Forum › Net Junky Girls discussion

joined Feb 17, 2024

"I"m afraid of online abuse, so I don't look." smile, thumbs up

Astronomically relatable.

joined Jun 29, 2024

Thanks for the translation, but what's up with Windyfall lately? Their last few releases have had a lot of errors and some really weird typesetting choices. It's a bit weird how abruptly it started.

joined Jun 21, 2021

Thanks for the translation, but what's up with Windyfall lately? Their last few releases have had a lot of errors and some really weird typesetting choices. It's a bit weird how abruptly it started.

I don't think it's abrupt at all, the quality of Windyfall releases has been varying wildly for quite some time.
In fact this is one or the more decent ones, there are others that are barely comprehensible, like, below mtl level.

joined Jul 19, 2021

This one was readable, yeah, but it was also bad enough that I almost left a comment earlier myself.

joined Jun 3, 2023

There are some translations errors and the quality is not good at all, but its readable nonetheless. Thank you fro the translation!

joined Sep 16, 2014

It's nostalgic, reminds me of the typesetting from back the early 2010s~

joined Dec 10, 2020

Them being told to go touch grass, led to them touching each others hands.

joined Feb 17, 2019

This could easily be canon. I'm going to believe it is-

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