Forum › Comprehensive Tovarisch discussion

joined Feb 14, 2019

Scanlator here!

The side-story oneshot chapters are pretty recent (as in, a couple months ago recent), so we might see more of them at some point. Arata Iri mentioned a Chihaya/Miyako chapter specifically, but I'm not sure when we can expect it. I imagine she has her hands full with the Todo no Tsumari reboot right now.

Wait, there's going to be a reboot of Todo no Tsumari? Was she not not satisfied with the original or something like that?

Also, I hope we do get a Chihaya/Miyako chapter. They're my 2nd favorite couple after Kanna xYuu.

I believe the magazine she was in did some restructuring and she got the short end of the stick, since she seems to have the worst luck on the planet when it comes to magazines.

On the bright side, she's relaunching the series in Dengeki Daioh, where Bloom Into You was running. I get the impression they're looking for a yuri series to fill the void now that it ended, so fingers crossed that she finally gets the support she deserves.

joined Aug 11, 2019

Scanlator here!

The side-story oneshot chapters are pretty recent (as in, a couple months ago recent), so we might see more of them at some point. Arata Iri mentioned a Chihaya/Miyako chapter specifically, but I'm not sure when we can expect it. I imagine she has her hands full with the Todo no Tsumari reboot right now.

Wait, there's going to be a reboot of Todo no Tsumari? Was she not not satisfied with the original or something like that?

Also, I hope we do get a Chihaya/Miyako chapter. They're my 2nd favorite couple after Kanna xYuu.

I believe the magazine she was in did some restructuring and she got the short end of the stick, since she seems to have the worst luck on the planet when it comes to magazines.

On the bright side, she's relaunching the series in Dengeki Daioh, where Bloom Into You was running. I get the impression they're looking for a yuri series to fill the void now that it ended, so fingers crossed that she finally gets the support she deserves.

Hopefully her (bad) luck doesn't live on and/or infect Dengeki Daioh, Hanigare and Futari Gohan are still running there :P

And, well, this might be greedy of me to wish, but I do hope Sougou Tovarisch gets rebooted in new serialization too.

joined May 24, 2017

Extras then more extras then more extras!!!???
Holy Moly! This is so good!

joined Apr 1, 2018

...So is akatsuki or rika the top? (ಠ_ಠ)

someones gotta ask the real questions

joined Apr 20, 2013

JUST FINISH ALREADY! IS THIS GINTAMA?! GOD DAM- hahahaha just kidding XP I'm so happy I'm no longer know what to do with my joy. Is true, with all these extras, is no longer a rushed ending, it's perfect.

And Purin comes with even greater news!!! we have Arata for a long time! thank you very much for everything you've done!

last edited at Nov 25, 2019 9:55AM

joined Jun 24, 2013

Once again, thank you so much to the people finishing the translation. I'm so glad we got a glimpse of Yuu and Kanna's life as lovers. I'll always cherish this series.

joined Nov 21, 2019

Scanlator here!

The side-story oneshot chapters are pretty recent (as in, a couple months ago recent), so we might see more of them at some point. Arata Iri mentioned a Chihaya/Miyako chapter specifically, but I'm not sure when we can expect it. I imagine she has her hands full with the Todo no Tsumari reboot right now.

Wait, there's going to be a reboot of Todo no Tsumari? Was she not not satisfied with the original or something like that?

Also, I hope we do get a Chihaya/Miyako chapter. They're my 2nd favorite couple after Kanna xYuu.

I believe the magazine she was in did some restructuring and she got the short end of the stick, since she seems to have the worst luck on the planet when it comes to magazines.

On the bright side, she's relaunching the series in Dengeki Daioh, where Bloom Into You was running. I get the impression they're looking for a yuri series to fill the void now that it ended, so fingers crossed that she finally gets the support she deserves.

Hopefully her (bad) luck doesn't live on and/or infect Dengeki Daioh, Hanigare and Futari Gohan are still running there :P

And, well, this might be greedy of me to wish, but I do hope Sougou Tovarisch gets rebooted in new serialization too.

I was thinking the same thing. It almost seems like Arata Iri has some sort of curse that was placed on her.

I'd also like a reboot of Comprehensive Tovarisch. As much I liked the series it could definitely use some improvements. For example maybe they could introduce the student council a bit earlier.

joined Apr 15, 2013

Top Yuu continues to be the best thing ever. I love this author so much.

joined Aug 11, 2019

^ Hell yeah! #YuuTop FTW! =]]]

joined Nov 21, 2019

No matter how many times I look and see that this series has been completed, it just doesn't feel real.

joined Apr 19, 2018

This has been a manga that never stops giving
And a group that never stops delivering
I'm so glad I'm in this timeline

joined Jun 12, 2015

Wow, what a nice surprise. Despite all these years it's still one of my fav and I'm glad it's finally completed.

