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joined Sep 15, 2015

"Pears, pears, pears, pears good things come in USA pears" XD

Are you gonna sing that all day ?? XD

joined Feb 13, 2016


I don't really listen to any of that music enough to recommend anything, however I am open to just about any type of music.

oh, I also listen to other genres, but I figured out I want to hear some indie/rock right now. I'm going to look for some new songs.

If you find any good ones you should let me know so I can listen to them, right now I've been listening to way too much kpop and I need a new genre lol

I didn't find anything. I ended up listening to old songs xD

To be honest, I can't really define indie either. I think of it as the song that is not pop, neither rock, but I guess something in between? xD
Though I know deep house has some jazz/soul influence, and the vibe is more smooth and minimal, with low bpm! (I cared once to read about it, because I like that genre lol)

last edited at Apr 7, 2016 5:52PM

joined Mar 17, 2016

"Pears, pears, pears, pears good things come in USA pears" XD

Are you gonna sing that all day ?? XD

Hahaha well I wasn't even singing that until one of my co-workers said "well at least it's not the pears song.." And then it was stuck in my head lol. Clearly they love my singing :D

joined Sep 15, 2015

Ok. So the movie is more like about Jenny coming out to her parents and their stuggles of accepting who she really is. Welp, that was boring.

last edited at Apr 7, 2016 6:05PM

joined Jul 27, 2015

To be honest, I can't really define indie either. I think of it as the song that is not pop, neither rock, but I guess something in between? xD

Hmm...If that's the case, there's this band called "We came as Romans." They've covered Taylor Swift's "I knew you were trouble" and it sounds awesome, imo. Also, "Breakaway" did a fabulous cover of Kelly Clarkson's "behind those hazel eyes" o.o (I like looking for covers of songs I like, and these are the only 2 I can name off the top of my head that would prolly fit the Indie genre. XD)

Though I know deep house has some jazz/soul influence, and the vibe is more smooth and minimal, with low bpm! (I cared once to read about it, because I like that genre lol)

In that case, I definitely have some of it in my archive. XD

joined Jul 27, 2015

o.o...Gee, it's actually way past my nap time. Like waaaaay past, but I don't feel like going to bed at all. I'm prolly gonna sleep through the whole day tomorrow. o.o

Know what I just noticed as well? This is the first lesbian forum (I think it should be safe to call it that, right?) where everyone's coming out story isn't one of the first topics that come up. I've been signed up on 3 others before and the first questions that were always asked usually were "When/How/to whom did you come out first?" "Are you out at all?" "How did you meet your current girlfriend?" "Do you have experience with guys?" etc. I feel like we haven't even really touched on any of those yet. XD It's kinda refreshing, really. Nice change of pace for a change. ^^

joined Mar 2, 2016

o.o...Gee, it's actually way past my nap time. Like waaaaay past, but I don't feel like going to bed at all. I'm prolly gonna sleep through the whole day tomorrow. o.o

Know what I just noticed as well? This is the first lesbian forum (I think it should be safe to call it that, right?) where everyone's coming out story isn't one of the first topics that come up. I've been signed up on 3 others before and the first questions that were always asked usually were "When/How/to whom did you come out first?" "Are you out at all?" "How did you meet your current girlfriend?" "Do you have experience with guys?" etc. I feel like we haven't even really touched on any of those yet. XD It's kinda refreshing, really. Nice change of pace for a change. ^^

Haha we covered the girl friend one though! ^ ^
And it's probably because we're not talking to eachother because we're gay, bi, straight or w/e , but because we're just really random super cool girls :D :D:D:D

joined Jul 27, 2015

o.o...Gee, it's actually way past my nap time. Like waaaaay past, but I don't feel like going to bed at all. I'm prolly gonna sleep through the whole day tomorrow. o.o

Know what I just noticed as well? This is the first lesbian forum (I think it should be safe to call it that, right?) where everyone's coming out story isn't one of the first topics that come up. I've been signed up on 3 others before and the first questions that were always asked usually were "When/How/to whom did you come out first?" "Are you out at all?" "How did you meet your current girlfriend?" "Do you have experience with guys?" etc. I feel like we haven't even really touched on any of those yet. XD It's kinda refreshing, really. Nice change of pace for a change. ^^

