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joined Mar 8, 2014

Rainy365 i am shocked! Are you also a she wolf? You like staring at those hot women in their bikinis is that it?

U shouldnt be XD
Am I? I hv no idea.. i should ask Lin for my psychological condition.. but i already owe her 50bucks.. im broke...

Yeah i am really shocked. I'm shivering now thinking about going to meet a she wolf who likes staring at hot women on the beach and possibly also trying to eat them when possible.
Why are you blaming Lin for being like that?

sigh~ don't remind me I need to lose those love handles for summer >.>
Also don't worry mvl I, at least don't stare at women in the beach. I couldn't care less; I'm probably straight for them anyway. If they're my type I'll stare regardless though.
Good morninggg :D, what did you eat for breakfast?

last edited at Apr 14, 2016 9:29AM

joined Mar 17, 2016

Lol morning! I had cereal for breakfast because I was in a hurry XD

Good morning Rainy :)

joined Feb 13, 2016

Break for a coffee!! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و
Good morning!

joined Mar 17, 2016

Break for a coffee!! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و
Good morning!

I need so much coffee cause KittoKatto wouldn't let me sleep last night >.<

last edited at Apr 14, 2016 9:34AM

joined Mar 8, 2014

you were in a hurry?! what do you eat when you're not in a hurry? O_O

joined Mar 8, 2014

Break for a coffee!! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و
Good morning!

I need so much coffee cause KittoKatto wouldn't let me sleep last night >.<

| >///>

last edited at Apr 14, 2016 9:34AM

joined Mar 17, 2016

you were in a hurry?! what do you eat when you're not in a hurry? O_O

Lol well usually I'll have eggs or waffles or just something more filling

joined Mar 8, 2014

you were in a hurry?! what do you eat when you're not in a hurry? O_O

Lol well usually I'll have eggs or waffles or just something more filling

do you make the waffles? O_O
I think cereal is pretty filling though, you just have to cut a bunch of fruit into it are you're good to go XD

joined Feb 13, 2016

Break for a coffee!! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و
Good morning!

I need so much coffee cause KittoKatto wouldn't let me sleep last night >.<

o(-`д´- 。) oh Llama, don't be so open at this time of the morning. You made me spit my coffee

last edited at Apr 14, 2016 9:36AM

joined Mar 17, 2016

We make waffles and then freeze a bunch of them, so it's not the store bought kind and they are still quick! ^.^

Lmao!!! XD sorrrrryyyyy

joined Nov 20, 2015

Well i am shocked that you and Lin are one of a kind. Why can't you keep your eyes on the open spaces? What is so insteresting about half naked women? Have you wore a bikini before? Hahaha. I would like to see you wear one though.

Oc we are the same kind.. we are women..
The way i keep my eyes depends on the mood and the place.
Women are the most beautiful creature that is..
I dont wear it bcoz i'll hv to walk on diet..

joined Mar 8, 2014

We make waffles and then freeze a bunch of them, so it's not the store bought kind and they are still quick! ^.^

Lmao!!! XD sorrrrryyyyy

oh wow! it's been 3 years since I last made waffles ;_;

joined Nov 20, 2015

Good morning again, Azai.. :)

last edited at Apr 14, 2016 9:42AM

joined Mar 17, 2016

We make waffles and then freeze a bunch of them, so it's not the store bought kind and they are still quick! ^.^

Lmao!!! XD sorrrrryyyyy

oh wow! it's been 3 years since I last made waffles ;_;

Really?? I love waffles, especially when my grandma makes her homemade syrup and I have strawberries and whip cream on top. Oh my gosh it's soooooo good and my family then gives me weird looks because I can eat four of those waffles... But yet I would never be able to do that with any other food XD

joined Feb 13, 2016

Morning, Rainy! I'm in a good mood because of my coffee. Yay

joined Nov 20, 2015

Morning, Rainy! I'm in a good mood because of my coffee. Yay

Coffee for u and ice cream for me... cheers...

joined Mar 8, 2014

Morning, Rainy! I'm in a good mood because of my coffee. Yay

Coffee for u and ice cream for me... cheers...

I had lindt

joined Nov 20, 2015

Well i am shocked that you and Lin are one of a kind. Why can't you keep your eyes on the open spaces? What is so insteresting about half naked women? Have you wore a bikini before? Hahaha. I would like to see you wear one though.

Oc we are the same kind.. we are women..
The way i keep my eyes depends on the mood and the place.
Women are the most beautiful creature that is..
I dont wear it bcoz i'll hv to walk on diet..

To be fair you should wear it. Then i don't mind being at the beach with other half naked women.

I wouldnt mind wear it to be in the crowd of women with bikini, including u...
No more ice cream till then... xD

joined Mar 8, 2014

We make waffles and then freeze a bunch of them, so it's not the store bought kind and they are still quick! ^.^

Lmao!!! XD sorrrrryyyyy

oh wow! it's been 3 years since I last made waffles ;_;

Really?? I love waffles, especially when my grandma makes her homemade syrup and I have strawberries and whip cream on top. Oh my gosh it's soooooo good and my family then gives me weird looks because I can eat four of those waffles... But yet I would never be able to do that with any other food XD

I have a few foods I can do that with XD I can eat a whole pizza if it's really good :D and I can eat lots of crepes, probably truffles too, anything with chocolate but not cake, I like it but I'm pretty sure it would fill me. Waffles can be really heavy so I don't know if I would be able to stomach 4 of them! >< maybe 3 :P

joined Nov 20, 2015

Morning, Rainy! I'm in a good mood because of my coffee. Yay

Coffee for u and ice cream for me... cheers...

I had lindt

Dyou mean lindt as the chocolate brand? damn... i wanna try it.. >~<

joined Feb 13, 2016

Food talk... I will stay in my buble. I'm lazy even when it comes to feeding.

joined Nov 20, 2015

We make waffles and then freeze a bunch of them, so it's not the store bought kind and they are still quick! ^.^

Lmao!!! XD sorrrrryyyyy

oh wow! it's been 3 years since I last made waffles ;_;

Really?? I love waffles, especially when my grandma makes her homemade syrup and I have strawberries and whip cream on top. Oh my gosh it's soooooo good and my family then gives me weird looks because I can eat four of those waffles... But yet I would never be able to do that with any other food XD

Drooling... ;-('
I want hv that too.. slurrrrph...

joined Apr 3, 2016

That moment when you find out that other people in the house have nicknamed your girlfriend the MechLez cause she's helped people fixing their cars. xD She is gonna love that, lol.

joined Nov 20, 2015

Food talk... I will stay in my buble. I'm lazy even when it comes to feeding.

Noooo Azai..
Lets change the topic...
mvl loves bikini... xD

joined Feb 13, 2016

Food talk... I will stay in my buble. I'm lazy even when it comes to feeding.

Noooo Azai..
Lets change the topic...
mvl loves bikini... xD

Lol. Oh, we have plenty of that in our beaches ;)

Next class is about to start. See you later, guys.

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