Arata Iri really seems cursed seeing how all her series seems to get axed because of something beyond her control. Hope she can finally get the success she deserves with the reboot of her other series.

And I agree with everyone else, top Yuu is a blessing.We need more of her. Hoping for a reboot of this series and 10 more volume.

joined Aug 26, 2018

W-w-wait, there were extras beyond chapter 13?!
This really is the gift that keeps on giving. And even better it fleshes out the relationships! Yuu really is way more aggressive than I thought and Kanna is just clay in her fingers.

joined Jul 18, 2017

this is so anime worthy

joined Oct 22, 2018

Yuu really is way more aggressive than I thought and Kanna is just clay in her fingers.

And occasionally the meat around her fingers ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

joined Jul 28, 2016

You know, after rereading this thing, I must say that I remembered this story completely wrong. I thought that there was a A Kiss and a White Lily situation going on here at first where the genius protagonist wanted to surpass the only person that was smarter than her, but it appears that was just an act! I guess I confused Yuu and Yurine since they are pretty similar as far as I remember... I'm on chapter 4, so I've still got quite a ways to go.
Edit: Well, after reading a bit further, it actually is like that, but it seems that it ain't as important here as it was there.

last edited at Nov 28, 2019 1:01AM

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

You know, after rereading this thing, I must say that I remembered this story completely wrong. I thought that there was a A Kiss and a White Lily situation going on here at first where the genius protagonist wanted to surpass the only person that was smarter than her, but it appears that was just an act! I guess I confused Yuu and Yurine since they are pretty similar as far as I remember... I'm on chapter 4, so I've still got quite a ways to go.
Edit: Well, after reading a bit further, it actually is like that, but it seems that it ain't as important here as it was there.

Kanna will be furious when we tell her you said her and Yuu's competition wasn't as important as Yurine and Shiramine's.

joined May 3, 2016

Yuu really is way more aggressive than I thought and Kanna is just clay in her fingers.

And occasionally the meat around her fingers ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Perhaps you two don't, but we readers certainly do.

Assuming this sends me to a laugh track of some sort, I have to give this a poor rating, as well.

last edited at Dec 4, 2019 7:28AM

joined Oct 22, 2018

Yuu really is way more aggressive than I thought and Kanna is just clay in her fingers.

And occasionally the meat around her fingers ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Perhaps you two don't, but we readers certainly do.

Assuming this sends me to a laugh track of some sort, I have to give this a poor rating, as well.

You know, I can't even be salty, let alone mad at this.

joined Jun 12, 2019

This was cute I want more I’m sad

joined Nov 26, 2019

God I just reread this it's so fucking good. It's more humor than AnoKiss and less romance, and even with the bloated cast still not quite as many side characters, nor as long, but it's got the same feel (not to mention the same initial relationship between the leads). This is a good manga. Also I literally started sobbing with laughter at a few points in there, so I think hormones must be doing something weird to me because yeah it's funny but that's kinda ridiculous.

joined Feb 1, 2020

...So is akatsuki or rika the top? (ಠ_ಠ)

someones gotta ask the real questions

Idk but according to this Q&A thing here in the middle part
It ranks the characters from who is the most top to the most bottom and Rika is ranked above Akatsuki but I personally think it may go both ways for them

joined Apr 16, 2013

This is one of my favorite mangas, I love the humor, all the cute pairings, the characters are super likable... I also think the concern Kanna has about her future and not having a real passion for anything is really relatable and sets this story appart from other romantic comedies (at least for me). But after reading it a second time ... did that ever get resolved? It's like at some point the author forgot about that very important problem the mc has and focused only on the shipping, which is a shame.
I really liked Yuu's subplot with her sisters and how that affected her personality, it's just a shame the main character didn't get anything like it.
Overall.... I'm still in love with this story and all its characters, I'm just frustrated at the lost potential there.

riverFlower Uploader
The Golden Orchid
joined Jan 19, 2017

This is one of my favorite mangas, I love the humor, all the cute pairings, the characters are super likable... I also think the concern Kanna has about her future and not having a real passion for anything is really relatable and sets this story appart from other romantic comedies (at least for me). But after reading it a second time ... did that ever get resolved? It's like at some point the author forgot about that very important problem the mc has and focused only on the shipping, which is a shame.
I really liked Yuu's subplot with her sisters and how that affected her personality, it's just a shame the main character didn't get anything like it.
Overall.... I'm still in love with this story and all its characters, I'm just frustrated at the lost potential there.

As the author's notes show, she only had one volume (volume three) to finish the story. There definitely were too many characters introduced and the more serious themes weren't resolved. I thought it was a shame the original stooges were pushed to the side somewhat when the student council was introduced, but I think it's pretty amazing how much she accomplished with so little in the end.

I'd love to see a proper continuation, a re-do of the story starting from volume three. Volume three and the extras were fun for lack of a better word, but that did come at the expense of the character building that was more focused on in the first two volumes.

Extremely funny though, and I was laughing throughout.

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