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joined Feb 13, 2016

aww... don't worry! I bet you can use your other hand ^-^

The other one isn't nearly as useful. But I suppose it's a good excuse to practice.

Or you can just drop the excuses and use your tongue in more efficient ways.

joined Mar 8, 2014

I'm okay with food talk, but how swollen does my hand need to get before I should consider going to the hospital? I punched someone in the face last night (it was self defense) and my hand is huge right now.

O_O wow! what? that's kinda cool... er... I mean, I'm sorry about your hand ^-^'''

I wouldn't romanticize violence. I'm a pacifist at heart. Just a good night went bad when we were having a bachelorette party and we all got drunk and a friend of the bride came on to me really aggressively and wouldn't stop when I told her to stop verbally. It's going to be an awkward wedding.

what? why would she do that?

Well I mean, think of any assortment of reasons why a drunk person would go into someone else's bed and grope them.

she's secretly in love with you? sexually frustrated?

aww... don't worry! I bet you can use your other hand ^-^

The other one isn't nearly as useful. But I suppose it's a good excuse to practice.

And yeah! I know that, I'm not that innocent but like I never feel very much of a strong sexual attraction to someone... I can I have felt it a bit (sparsely) when I had this strong crush but for every other crush it didn't go beyond wanting to hug them and maybe thinking about kissing them...

It's still ok. Don't ask yourself if you are normal for being like that. Don't question yourself like that. Each of us experiences sexuality in a way, there's no right or wrong about that.


oh well, I try but sometimes I see people being so interested in sex and I'm here like "ew, I don't want strangers touching my body" and sometimes I worry about that because I find it hard to relate to certain things, that's why I asked if it's normal... because if it's not it might explain a lot of things that I don't get... like why men absolutely must watch porn and will never give up on it no matter how gross it is ^-^'' It's not like I'm not interested in sex, it's just that seeing naked strangers never really... I mean it could turn me on (in some rare cases) but part of me would also be like "ew"...

joined Mar 8, 2014

aww... don't worry! I bet you can use your other hand ^-^

The other one isn't nearly as useful. But I suppose it's a good excuse to practice.

Or you can just drop the excuses and use your tongue in more efficient ways.

questiooooooooon! does taste vary a lot from girl to girl?????

joined Feb 8, 2016

aww... don't worry! I bet you can use your other hand ^-^

The other one isn't nearly as useful. But I suppose it's a good excuse to practice.

Or you can just drop the excuses and use your tongue in more efficient ways.

Lol fair enough, but I still would like to use my hand, too...

last edited at Apr 10, 2016 5:55PM

joined Feb 8, 2016

I'm okay with food talk, but how swollen does my hand need to get before I should consider going to the hospital? I punched someone in the face last night (it was self defense) and my hand is huge right now.

O_O wow! what? that's kinda cool... er... I mean, I'm sorry about your hand ^-^'''

I wouldn't romanticize violence. I'm a pacifist at heart. Just a good night went bad when we were having a bachelorette party and we all got drunk and a friend of the bride came on to me really aggressively and wouldn't stop when I told her to stop verbally. It's going to be an awkward wedding.

what? why would she do that?

Well I mean, think of any assortment of reasons why a drunk person would go into someone else's bed and grope them.

she's secretly in love with you? sexually frustrated?

I really doubt she's in love with me. Sexually frustrated I don't know; maybe. More likely it's lust and trying to take advantage of the situation (drunkenness).

It's still ok. Don't ask yourself if you are normal for being like that. Don't question yourself like that. Each of us experiences sexuality in a way, there's no right or wrong about that.


oh well, I try but sometimes I see people being so interested in sex and I'm here like "ew, I don't want strangers touching my body" and sometimes I worry about that because I find it hard to relate to certain things, that's why I asked if it's normal... because if it's not it might explain a lot of things that I don't get... like why men absolutely must watch porn and will never give up on it no matter how gross it is ^-^'' It's not like I'm not interested in sex, it's just that seeing naked strangers never really... I mean it could turn me on (in some rare cases) but part of me would also be like "ew"...

That's just the way you are and that's perfectly fine. Whether or not it's normal doesn't really matter.

questiooooooooon! does taste vary a lot from girl to girl?????

A little but nothing too crazy. I think the main reason it might seem different from girl to girl (probably guys, too...) is because people smell different (I don't just mean down there, just in general). Also, cleanliness.

last edited at Apr 10, 2016 6:06PM

joined Mar 8, 2014

It's still ok. Don't ask yourself if you are normal for being like that. Don't question yourself like that. Each of us experiences sexuality in a way, there's no right or wrong about that.


oh well, I try but sometimes I see people being so interested in sex and I'm here like "ew, I don't want strangers touching my body" and sometimes I worry about that because I find it hard to relate to certain things, that's why I asked if it's normal... because if it's not it might explain a lot of things that I don't get... like why men absolutely must watch porn and will never give up on it no matter how gross it is ^-^'' It's not like I'm not interested in sex, it's just that seeing naked strangers never really... I mean it could turn me on (in some rare cases) but part of me would also be like "ew"...

