Forum › What Does the Fox Say discussion

joined Mar 17, 2016

For the sex thingy. Just because you slept with a lot of different women, doesn't mean you're not loyal anymore. Like imo, in real life, I can do that if I'm not commited with somebody. If the sex is good & hot, why won't anyone love it ?? You know what I mean ?? Lol.
And of course, back to WDTFS, have you ever seen Sumin slept with another girl while she's in a relationship with someone ?? Whether if it's Sungji, that redhead, or that blondie in the tub she's with

Well i guess i just like Seju for waiting so long for Sumin to be hers again without playing around even though she had to watch Sumin slept with other women. Sumin only loved when she was loved. She even used Seju to comfort her problems and needs. Anyway Sumin is just not the one i would pick to be in love with lol. Things wouldn't work out haha. I guess we all have different taste.

"Sumin only loved when she was loved"
Correct me if I'm wrong but from what I understand here, you're telling me that Sumin could only love that person back if that certain person loves her ??
ლ(ಠ_ಠ ლ)
If so, then dude. If Sumin always did that, wouldn't she be with Seju still ?? Coz it's clearer than water that Seju loves Sumin. Sooo, why didn't Sumin come back to Seju then, even knowing the fact that Seju always loved her ??

Ok. So Seju went of and slept with some dude. Sumin found out and their relationship just isn't the same anymore. Of course i would be angry too. Things happened and blah blah blah ... hehehe i'm tired of typing so just blah blah blah...ok I just like Seju. I like u Seju. Lol. Don't kill or touch her please.

I touched her..

And your hand set ablaze.

That must be why I have such a hard time alternating between top and bottom. It's hard to do that once your hand has been set ablaze unfortunately.

joined May 11, 2012

Eeeh, didn't thought someone here would be from Brazil too, where are you from exactly? I'm from RS, of course knowing my luck, as always you're going to be another person that lives far, even when they're from my country they life really fucking far... (T^T)

As for this little game, I don't care either way as long as I ended with Seju, not sure what say about this bottom and top discussion, all I can say is that this discussion sure got derailed.

joined Feb 13, 2016

Like, when you're too girly, you can't take being together with someone girly too. And same with butch too. Femme can't be with femme. Butch can't be with butch. For some, that may not work at all.

You guys are running yourselves into a corner with this :P Don't limit yourselves too much. You're still young. Preferences change. I know plenty of couples where both are very butch bulldykes and other where both are femmes, and others that are in between. Attraction is a funny thing.

I agree with dofudofu. I'm probably categorized as femme and I prefer femmes. But I'm bi, so that may explain things a bit.

joined Mar 17, 2016

Like, when you're too girly, you can't take being together with someone girly too. And same with butch too. Femme can't be with femme. Butch can't be with butch. For some, that may not work at all.

You guys are running yourselves into a corner with this :P Don't limit yourselves too much. You're still young. Preferences change. I know plenty of couples where both are very butch bulldykes and other where both are femmes, and others that are in between. Attraction is a funny thing.

I agree with dofudofu. I'm probably categorized as femme and I prefer femmes. But I'm bi, so that may explain things a bit.

I agree, I am categorized as femme and I do prefer femmes however I am not only attracted to them.

joined Feb 8, 2016

As for this little game, I don't care either way as long as I ended with Seju, not sure what say about this bottom and top discussion, all I can say is that this discussion sure got derailed.

There I was, casually eating a burrito and getting people to play a little game. This happened. Also you broke the rules.

last edited at Apr 1, 2016 9:38PM

joined May 11, 2012

And what exactly happened? I didn't say to stop if that is what you think, and I can't break rules if I'm not playing.

last edited at Apr 1, 2016 9:39PM

joined Mar 8, 2014

It's not like anyone limits themselves on purpose. I don't think preferences change that drastically after some point... it's almost like saying a gay person can turn straight or viceversa. I mean, it could happen I guess but it's only under certain circumstances where you have been repressing yourself and trying to fit into a box... For me it really isn't like that.
Btw, I prefer someone in between butch and femme but generally more 'masculine personality'. Whoa... I wonder if I'm talking too much about my personal stuff online :P Oh well... I wouldn't want people who know me irl to read this because then...! ;_; it wouldn't be so exciting if they found out in person! But oh well... hopefully no one stalks me online...
Why is it hard once your hand has been set ablaze? what does that even mean...?

last edited at Apr 1, 2016 9:45PM

joined Feb 8, 2016

And what exactly happened? I didn't say to stop if that is what you think, and I can't break rules if I'm not playing.

