I don't have twitter and I will never do so, I never post anything in facebook for everyone to see I only talk in private chat... why do people want to be known so much? do they aim fame? I don't get it, I would feel really ankward with everyone knowing about my private life and what I'm doing, I don't like being "open" to critisism.
Many people don't realize that once you put something on the internet, it will always be there somewhere even if you delete it..
I also feel like facepalming when I see friends putting infos like their sexual orientation or political views on Facebook or private pictures of them everybody can see.
As for the Twitter.. I guess most people are just trying to receive attention x)
What most people who constantly post stuff on Facebook don't realize is... Nobody cares what you ate for lunch or if you just ran 5 kilometers! Lol
I get what you're saying, as far as I'm concerned, the less info I put on the internet, the better. And if I want to tell someone something private about myself, I can always do it in person :D
last edited at Jan 5, 2016 5:52AM