That's just the way you are and that's perfectly fine. Whether or not it's normal doesn't really matter.

;_; that's really touching... okay, if you say so, thank you ^-^

questiooooooooon! does taste vary a lot from girl to girl?????

A little but nothing too crazy. I think the main reason it might seem different from girl to girl (probably guys, too...) is because people smell different (I don't just mean down there, just in general). Also, cleanliness.

hmm... there was a woman who asked me what I would do if I was with someone and I hated their smell... ah! um! she wasn't anyone creepy just a family friend and the conversation went that way for some reason...

joined Feb 13, 2016

aww... don't worry! I bet you can use your other hand ^-^

The other one isn't nearly as useful. But I suppose it's a good excuse to practice.

Or you can just drop the excuses and use your tongue in more efficient ways.

questiooooooooon! does taste vary a lot from girl to girl?????

Lol, because you make the best questions xD
Just a little bit, I guess. I didn't have that many experience with women, but what we perceive as taste is deeply influenced by smell. So individual traits, fragrances and hygiene all play a role there.

joined Feb 8, 2016

questiooooooooon! does taste vary a lot from girl to girl?????

A little but nothing too crazy. I think the main reason it might seem different from girl to girl (probably guys, too...) is because people smell different (I don't just mean down there, just in general). Also, cleanliness.

hmm... there was a woman who asked me what I would do if I was with someone and I hated their smell... ah! um! she wasn't anyone creepy just a family friend and the conversation went that way for some reason...

I think scent is so related to attractiveness that it wouldn't be much of a question for me. If someone doesn't smell good to me I just wouldn't be interested. I almost did it with a girl that smelled almost exactly like my mom, and I had to just say no sorry. Was just too weird.

joined Nov 20, 2015

Morning all...

If u got that huuuge swollen hand after punching, what happened to that bitch? U sent her to the hospital right away?

And dont think that swollen hand affect you too much (?) As u are the slutty slutty bottom xD

last edited at Apr 10, 2016 6:51PM

joined Mar 8, 2014

questiooooooooon! does taste vary a lot from girl to girl?????

A little but nothing too crazy. I think the main reason it might seem different from girl to girl (probably guys, too...) is because people smell different (I don't just mean down there, just in general). Also, cleanliness.

hmm... there was a woman who asked me what I would do if I was with someone and I hated their smell... ah! um! she wasn't anyone creepy just a family friend and the conversation went that way for some reason...

I think scent is so related to attractiveness that it wouldn't be much of a question for me. If someone doesn't smell good to me I just wouldn't be interested. I almost did it with a girl that smelled almost exactly like my mom, and I had to just say no sorry. Was just too weird.

'-'... honeslyyyyy... is there something wrong with my nose??? I don't really know what people smell like... usually they smell like whatever detergent they use on their clothes... '-' I don't think I've ever actually smelled a person? probably? I'm not sure :<

joined Feb 13, 2016

questiooooooooon! does taste vary a lot from girl to girl?????

A little but nothing too crazy. I think the main reason it might seem different from girl to girl (probably guys, too...) is because people smell different (I don't just mean down there, just in general). Also, cleanliness.

hmm... there was a woman who asked me what I would do if I was with someone and I hated their smell... ah! um! she wasn't anyone creepy just a family friend and the conversation went that way for some reason...

I think scent is so related to attractiveness that it wouldn't be much of a question for me. If someone doesn't smell good to me I just wouldn't be interested. I almost did it with a girl that smelled almost exactly like my mom, and I had to just say no sorry. Was just too weird.

Lol. My sense of smell is somewhat poor. But there was a guy who used the same perfume as one ex that I still care about even for a little bit. I couldn't do it with that guy.

joined Nov 20, 2015

Go to gym, and u'll find out a bit..

And thanks for the mojito tip..

last edited at Apr 10, 2016 6:53PM

joined Mar 8, 2014

Go to gym, and u'll find out a bit..

And thanks for the mojito tip..

I used to! But I never got close enough to anyone to smell them!! ><

joined Mar 8, 2014

questiooooooooon! does taste vary a lot from girl to girl?????

