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joined Apr 10, 2013


joined Feb 2, 2013

who is this character?
is from the last touhou? i didn' t play it yet, i was waiting the eng patch, i want to understand that little plot

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

It's Kokoro! She's one of the main characters in the plot of TH 13.5 (Hopeless Masquerade, a fighting game), and the game's final boss. If memory serves, not much of that game has been translated yet, nor are there any plans to finish the translation.

In the game, her masks operate as a way for her to express her emotions, and much of the plot revolves around her losing one of them. Though by the end of the game, she has learned to cope, and express some emotion without her masks. She's easily one of the most moe characters in the Touhouverse. Here's hoping for some proper yuri for her before too long!

This story was cute. Could've probably used a bit more blushing, though.

last edited at Oct 24, 2013 4:02PM

joined Feb 2, 2013

It's Kokoro! She's one of the main characters in the plot TH 13.5 (Hopeless Masquerade, a fighting game), and the game's final boss. If memory serves, not much of that game has been translated yet, nor are there any plans to finish the translation.

In the game, her masks operate as a way for her to express her emotions, and much of the plot revolves around her losing one of them. Though by the end of the game, she has learned to cope, and express some emotion without her masks. She's easily one of the most moe characters in the Touhouverse. Here's hoping for some proper yuri for her before too long!

This story was cute. Could've probably used a bit more blushing, though.

very thanks, i forgot about the 13.5,
and yes, you are right, she is not only cute, but her set-up is really interesting, i saw some djs with her on gaku and i think she'll be the queen of the fan-base,
there's one with alice (my favorite character), but it's a comedy, not a yuri ...
i wish a traslation comes out, i always liked the plots of the fighting touhou

joined Jan 30, 2013

Cute story

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

Kokoro is pretty dang cute.

joined Jul 20, 2011

Looks like the current patch is quite advanced and still on progress.

joined Aug 12, 2020

Soo there’s 64 masks that show different emotions, huh? I wonder what kind of other emotions are there too..?

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