Forum › Mari-san and Aoi-chan discussion

joined Jun 6, 2014

Have you read ?


That is one of my favorites of all time! I'm overheating a bit right nowww...

joined Jan 4, 2014

I guess if you look mean by default, you have to be more proactive and go talk to people to make them see you're not an asshole.. Which is not so easy when you're shy as hell ^^'

Not that the sentiment seems at all familiar, nope, never, nothing of the sorts...

Depending on your environment it becomes even more fun, as even a nominally friendly face is assumed to be constrained by a serious demeanour. Workplaces can drive that perception, alas.

(...scheint im Übrigen recht viele deutschsprachige Leute hier zu geben... :) )

joined May 23, 2014

Have you read ?

Oh god, thank you so much for introducing me that wonderful oneshot, it's really good :3

joined Oct 30, 2015


joined Nov 8, 2017

This was really cute. <3

joined Aug 27, 2013

The original was posted here at long last:
It's very cute too!

joined Aug 20, 2016

I guess if you look mean by default, you have to be more proactive and go talk to people to make them see you're not an asshole.. Which is not so easy when you're shy as hell ^^'

Not that the sentiment seems at all familiar, nope, never, nothing of the sorts...

Depending on your environment it becomes even more fun, as even a nominally friendly face is assumed to be constrained by a serious demeanour. Workplaces can drive that perception, alas.

(...scheint im Übrigen recht viele deutschsprachige Leute hier zu geben... :) )

Anscheinend ^^

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