I love it :<
Eh.... No thank you.... Bye..
I agree.
Plot? What plot?
For this story the correct term would be Porn without plot xD I seriously enjoyed this story a bit too much. I read this like 3 times and I can't get enough of it. And for some of us we find scratching and biting to be very sexy ;3
wow lots of sex indeed...uh actually lots is not enough to describe it... thumbs up
lots of sex
sexy rough and not forced! The art... well, the porn was great. I'll take this even without plot.
hmm... i need someone like ran-san <3
I misread this as Ran x Yukina and was a bit disappointed when it wasn't bandori lmao
Damn they really put all my kinks into one manga huh. That’s crazy.
This artist has a lot of RanYuri doujins, like 20ish I own most of them but this one is the only translated
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