Haha we covered the girl friend one though! ^ ^

Aw man, I missed that. :/ But I'm too lazy to backread and find out how ya'll met your sweethearts. ....Might actually do that though, if I don't get tired anytime soon. XD

And it's probably because we're not talking to eachother because we're gay, bi, straight or w/e , but because we're just really random super cool girls :D :D:D:D

That must be the reason XD You're pretty much the first bunch of people on the net that was that fun to talk to, lol. XD

last edited at Apr 7, 2016 6:55PM

joined Sep 15, 2015

We only covered your lovestory with Lin
Yours alone lol

joined Jul 27, 2015

We only covered your lovestory with Lin
Yours alone lol

You covered.... -.- You don't happen to remember which page it was, do you?
sigh I'm gonna have a serious talk with that woman.

joined Apr 3, 2016

sigh I'm gonna have a serious talk with that woman.

I know you would've wanted me to ask you beforehand, but would you have said yes? Because I keep telling you that I'm absolutely fond of that memory and that I'm beyond proud of the part you played in all of it. The way we met is a compliment to the person you are deep inside. I don't understand why you don't want me to let people know that.

Anyway, I just quickly came here to see if you're still awake. I won't be home tonight at all. My brother is a mess and I think I'll stay the night and drive to work directly from his place tomorrow. So don't wait up for me.

joined Jul 27, 2015

sigh I'm gonna have a serious talk with that woman.

I know you would've wanted me to ask you beforehand, but would you have said yes? Because I keep telling you that I'm absolutely fond of that memory and that I'm beyond proud of the part you played in all of it. The way we met is a compliment to the person you are deep inside. I don't understand why you don't want me to let people know that.

We're not discussing this here, Lin.
Try to not be home late again tomorrow. We obviously have some things to sort out and I'm not going to wait until it's convenient for you.

Anyway, I just quickly came here to see if you're still awake. I won't be home tonight at all. My brother is a mess and I think I'll stay the night and drive to work directly from his place tomorrow. So don't wait up for me.

Right. I'll see you tomorrow then.

joined Apr 3, 2016

Right. I'll see you tomorrow then.

Okay, see you tomorrow. I'll try to be there at around 5.

joined Mar 8, 2014

you cat is soooooooo cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee omg! all cats are cute though ^-^
I think this forum is about just yuri and comics and random stuff so we don't look like some sort of lesbian club or sth... ^-^''''

I don't really care about tv shows with lesbian characters unless there's romance and it's the main plot. I just want girls love... I mean it's nice to have lgbt characters but I don't mind that much if it's an action story! >< also I don't like those series that have a million subplots going on and they have this romance that romance the other one and then the main plot of about killing zombies who knows? -.- For example, I liked "imagine me & you" if there was a series like that! I'd be super happy! also with more drama too :D

last edited at Apr 7, 2016 7:21PM

joined Jul 27, 2015

Right. I'll see you tomorrow then.

Okay, see you tomorrow. I'll try to be there at around 5.



Reeba does have her cute moments, but trust me. Most of the time she's freaking Satan in a furry, cute disguise. XD

joined Nov 20, 2015

you cat is soooooooo cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee omg! all cats are cute though ^-^
I think this forum is about just yuri and comics and random stuff so we don't look like some sort of lesbian club or sth... ^-^''''
I don't really care about tv shows with lesbian characters unless there's romance and it's the main plot. I just want girls love... I mean it's nice to have lgbt characters but I don't mind that much if it's an action story! >< also I don't like those series that have a million subplots going on and they have this romance that romance the other one and then the main plot of about killing zombies who knows? -.- For example, I liked "imagine me & you" if there was a series like that! I'd be super happy! also with more drama too :D

I Cant Think Straight is the first lez movie i watched
Person of Interest - Root and Shaw is a good item. I depressed me when Shaw died when she sacrificed herself for their group. I luv d way they flirt to each other..

