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joined Jan 4, 2016

Azai Kitkat101* Nyuuuu. :( I guess I failed at trying to recruit people to the short hair club haha.. as I did for my rl friends.. sniff.

i was team short hair for several years but i change my hair style a lot. so after dead bleach grass hair i started growing it out again, but now im thinking its time to get some scissors. long hair is SOOOOO much maintenance and im also team lazy Tehhe

joined Mar 17, 2016

Azai Kitkat101* Nyuuuu. :( I guess I failed at trying to recruit people to the short hair club haha.. as I did for my rl friends.. sniff.

I did get a short hair cut last September tho. But not a bob cut.
Bob cut's waaaaay too short for me. And my parents are gonna get real suspicious with me again. Remember, I'm not out of the closet yet. XD

No one's going to suspect anything just cause you get a bob cut..
having short hair doesn't automatically make you gay~
You can also go for one of those cute bobs that can make you look really girly if that's what you want to go for ^ ^

... I am clearly failing at this convincing thing :(

Lol I'm not sure about the bob cut thing, but apparently wearing flannel means you are a lesbian (which is weird cause I only have one flannel shirt haha) so I mentioned that to my aunt one time and she laughed and then realized her daughter wears a lot of flannel and that is how I almost outed my cousin on accident XD

joined Jan 13, 2016

I am feeling abandoned now. Goodbye you all. It was nice chatting for a bit.

joined Mar 17, 2016

Hahaha thanks Newp I felt like in order to be really noticed I needed to make a grand entrance XD

joined Mar 17, 2016

I am feeling abandoned now. Goodbye you all. It was nice chatting for a bit.

No don't leave D: I just got back..

joined Mar 2, 2016

I am feeling abandoned now. Goodbye you all. It was nice chatting for a bit.

Noo!!!! mvl89 I didn't see you there! Welcome backk! Don't feel abandoned !! ;( We are family heree~~

joined Mar 2, 2016

Lol I'm not sure about the bob cut thing, but apparently wearing flannel means you are a lesbian (which is weird cause I only have one flannel shirt haha) so I mentioned that to my aunt one time and she laughed and then realized her daughter wears a lot of flannel and that is how I almost outed my cousin on accident XD

Haha well Sumin sure looked good in hers ;) so not complaining~

last edited at Apr 4, 2016 7:44PM

joined Mar 17, 2016

I am feeling abandoned now. Goodbye you all. It was nice chatting for a bit.

Noo!!!! mvl89 I didn't see you there! Welcome backk! Don't feel abandoned !! ;( We are family heree~~

We are family~ I got all my sistas with me~~

Haha Sumin looked great in hers! ;)

last edited at Apr 4, 2016 7:44PM

joined Sep 15, 2015

GraciousLlama & Newp
In the family I have,
Long hair = straight
Short hair (like bob cut) = lesbiaaaaan
So that's how it is. Weird eii lol

And GraciousLlama
Wearing flannels here in Canada is pretty common. Like everybody wears it. Dunno how it would make you gay in your area tho lol

Why the sulking out of nowhere ?? Haha

joined Sep 15, 2015

Sumin in a flannel shirt ?? (0_0)
What chapter ?? Did I miss it ??

joined Jan 4, 2016

Lol I'm not sure about the bob cut thing, but apparently wearing flannel means you are a lesbian (which is weird cause I only have one flannel shirt haha) so I mentioned that to my aunt one time and she laughed and then realized her daughter wears a lot of flannel and that is how I almost outed my cousin on accident XD

things that make my gaydar go off:
1.short boi-ish hairstyles.
2.buttoned shirts (i guess flannels count =)
...cant think of anything else right now..but
Bobs arent on my list.

joined Mar 17, 2016

When they go to that resort thingy I think?

joined Feb 8, 2016

Haha I see you guys are having fun. Kanojo's running to her sister's place to get stuff for the wall-hangings so I have a few minutes. I'll see if she'll read WDTFS, but I'll be terrified if I find out I'm sleeping with TeamPink lol. Chances of her joining a forum on a manga hosting site are slim to none. She doesn't read manga unless I pester her into one. Like if I tried to get her to read FF she'd be like you gotta be kidding me.

joined Sep 15, 2015

Do you like hairbuns too tho ??
How bout tattoos~ ??

Ohh that. I see. Thanx. I couldn't clearly remember it since I'm all eyes on Sungji's bikini in thay chapter. Lol

I can quite see your reaction if you find out your kanojo's not on the same ship as we are. Lol
Terrifying discovery XD

joined Mar 2, 2016

Kittokatto Yaa theres a chapter where shes wearing a red and black one I believe.

and okay now I'm starting to wonder what you guys mean by a bob cut.. cause I think we are imagining different things o.o or maybe my definition of a bob cut is just incorrect :(

dofudofu haha welcome backk . And yeah it's hard trying to convince non-manga readers into reading it :( So unfortunate..
But it's interesting to know which team she'd be on ;P

last edited at Apr 4, 2016 7:58PM

joined Feb 13, 2016

Well, guys, time to get some shit done with my life. It was fun for today :)

You're good at recruiting, but, nope, I like my hair long. (I think I'm still better at recruitment though. One day, this place shall be dominated by Team Pink)

Welcome back! That entrance was probably the gayest thing that ever happened in this thread. I hope you're better now.

Come baaack. People will miss you.

New recruit, I will leave you in charge of the ship. Our captain seems to be missing though.

KittoKatto burned me there. Time to retreat.

last edited at Apr 4, 2016 8:00PM

joined Sep 15, 2015

Bob cut = Norae's hair ?? Am I right ?? Or right ?? xD

Don't escape from us. I have to pull you back in here. Cmon cmon. Everyone's gonna be here soon~~

joined Mar 17, 2016

Welcome back :) I think it would be interesting to find out if she was Team Pink lol

Didn't No-rae have a bob cut in FF?
Dang it KittoKatto beat me to it

Welcome back haha I can't wait until you are completely back though instead of popping in and out, and thank you I pride myself on somehow doing the gayest thing here

last edited at Apr 4, 2016 8:03PM

joined Sep 15, 2015

3 TeamBlonde vs. Everybody else
Srsly ?? Lol
And yes, Norae had a bob cut. Her hair's growing longer now tho

joined Mar 2, 2016

kitkat101 GraciousLlama yes yes ! Noraes hair ^ ^ Hers is actually a longer bob cut but yeah! (Like when she first got it cut). Doesn't she look adorable and better with short hair than with her long hair? Her current mid-way length is pretty cute too though :)

last edited at Apr 4, 2016 8:04PM

joined Sep 15, 2015

I totally agree. Norae is such a cutie with her bob cut and her jolly personality. Lol

joined Mar 17, 2016

Yeah I think her bob cut really fits her personality lol and it looks especially cute whenever she gets really excited about something haha

I need to go find food..

last edited at Apr 4, 2016 8:05PM

joined Sep 15, 2015

watching a suspense, horror movie right now and I'm all alone~

I need food too. Ruffles everyone ??

joined Mar 2, 2016

Kitkat101 Yes please.. what flavour? Been craving for chips today but I didn't feel like going out cause it's freezing cold outside :(

joined Sep 15, 2015

All dressed. The big ones. I have two bags. wink wink
I have Doritos too xD

How cold is it down there ?? Saw the news and you have snow and freezing cold weather. Not so Toronto at all.

last edited at Apr 4, 2016 8:14PM

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