Forum › Demon & Her Dog discussion

joined Aug 9, 2013

I dont get it. Someone explain

joined Sep 12, 2013

I dont get it. Someone explain

Sakuya is extremely devoted to Remilia (like a dog to her master), and she lives a much shorter life than Remilia (human to vampire, dog to human; although in a vampire case, s/he is immortal).

In short, Sakuya will eventually die much earlier than Remilia, leaving her alone. The whole dog thing is like a huge metaphor.

last edited at Sep 12, 2013 7:22AM

joined May 28, 2011

I dont get it. Someone explain

the dog represents Sakuya, the maid. Because humans have short lives, compared to immortals, her life is considered brief like that of a pet/dog

joined Apr 10, 2013

Fuck... I cried... And I have school the next few minutes.... Should wipe this up...

joined Nov 9, 2012

I'm teary eyed because this reminded me when I had to put my dog down ;-; feels

joined Feb 28, 2013

I cried... a lot. Remilla's face on page 8 is what pushed me over the edge. I hate that, as selfish as she acts, Remilla will let Sakuya have her way and pass on.

joined Mar 2, 2013

this was depressing but Remilia crying and Sakuya taking her death with such a cheerful expression made me so depressed I'm gonna like cheer myself up with something I'm not sure what but something ;u;

joined Mar 17, 2013

I shouldn't have read this.... Reminds me of a lot of things

joined Feb 8, 2013

This is too huge of a metaphor for simple me

joined May 22, 2013

I dont get it. Someone explain

the dog represents Sakuya, the maid. Because humans have short lives, compared to immortals, her life is considered brief like that of a pet/dog

Now I feel the urgent need for implementation of a rich comment textbox.

joined Jun 23, 2013

dang it was reading this while listening to a sad song..
Imma going to wash my face.

joined Feb 9, 2013

It's great. I love it. It probably took a day to draw this. XD

joined Aug 17, 2014

I am not cry, I said I am not cry !

joined Oct 29, 2019

Never thought something could touch my heart anymore....

joined Jul 15, 2020

Depressing as fuck :'(, dude it's hurt

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