The discussion got away from me very quickly lol. And once you say part of what your pick would be, you're in play. I have to go soon, don't have too much fun without me.

joined Sep 15, 2015

We need to listen to experienced people like dofudofu and Azai. Lol lol
And I've got no idea what they're talking about hands set ablaze.

joined Sep 15, 2015


Eeeh, didn't thought someone here would be from Brazil too, where are you from exactly? I'm from RS, of course knowing my luck, as always you're going to be another person that lives far, even when they're from my country they life really fucking far... (T^T)

You're never alone when you are from Brazil - there is always a Brazilian right next to you. I'm from SP who knows for how long. I'm about to graduate, want to work and get some money and go to a country where there's really winter. Canada seems to be good heh.

Canada's winter is not that cold anymore. But still, we have snooooow~~

joined Feb 13, 2016


We need to listen to experienced people like dofudofu and Azai. Lol lol
And I've got no idea what they're talking about hands set ablaze.

Lol lol lol can't you guys at least guess?

last edited at Apr 1, 2016 9:50PM

joined May 11, 2012

Oh, okay, don't worry, it's only truly fun when everyone is here, and okay so I would:

Marry = Seju

Fuck = Nami

Kill = Redhead

Happy now? I would never do anything to Sumin and Sungji cause I want them together even if I'm on Team Pink.

I'm won't believe unless you add me on [facebook](I deleted the link, if someone want ask that I give it again)! Others can add me too, you never have enough friends to annoy is what I always say~~

As for cold, man how I hate to live in this hot country, I want to go to somewhere cold. (T^T)

last edited at Apr 2, 2016 1:03AM

joined Feb 13, 2016


Eeeh, didn't thought someone here would be from Brazil too, where are you from exactly? I'm from RS, of course knowing my luck, as always you're going to be another person that lives far, even when they're from my country they life really fucking far... (T^T)

You're never alone when you are from Brazil - there is always a Brazilian right next to you. I'm from SP who knows for how long. I'm about to graduate, want to work and get some money and go to a country where there's really winter. Canada seems to be good heh.

Canada's winter is not that cold anymore. But still, we have snooooow~~

Oh, that must be so cool, like really. In Brazil, not only your hands are set ablaze.

joined Sep 15, 2015


We need to listen to experienced people like dofudofu and Azai. Lol lol
And I've got no idea what they're talking about hands set ablaze.

Lol lol lol can't you guys at least guess?

Is it because they're too hot ?? Like i dunno. Fuck. Got no idea. I give up. Gimme the answer hahahaha (>////<)/

joined Mar 8, 2014

We need to listen to experienced people like dofudofu and Azai. Lol lol
And I've got no idea what they're talking about hands set ablaze.

do we? older people usually find faults in everything younger people do -.-
^-^ just kidding~
honestly though, I've never been proven wrong about the things I thought for myself and what I like and I don't especially like it when people question it. Becaaauseee... it's usually some guy who wants another 'chance' or something and keeps messaging me all the time or trying to flirt with me on fb or trying to hug me or he tells me I don't really know 'he's not my type' -.- I know. If someone is not at least vaguely your type from the beginning he won't be down the road. Like if I say I like introverted people some extroverted guy will tell me he's actually introverted but doesn't show it to me or sth. Okay, good, I said I like introverted people though, not both introverted and extroverted -.- What is true though is that you can find someone who you think is your type but not be down the road. For example if they seem introverted and they turn out to have an extroverted side.
P.s: the introvert vs extrovert was just an example. Though I'm not attracted to extroverted people.
Btw, I thought maybe it'd be hard to alternate if you are dizzy (is that what hands ablaze means?) after umm... that... but er... I don't know, are you? I have low blood-pressure so when I get up I might even see stars.