A little but nothing too crazy. I think the main reason it might seem different from girl to girl (probably guys, too...) is because people smell different (I don't just mean down there, just in general). Also, cleanliness.

hmm... there was a woman who asked me what I would do if I was with someone and I hated their smell... ah! um! she wasn't anyone creepy just a family friend and the conversation went that way for some reason...

I think scent is so related to attractiveness that it wouldn't be much of a question for me. If someone doesn't smell good to me I just wouldn't be interested. I almost did it with a girl that smelled almost exactly like my mom, and I had to just say no sorry. Was just too weird.

Lol. My sense of smell is somewhat poor. But there was a guy who used the same perfume as one ex that I still care about even for a little bit. I couldn't do it with that guy.

w-wow... really? I have a perfume that I first used on the day were I saw my crush kissing this guy and I got heartbroken. It kind of used to remind me of that a bit, not so much anymore but yeah, it doesn't bother me to remember it though, sometimes it gives me a refreshing thrill :)

joined Sep 15, 2015

Anybody of you heard of the one man band called Never Shout Never ??

joined Nov 20, 2015

Then use another approach this time..

Too bad, i am not a band fan..
And u were missing like a whole day...

joined Sep 15, 2015

questiooooooooon! does taste vary a lot from girl to girl?????

A little but nothing too crazy. I think the main reason it might seem different from girl to girl (probably guys, too...) is because people smell different (I don't just mean down there, just in general). Also, cleanliness.

hmm... there was a woman who asked me what I would do if I was with someone and I hated their smell... ah! um! she wasn't anyone creepy just a family friend and the conversation went that way for some reason...

I think scent is so related to attractiveness that it wouldn't be much of a question for me. If someone doesn't smell good to me I just wouldn't be interested. I almost did it with a girl that smelled almost exactly like my mom, and I had to just say no sorry. Was just too weird.

Lol. My sense of smell is somewhat poor. But there was a guy who used the same perfume as one ex that I still care about even for a little bit. I couldn't do it with that guy.

w-wow... really? I have a perfume that I first used on the day were I saw my crush kissing this guy and I got heartbroken. It kind of used to remind me of that a bit, not so much anymore but yeah, it doesn't bother me to remember it though, sometimes it gives me a refreshing thrill :)

Well, how someone smells can trigger a memory easily. Whether it is sad or happy memories. And usually, it triggers the 'sad' part more often which sucks.

joined Sep 15, 2015

Then use another approach this time..

Too bad, i am not a band fan..
And u were missing like a whole day...

I'm sorrryyyyyy~~
I'm not just in the mood to talk much since it's been a horrible day for me. Soooo I'm just gonna pop out when I feel like it. Lol

joined Mar 8, 2014

Then use another approach this time..

Too bad, i am not a band fan..
And u were missing like a whole day...

I'm sorrryyyyyy~~
I'm not just in the mood to talk much since it's been a horrible day for me. Soooo I'm just gonna pop out when I feel like it. Lol

aw, I hope you feel better later :)

joined Mar 17, 2016

Anybody of you heard of the one man band called Never Shout Never ??

Oh yeah I've heard of them, I'm sorry your having a bad day :(
Doesn't Never Shout Never have three people now?

last edited at Apr 10, 2016 7:13PM

joined Feb 13, 2016

Anybody of you heard of the one man band called Never Shout Never ??

Yes! Why?

joined Nov 20, 2015

Well, how someone smells can trigger a memory easily. Whether it is sad or happy memories. And usually, it triggers the 'sad' part more often which sucks.

Not only someone smell, in my case a certain band song reminds me to Dragon Ball manga and instant noodles.. :l

joined Nov 20, 2015

Aawww... sorry..
I hope u feel better soon..

joined Feb 8, 2016

If u got that huuuge swollen hand after punching, what happened to that bitch? U sent her to the hospital right away?

Well I could tell I hurt her but it was dark, but I left to go to the room of the friend that gave me a ride home today. Somebody else dealt with her and I don't know what's happened to her since then. My friend (the bride) called and apologized but obviously it's not her fault.

And dont think that swollen hand affect you too much (?) As u are the slutty slutty bottom xD

Maybe if I were the type to just lie there like a dead fish lol. Hands are helpful. I'd like to be able to use mine.

Anybody of you heard of the one man band called Never Shout Never ??

Nope. Any good?

last edited at Apr 10, 2016 7:14PM

joined Sep 15, 2015

What's the mojito tip Faylicia gave you ??

Not sure if I'm gonna feel better any time soon but yea, I'll try ?? Thanx :>

Does NSN have three people now ?? Lol. Not sooo updated about them now. I only dig for Christofer's voice anyways xD

What do you think of NSN ??

Erm. I like some of their song but not all of em. I have weird preference about songs soooo =_=

last edited at Apr 10, 2016 7:22PM

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