Forum › What's that manga called?

joined Jan 19, 2015

I am looking for the manga where my avatar originates from.
I want to reread it, I remember it being awesome.

IT was removed due to some I guess misunderstandings? from the authors. It was translated and the translation team accidentally? used the wrong author name and the author wrote about potential identity theft on twitter and as such it was taken down.
(why do I remember those details and not the mangas / authors name. silly brain)

Ask in the current What's that manga called thread, this one is old.


joined Dec 14, 2019

hey lovelies! I’m trying to find a oneshot (original dounin) where a girl who is in denial (??) has sex with a lesbian and then… they start dating? I don’t really remember but all I know is that the girl in denial has a father who’s in a homosexual relationship & that he’s a high school teacher (maybe)

the explicit scenes are def not shown but it’s nsfw from what I can recall, since there’s nudity. I also remember that the girl in denial has semi short black hair while the other girl has blonde (?) long hair, and likes to smoke

I also remember there are a bunch of pages with no content in between so it kinda tricks u into thinking it ended, but in reality it didn’t (lol)

my memory is realllly fuzzy but it’d be great if someone could point me in the right direction!!

joined May 3, 2019

Would you happen to know any 'Spice & Wolf's yuri doujins? (no fanfics) Specially between Nora and Eve (since the manga's end has so much subtext on those two)... I have shipped them for so long but i never found anything related..

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