last edited at Apr 1, 2016 9:56PM

joined Mar 17, 2016

Lol I didn't even know you guys were talking about the ablaze thing still XD my puppy got an open bag full of wooden skewers and ran outside with them so I've been playing pick up sticks in the backyard

joined Mar 8, 2014

I thought the puppies were supposed to pick the sticks hahahahah :P

joined Sep 15, 2015

Reverse role lol
But yea. Tell us the hands set ablaze thingy lol

last edited at Apr 1, 2016 9:59PM

joined Feb 13, 2016


We need to listen to experienced people like dofudofu and Azai. Lol lol
And I've got no idea what they're talking about hands set ablaze.

Lol lol lol can't you guys at least guess?

Is it because they're too hot ?? Like i dunno. Fuck. Got no idea. I give up. Gimme the answer hahahaha (>////<)/

You guys are cute hahaha. Man, this is too precious.

joined Mar 8, 2014

Hands set ablaze... hmm... do they go numb... because of some weird position...? >.>

joined Jan 13, 2016

For the sex thingy. Just because you slept with a lot of different women, doesn't mean you're not loyal anymore. Like imo, in real life, I can do that if I'm not commited with somebody. If the sex is good & hot, why won't anyone love it ?? You know what I mean ?? Lol.
And of course, back to WDTFS, have you ever seen Sumin slept with another girl while she's in a relationship with someone ?? Whether if it's Sungji, that redhead, or that blondie in the tub she's with

Well i guess i just like Seju for waiting so long for Sumin to be hers again without playing around even though she had to watch Sumin slept with other women. Sumin only loved when she was loved. She even used Seju to comfort her problems and needs. Anyway Sumin is just not the one i would pick to be in love with lol. Things wouldn't work out haha. I guess we all have different taste.

"Sumin only loved when she was loved"
Correct me if I'm wrong but from what I understand here, you're telling me that Sumin could only love that person back if that certain person loves her ??
ლ(ಠ_ಠ ლ)
If so, then dude. If Sumin always did that, wouldn't she be with Seju still ?? Coz it's clearer than water that Seju loves Sumin. Sooo, why didn't Sumin come back to Seju then, even knowing the fact that Seju always loved her ??

Ok. So Seju went of and slept with some dude. Sumin found out and their relationship just isn't the same anymore. Of course i would be angry too. Things happened and blah blah blah ... hehehe i'm tired of typing so just blah blah blah...ok I just like Seju. I like u Seju. Lol. Don't kill or touch her please.

I touched her..

How dare you

joined Sep 15, 2015

Maybe because they umm. Touched their umm.. 'partner' ? Fuck it. Like they tried being top while they're doing it but then they can't do bottom anymore bc they enjoy being the top ?? Damn. I'm not making any sense at all, am I ??
I'm so lost right now

joined Jan 13, 2016

I TOUCHED SEJU IN MANY WAYS YOU DON'T EVEN WANNA KNOW. If you do, it'll destroy you. (╯✧▽✧)╯

How dare you, you womanizer. I am
declaring war on you now. I'm also going to tell the team leader about your cheating. Give me your address so i will hunt you down. By the way where did you touch?

last edited at Apr 1, 2016 10:13PM

joined Mar 17, 2016

Lmao! KitKat101 and Faylicia you both are killing me hahahaha

joined Feb 13, 2016

Maybe because they umm. Touched their umm.. 'partner' ? Fuck it. Like they tried being top while they're doing it but then they can't do bottom anymore bc they enjoy being the top ?? Damn. I'm not making any sense at all, am I ??
I'm so lost right now

| patting your head | Sorry, but this is just fun to watch. I'm sorry for being a bully (it doesn't help knowing I'm taller than you).

last edited at Apr 1, 2016 10:12PM

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