Forum › Non-science babies discussion

Norainhere Staff
joined Jun 27, 2014

I don't know why, but the title of this tag makes me laugh.

Also, would this tag apply for all of the Nanoha doujins featuring Vivio?

joined Jul 4, 2018

I don’t usually like things that are non-scientific. But this is fine by me :p

joined Oct 7, 2017

more gay moms, please, thanks!

joined May 11, 2020

Hey... i just wanna ask... if kids that made by using non-scientifc method but also non-biological, for example like "magic"
would that counts as "non-scientific" baby too ??

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Mirabelle2020 posted:

Hey... i just wanna ask... if kids that made by using non-scientifc method but also non-biological, for example like "magic"
would that counts as "non-scientific" baby too ??

No. Magic babies count as science babies.

joined Feb 11, 2022

Wish stuff that could be tagged with this wasn’t so rare

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