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How does Kiwi not like watermelon? Who doesn't like watermelon?

I don't dislike watermelon but I don't care for it either. Messy, barely any flavor and annoying seeds getting in the way.

joined Feb 7, 2019

Much like with apples, I prefer watermelon-flavored things way more than I actually like watermelons themselves.

joined May 30, 2013

Simulating going to a hotel with Utena?

Isn't that just....masturbating?

joined Dec 20, 2018

"Going to a hotel with Utena-chan" simulations... So that's what we're calling it these days... :D

Still, anyone who dislikes watermelon is OK in my book.

joined Jun 25, 2019

How does Kiwi not like watermelon? Who doesn't like watermelon?

What kind of watermelon did she hate thought ? Those watermelons or those watermelons ?

Random Wanderer
joined Dec 3, 2016

Simulating going to a hotel with Utena?

Isn't that just....masturbating?

I'm pretty sure that's the implication, yes.

joined Aug 1, 2011

How does Kiwi not like watermelon? Who doesn't like watermelon?

I don't dislike watermelon but I don't care for it either. Messy, barely any flavor and annoying seeds getting in the way.

I feel like you must be buying bad or unripe watermelons if they barely have any flavor. I'm also not entirely sure how they're particularly messy compared to just about any other fruit.

joined Sep 21, 2015

I could see at least five stars in utena's face in last pic, if stars equal power she's the most OP when she's turned on lol

joined Jan 24, 2018

After seeing what the covers look like I'm pretty sure I need hard copies of this manga now. Is it licensed? And if you know where to get English copies that ship to Australia please link me

joined Mar 13, 2020

How does Kiwi not like watermelon? Who doesn't like watermelon?

What kind of watermelon did she hate thought ? Those watermelons or those watermelons ?

Those last ones are filled with another tasty fluid~

Also, WEW the ending of the raw ch13. I sense a proper antagonist.

joined Dec 20, 2018

if stars equal power she's the most OP when she's turned on lol

You may be right about that, upon rereading this I also noticed her having extra stars here.

joined Feb 8, 2013

oh now I get the no-star comment to Leo... (
that's unfair. her panties are totally killing me

joined Feb 16, 2016

14??? Well I feel bad now.

But now plot is happening, so I'm pretty hyped about that!

last edited at May 23, 2020 2:30AM

joined May 3, 2016

How does Kiwi not like watermelon? Who doesn't like watermelon?


joined Mar 5, 2019

welp, now we're getting into "Good dominant vs bad dominant" territory.

joined Nov 13, 2018

Did I just read an insert song?

joined Dec 20, 2018

Did I just read an insert song?

And considering the comments that followed, you can consider yourself lucky you didn't have to listen to it.

joined Mar 2, 2019

Did I just read an insert song?

And considering the comments that followed, you can consider yourself lucky you didn't have to listen to it.

I want to know how bad it is now though

joined Mar 8, 2019

I don't know whom to ship with whom. It's gonna be a harem and I'm not usually for that but the semi-tamer Murceilago vibes are making me ship Utena with everyone.

To be clear, did the Ultra Evil girls kill those Magical girls? Or did they just wipe the floor with them? It feels like it'd throw the comedic tone in this particular story if killing became an option. Plus, Utena doesn't seem like she'd be willing to go that far. But then again, Lord is straight up just hurting people for her own amusement and I don't see her as the type that'll stop... unless the twist is she's an even bigger bottom than Azul. Or that she eventually pairs off with Azul who wants a mistress now.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Korisu's getting pretty expressive these days lmao

It's also sort of sweet how Utena and Kiwi have pretty much become her surrogate family - and she just might be the only person we've actually seen Kiwi sincerely apologise to.

joined Feb 2, 2013

Deep breathe
I'm just screaming on the inside

joined Mar 5, 2019

Deep breathe
I'm just screaming on the inside

Lord's is abusive, tho. Utena isn't about breaking people (while it looks like she did it to Azul, it is more like she awakened some desires and Azul bounced back after being refused on the actual 'breaking') but Lord is all about that.

Sakura Cartelet
joined May 28, 2016

Lord is abusive. Loco needs to quit the bad guys and join Utena's group.

Looking East
joined Jul 19, 2018

Looking at those last few panels, Leberblume doesn't seem to like Lord's overbearing and abusive style of command. I wonder if anything will come of that.

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