last edited at Apr 7, 2016 7:31PM

joined Mar 8, 2014

and um, by the way, I don't mean to be indiscreet, but you don't have to be mad at Lin, she seemed really happy and showing off in a nice way ^-^ you really are a very cute couple ^-^
don't worry I don't think anyone sees you differently after hearing that story err.. I don't know if this helps ^-^'''
ah, well, sorry! I won't talk about it anymore! ><

joined Nov 20, 2015

and um, by the way, I don't mean to be indiscreet, but you don't have to be mad at Lin, she seemed really happy and showing off in a nice way ^-^ you really are a very cute couple ^-^
don't worry I don't think anyone sees you differently after hearing that story err.. I don't know if this helps ^-^'''
ah, well, sorry! I won't talk about it anymore! ><

yeah, pls dont. And i'm sorry too.. you both are just too cute..

joined Sep 15, 2015

Umm. I didn't just start the umm. 'Fight' going on with Lin & Suzuma, did I ?? Bc of their love story. Umm

joined Nov 20, 2015

Gtg now...

joined Jul 27, 2015

but you don't have to be mad at Lin, she seemed really happy and showing off in a nice way ^-^

...*sighs* Well, you already know the story, so might as well know my reasoning as to why I don't like sharing it. Not like there's gonna be any more damage done anyway.

Look. First off, I'm not mad at Lin. We're at a disagreement, which is something normal to happen whenever you put two people together and tell them to talk. Lin and I are not an exception. So don't worry, I won't dump her. XD I'm just a tad bit angry with her, is all. We're good talkers, so we're gonna sort it out tomorrow, maybe have some make up sex and it's all gonna be good.

Now, the reason why I don't like it if she shares this story without asking me and without even telling me (or even at all, because I mostly don't want her to) is because...well, just be perfectly honest for a moment: it sounds like the plot of some cheap Hollywood movie, right? And the thing is that this is exactly what people think. If this was just about me or just about her, then I wouldn't care if people think the whole thing is just something we made up to feel special or whatever. I mean, I don't owe anyone an explanation or justification and neither does Lin, plus I love her for reasons that go far beyond the fact that she's helped me help a friend once. No, my main issue here is that this whole ordeal is first and foremost Vlad's story. The story of a young boy, who had went through enough suffering at the hand's of his own father that he had considered killing himself. That is the part where I get defensive. Because I've made experiences when Lin and me told this story and people actually laughed about it, gave us mock applause and then went "Ok. And now the real story, please." And I just lose my shit every time this happens, because they're basically saying that everything Vlad went through, every single tear and drop of blood he wasted on his pathetic excuse of a father, is just made-up shit some dykes came up with to feel special. And that's not what this is about. The story how we met is basically the story of a teenage boy, who was already so done with life that he'd considered ending it. That I ended up meeting the woman I see my future in isn't what this is all about. Our story starts much later. And that's why I usually just say that we first met while helping out a friend of mine and I leave it at that. Because I love how she wants to show off what she thinks is positive about me, but I've had it with people disrespecting Vlad, so I tend to prevent that from happening at all by simply not elaborating on his part of the story.

last edited at Apr 7, 2016 7:50PM

joined Mar 8, 2014

don't worry, I usually just chose to believe what people say :) and I understand that yeah, some people are not like that and they act kind of rude so I get both of you, well I hope you make up soon ^-^

joined Mar 17, 2016

joined Jan 13, 2016

@Su and Lin. Your love is really cute and inspiring me. I have never allowed myself to fall in love before but your love stories of each other are just touching me deeply so now i decided to let myself fall in love once. Before i just thought i should just get married to someone from far away without actually love that person. I was thinking just marry for my undecisivenesd. You know what your love stories make me want to fall in love for real.

last edited at Apr 7, 2016 7:59PM

joined Jul 27, 2015

well I hope you make up soon ^-^

We will, no worries ^^ It's probably always gonna be a bit of an issue with the both of us being very headstrong and having our own very good reasons for thinking the way we do, but oh well. I mean, you don't tear down a house just cause the front door squeaks a little, right? ;) We'll be okay.


^^; Go for it. Love is beautiful! :D

Distraction Llama

Good idea! o.o New topic. Um...uhm...I got it!
Let's talk about porn!
gets buried under pile of bricks ... Urk...guess not then...

last edited at Apr 7, 2016 8:07PM

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