Guys, if it's kind of heartbreaking for TeamBlonde, imagine for Team Pink. I swear I'm living the 5 stages of grief simultaneously T^T
I'm in denial, while raging because of my damaged ship, trying to think of a way to bargain Seju's happiness, and got damn depressed because I have accepted my poor choices in shipping lol.
Why is it heartbreaking for teamBlonde though? xD
You don't chose a ship, the ship choses you and you can't just jumb the ship even if you seen it's really sinking haha.
Also Felicia r u from Greece? I didn't know there were other people from my country here too! :o
I wasn't sure If I wanted to post this, but since Suzuma said what happened to that boy in's really heartbreaking. In my country, most people are very homophobic too. It's usually the older men who when they see a gay, they will take that "disgusteted" expression on their face and they will call him f** . They just won't kill them, but besides that, there is still a big stigma around it.
Most of my friends and familly is like this too.
Also there is a video on Youtube, where one of the "best" andpopular sexologist in Greece was talking about homosexuality. What he was saying was disgusting, and the fact that a lot of people believe his words and that he is the best makes it even worse.
He was basically talking about female homosexuality specifically.
And that there are two types of lesbians. The manly one, and the feminine one. The manly one, as he called them, are the "spider lesbians" that will trap the feminine girl to their web. Those feminine girls, are not actually gay (he doesn't think that being feminine and liking girls is possible), but they come from a disfuctionla households. this is why they are more valnerable, and the spider butch lesbian takes this chance to trap them.
But then they meet a man and fall in love and they get saved.
I was like WTF...Its a shame the video is not translated in English, soeveryone can see how this so called experienced sexologist is so ignorant and homophobic