Forum › Little Witch Academia discussion

joined Feb 28, 2013


So awesome, I saw that there was going to be a one shot on the Kickstarter update, I'm so glad someone translated it.

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

Absolutely loved the OVA, cannot wait for the next one. So wished I'd donated to the Kickstarter.

This manga could do with better quality scans, but I'm so happy it was translated. Love it.

joined Jul 18, 2012

I was in the /a/ thread this was scanlated in and I have to say, they did goddamn magic with it. The raws looked much, much worse before and the typesetter did a great job. Nice to see it released on Dynasty.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

To be honest, the art is putting me off. The faces come off as somehow creepy even though they're supposed to be cute.

joined Jul 3, 2011

It was a cute story and I think it has potential as a (yuri)series.

joined May 28, 2011

moar, needs moar!!

joined Apr 8, 2013

Hanna (&) Barbara - Animation studio from the 70s. xD

joined Jan 31, 2013

How can I haven't found this until now?

joined May 23, 2015

You'll probably like hearing that he did a full volume, and not just a one-shot, then.

joined Jan 31, 2013

You'll probably like hearing that he did a full volume, and not just a one-shot, then.




joined Jul 8, 2018

Wow, I'm guessing this was early concept stuff for LWA? Or maybe the start for the OVA/Movie timeline.

A few notable things:

Sucy was a lot nicer in this manga than she ended up being in the anime lol.

Akko's family! The only time we see them and it's just barely lol.

They actually mention Japan instead of it being vague like in the anime

That mandragora thing is like the mandrakes from Harry Potter as most people probably realized. Though both ideas were probably taken from old myths.

Akko having weak magic was clearly not thought out yet. Thinking back she was also not as bad at magic in the movie timeline as she was in the show.

Anyway, really enjoyed this, always nice to revisit these characters (especially Akko! Love her) and the LWA world

joined Dec 31, 2018

2024 and still visiting this manga.

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