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joined Mar 17, 2016

You wouldn't dare! >.<

Well I better start looking for one now then hahaha

Cute doodle! I'm also drawing instead of working XD

joined Sep 15, 2015

I get what you mean, but it doesn't matter how much experience you have, there will always have people who will be better at lying than you are at knowing when they're lying, sometimes it just happens that you're lucky enough to not have to deal with them.

Have you personally dealt with someone better than you at lying blahblah ?? Is that why you're digging too much out of this ?? Lol
Just curious xD

joined Mar 2, 2016

Faylicia aw thats cute ^ ^

joined May 11, 2012

Haha, nah, not really, it's just silly to think that just because you know when some people are lying then no one will be able to lie to you, if it was so easy then eventually everyone would be able to tell when others lie and then no one would lie anymore. xD

last edited at Apr 9, 2016 3:10PM

joined Sep 15, 2015

Haha, nah, not really, it's just silly to think that just because you know when some people are lying then no one will be able to lie to you, if it was so easy then eventually everyone would be able to tell when others lie and then no one would lie anymore. xD

Ohh. I never said no one's gonna be able to lie to me just bc I know when someone's lying. Perhaps you assumed I'm somehow like that ?? Lol. That's funny xD

last edited at Apr 9, 2016 3:19PM

joined May 11, 2012

Well, the way you said it kind of sounded like no one is able to lie to you because you have experience with people who lie and so you always know when someone is lying, but of course I woke up at 01am and didn't sleep again, also won't sleep for some more hours cause I'm trying to fix my sleep schedule, so I'm not really reasoning very well, so maybe I just misunderstood what you wanted to say. xD

last edited at Apr 9, 2016 3:22PM

joined Sep 15, 2015

Well, the way you said it kind of sounded like no one is able to lie to you because you have experience with people who lie and so you always know when someone is lying, but of course I woke up at 01am and didn't sleep again, also won't sleep for some more hours cause I'm trying to fix my sleep schedule, so I'm not really reasoning very well, so maybe I just misunderstood what you wanted to say. xD

Lol. Same. I've been sleep deprived for a few weeks now. And I can't seem to get a decent sleep at all. Anyway, that lying topic is like a few pages ago. I wonder why it became such a big deal. It's just a simple thing so better let it go and move on. =_=

last edited at Apr 9, 2016 3:27PM

joined Feb 13, 2016

So we reached page 100! \o/

Side note: I don't know exactly what's going on, cause I can't really back read everything here, but I hope Suzuma is okay.

joined Sep 15, 2015

Link to Korean WDTFS isn't working !!!

joined Mar 8, 2014

my mom being annoying again... I told her she should have put the money in my card instead of hers to pay the accommodation because it would have been easier and instead she was being like "but you didn't send me the documents on time" "but you didn't send this receipt with your name on it"(the receipts don't have my name on it) blah blah blah blah blah blah and when I explained one thing she moved on to something else AND she was the one who felt victim of a fraud and now we have to change the card and she talks to me as though I'm irresponsible because I took some time to send her the stuff, as though she always sends everything on time, not that I have to remind her 3 times a day... gosh, so annoying...
Besides, I have so many projects to do and I wasted half an hour of my time arguing with her ^-^**
btw, thank you ^-^ I might do a proper illustration of that sometime but I'm not sure ^-^'''

last edited at Apr 9, 2016 3:40PM

joined Feb 5, 2015

Link to Korean WDTFS isn't working !!!

I just tried accessing it and it's working just fine for me o.o

last edited at Apr 9, 2016 3:42PM

joined May 11, 2012

Well, I didn't try to make it a big deal, just wanted to give my opinion, and don't tell me to let it go and move on, cause when I get my hands on what I want I'll never let it go, so you better be careful as to not let me put my hands on you~~

As for sleeping, I don't even know what is a good sleep, it's been years of having irregular sleep schedule, I'm always on perpetual state of sleepness.

No offense, but your mom seens like a idiot and a jerk. : x

last edited at Apr 9, 2016 3:42PM

joined Mar 8, 2014

I just tried accessing it and it's working just fine for me o.o

it always works for me to, I just change the language and I can access it and buy the chapters just fine.

joined Mar 17, 2016

Link to Korean WDTFS isn't working !!!

You mean this one?

joined Mar 8, 2014

No offense, but your mom seens like and idiot jerk. : x

well, not really, she's just annoying and she thinks she has it all together just because she's much older and that I'm a little girl that doesn't have a clue -.- also she thinks she's always right -.-

joined May 11, 2012

That's how parents and old people are a lot of times, they always think they know more even when they're nothing more than an ignorant prick.

last edited at Apr 9, 2016 3:44PM

joined Oct 11, 2015

Link to Korean WDTFS isn't working !!!

You mean this one?

Phew it started working!

joined Mar 8, 2014

omg re-reading wdtfs... okay chapter 42, when Sumin is on top of Sungji... where on Earth is her arm!??!?! >< I can't believe I didn't notice this!

joined Feb 5, 2015

omg re-reading wdtfs... okay chapter 42, when Sumin is on top of Sungji... where on Earth is her arm!??!?! >< I can't believe I didn't notice this!

Haha I just went back to check it and you're right. Maybe it's hidden beside her ribs xD

joined Sep 15, 2015

Well, I didn't try to make it a big deal, just wanted to give my opinion, and don't tell me to let it go and move on, cause when I get my hands on what I want I'll never let it go, so you better be careful as to not let me put my hands on you~~

Umm. Thiaguinho ?? Don't get me wrong k ?? This is a bit creepy xD

If you try re reading chapter 48, it seems to fail to load. Like I have to reload the page but still won't go through. Not sure if it's just me tho

joined Mar 17, 2016

Chapter 48 loads for me, maybe it's just you lol

joined Sep 15, 2015

Chapter 48 loads for me, maybe it's just you lol

Can I kill myself now ?? XD

joined May 11, 2012

You talk as if creepy is such a bad thing~~, and don't worry, I won't get it wrong, especially if you get close enough to be in range of my hands, don't worry, they're just a little cold but reeeeally soft, nothing to be afraid off, and I don't bite either, unless you like it~~

joined Mar 17, 2016

Chapter 48 loads for me, maybe it's just you lol

Can I kill myself now ?? XD

Hahahaha do you want me to write a recap for you in skype?

joined May 11, 2012

Why not write here? And you girls have a skype group or what?

last edited at Apr 9, 2016 4:11PM

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