DrJamesFox Jun 28, 2024 9:19PM

Cute. Love them

Lewdholder Jun 28, 2024 9:46PM

I found out, a while, that there's an axe wielding, blonde Canadian lesbian on YouTube

Kojiro481 Jun 28, 2024 9:50PM

@Lewdholder Nicole Coenen right? I'm a huge fan and a long time subscriber to her channel .

GrimEater Jun 28, 2024 10:43PM

Pride month is just when companies shill out and act like they're allys.
Don't let only one month of the year dictate when you're allowed to show your pride.

Roodypatooti Jun 28, 2024 10:49PM

Is Sorawo aroace tho? Demi-romantic ace I could see I guess, but she loves Toriko back, and outright admits to it in vol 8. She's just afraid of admitting it to herself. She's also definitely attracted to Toriko's body, (she's always starring at Toriko's tits, among other things, and has been doing so consistently since they first met. It's super obvious to Toriko even if Sorawo herself doesn't realize she's doing it) so the ace part is questionable too. Really she's been super into Toriko from the very beginning, sexually and romantically, she's just so in denial of it that she doesn't realize it herself, because she's scared of things like being in a relationship or having sexual desires. Honestly, Sorawo's aversion to sex and romance reads more as a trauma response than anything to do with her sexuality imo. Toriko even starts theorizing about Sorawo maybe being a CSA survivor to explain her behaviour. Sorawo denies it, but she's already demonstrated that her memories from the cult period of her life are unreliable, and it would explain a lot of things, like, so many things about her, so who knows?

last edited at Jun 28, 2024 11:14PM

DrJamesFox Jun 28, 2024 11:46PM

@Roodypatooti you already answered it in your own comment but yeah Sorawo has some "hang-ups" regarding sex/intimacy but she's not aro or ace.
@Lewdholder I read your comment in Christopher Walkin's voice, because of, the commas

FluffyCow Jun 29, 2024 12:14AM

@GrimEater I mean there is that side, however I think it's also a time for people to celebrate like this artist is doing. Along with a good time for people to come together. Companies don't hold all the power one way or another. Also I do agree with the sentiment of showing your pride year round.

BeanBeanKingdom Jun 29, 2024 6:44AM

IIRC it was once mentioned that Toriko took part in a pride parade with her moms in Canada so fanart like this makes sense in context.

ImheretoDie Jun 29, 2024 5:45PM

I mean, she could be aroace as both aro and ace are huge spectrums but I feel like she would need a more specific category for each as aroace has a tendency of feeling like 100% not interested no matter what, but I know that feels a bit nitpicky...

last edited at Jun 29, 2024 5:45PM

SrNevik Jun 29, 2024 6:04PM

@DrJamesFox Guess it depends on if people have read volume 8 or not, since that volume further clears up her feelings and preferences quite a bit. But I agree. Not a big deal either way though.

last edited at Jun 29, 2024 6:06PM