Lepancho24 posted:
Hey, so, I don't know if this has been suggested already but i was wondering if a "cascade" display option for the pages of a chapter could be added.
I have mainly 2 reasons to be suggesting this:
1) I, personally and probably other people too, am used to reading manga online in this format, for easy navigation since you can use the mouse wheel (or 2 finger on a notebook) to get across the whole chapter with ease (also i do a lot of backtracking when reading one chapter)
2) In my opinion, it works best for loading pages. If i am not mistaken, the site currently loads the page you are at and the next page, but it won't load a second extra page. I think this is probably for optimization of resources or something like that (i don't know a lot of websites and stuff) but when it comes to having a weak internet, as i do, it can sometimes become inconvinient since you have to read 2 pages and wait until other 2 load while you do other stuff (yes it gets that bad) and you don't have the option of leaving the site loading the whole chapter.
This is a small suggestion since there are alternatives, like downloading the chapter, and i don't actually have a sense of how difficult this is to implement or what consequences it might have on the site performance, which works just fine already.
So yeah, this is just a little quality of life thing and wanted to talk about it a bit i guess. Thanks for reading.
Hi, thanks for the suggestion. It's a welcome one, but I can't share any news or plans to have it added to the site (for now). All hope isn't lost, though! I'll paste from the plugins thread an alternative route you can use for the time being. Happy to help if you run into any issues using it!
Dynasty Scans Preload + Long Strip (author: Nobody)
Last Updated: December 26th, 2021
I got annoyed by page load times recently and, being an engineer, spent a few hours making something to save a few minutes. I present: a bookmarklet that preloads an entire chapter. Just navigate to any page of a chapter, run the bookmarklet, and the single page shown in the reader will be replaced by a vertical scroll of every page in the chapter. (As a happy accident, this also stitches together longstrips.) Feel free to use and modify it as you please; also feel free to ask me questions, give me feedback, or let me know of any bugs you find.
How to use:
Create a bookmark, but where you would normally put a URL, instead put the "formatting-stripped bookmarklet URL" from below. Then, while on any page of any chapter on Dynasty, click the bookmark. Instead of navigating to a page, your browser will run the code you copied into the URL field.
When things go wrong:
-It will fail to load pages with a different page-to-filename relationship than the current one. For example, if the current page is "001" and "page001.png", it will fail to load a page of "credits" and "credits.png", as it will instead expect "pagecredits.png". (It will, however, try a few different file formats, so "1.png" and "2.jpg" will still work.)
-If Dynasty is in the middle of switching pages (you see "Loading..."), wait until it finishes. Running both scripts simultaneously may cause incorrect results.
-Any pages that fail to load will be displayed as text, so you can navigate to them normally in a different tab.
-Since all pages are loaded in parallel, it's possible for some pages to load completely before others even get sizing info. This can potentially cause page N and page N+2 to appear adjacent, visibly skipping page N+1 until it loads. Waiting until all visible pages are done loading makes it unlikely for this scenario to occur.
Nicely formatted code is hosted on pastebin
Formatting-stripped bookmarklet URL:
last edited at Aug 19, 2022 8:08PM