ya...i love this series. really do hope the mangaka takes this somewhere decent. s'pose we'll see that in future chapters
It was a good first chapter. Will be looking forward to future developments.
Three strong chapters so far. I have high hopes. I'm still just glad we have people who want to work on this one.
it's hard to find a series that both an editor and translator like/is willing to work on...*coughwifeandwife* (better get on to that as well i suppose...well sometime soon. hopefully)
No usable raws for W&W, so no need to get on it :P
not saying that i'll get on it even if we have usable raws...
Chapter "3.5" and an extra in Tsubomi 13, apparently. http://l3zero.blogspot.com/2011/07/blog-post.html
Caution for the terminally un-hip: his blog contains jazz and loli, so don't look if you don't like them.
Excellent! The more Prism the better!
looks like we'll have to buy this...
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