stop today... How are you holding up?

joined Nov 20, 2015

Good morning, all...
I gonna say this all the time, whether its my morning or yr morning xD

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