Forum › Posts by Vankomycin

joined Oct 4, 2016

No scissoring 0/10

Your avatar REALLY emphasizes your disappointment in this regard.

joined Oct 4, 2016

Ten years from now, we are still going to be using mp3 players...

That's when they'll be coming back into cool retro style, kinda like how vinyl is making a comeback.

joined Oct 4, 2016

All I know is, I have only been reading Yuri for about 4 months now. So I do not know, nor do I care, about any old works by this author, nor what tropes she might be reusing from her older works. To me, this story is fun, cute, sweet, fluffy, and romantic. I do not care if it is fresh or stale, it is still an enjoyable read.

You folks who insist on bagging on the story with all the vitriol you can muster are kind of a drag.

last edited at Jan 22, 2017 8:32AM

joined Oct 4, 2016

How come you guys are taking this oneshot seriously? Lol

Keeps us off the streets and out of trouble.

joined Oct 4, 2016

You don't make me feel old at all, I promise.

I just turned 49 earlier this month, so that should make you feel young again.

I believe many things get more delicious as they age~

Image Comments 21 Jan 22:23
joined Oct 4, 2016

Would you describe yourself as "bitter"?

joined Oct 4, 2016

You don't make me feel old at all, I promise.

I just turned 49 earlier this month, so that should make you feel young again.

joined Oct 4, 2016

Very hentai-ish.

Wanking in the publicly accessible computer lab seems contra-indicated unless you're an exhibitionist.

m k discussion 21 Jan 21:57
joined Oct 4, 2016



Gonna be stuck in my head for days now.

joined Oct 4, 2016

Thanks for the info, ladies and/or gentlemen! Very informative.

Have you ever translated an English comic into Japanese?

joined Oct 4, 2016

Just gonna toss this out there, but what if Hina said what she said to throw off her "ex"?

Like, she knows that her "ex" has the Yurihots for her, but she's only got eyes for Hana, so in order to keep the complications to a minimum, she announces that she's totally hetero omg, with the idea of running off the "ex".

NOT REALIZING OF COURSE that she's shooting down Hana-san as well.

I mean, I dunno if this is how it's going to play out, but it'd be pretty neat if it did.

Also: I think the ex really was being set up to be a legit ex, but Morinaga had to switch boats mid-stream after the cancellation announcement came. The whole explanation about why she's called her "ex" just rang like a tacked-on retcon to me.

joined Oct 4, 2016

So I'm still kind of new at this, having only been seriously reading manga and doujins since this past July. And there's still a lot about the process of translating them to English that is opaque to me. In an effort to clear away the cobwebs of my ignorance, I have a few questions, and this looked like the best place to ask.

-Do the scanlators work from the actual printed books when they come out? Or do they work from a digital copy? Or do they use some other source? I imagine it varies, but I see the term "raws" all over. Where do the raws come from?

-How long does it take to scanlate a comic? Obviously the page count has something to do with it, and I imagine that some scanlator teams are faster than others. But as a pages translated per day, sort of thing, what is "normal"? If the scanlators begin work on a new project, are we looking at a couple of days before it's ready? Couple of weeks? Couple of months?

-How much of a pain in the ass is it to translate the SFX and onomatopoeia? Seems like the speech bubbles would be reasonably straightforward, if a little constrained on space. But I imagine you'd need full-blown artist skills to erase the Japanese SFX and replace them with English SFX. Every time I see a manga with English SFX, I'm always impressed.

That's all I can think of for now. Might have more questions later.

Pulse discussion 20 Jan 13:11
joined Oct 4, 2016

Bring on the drama! Bring it!

Image Comments 20 Jan 04:23
joined Oct 4, 2016

Finally Hiei gets some attention from her onee-chan.

joined Oct 4, 2016

I really like these romantic slice-of-adult-life stories.

joined Oct 4, 2016


Did your other thread about bisexual stories with happy yuri endings get deleted? I can't find it anywhere, including in your post history.

Yeah, I accidentally deleted it. I went to hit the edit button and instead hit the delete button. Computer was lagging like crazy that day so the screen froze and I guess I hit okay instead. XD


'cause I had a link to post there (assuming that it hadn't been posted already).

A Passing Story

joined Oct 4, 2016


Did your other thread about bisexual stories with happy yuri endings get deleted? I can't find it anywhere, including in your post history.

joined Oct 4, 2016

Why is "BuCap" the ship name for these two?

joined Oct 4, 2016

So is this het or yuri

Read it and find out!

last edited at Jan 18, 2017 5:49PM

joined Oct 4, 2016

Nothing concrete yet, but as I posted before in the thread, the anime's director tweeted awhile back that the series wasn't over yet. So, I'm hoping we'll see a second season eventually. Fingers crossed!

Gotcha. Well I am counting on you remaining plugged-in and up-to-date on these things on my behalf. ^_^

Oh, and the newest Saejima & Ichiha story was real cute. You really love them aren't you? There's a lot of effort and care put on your stories. Great work!

Well, I mean...

Yeah, I dig the characters, but they're only on the screen for, what, 90 seconds? They're basically blank slates. I'm just making shit up as I go.

Still, I'm having fun with 'em, and I'm glad you are too.

joined Oct 4, 2016

oops my brain died while uploading

** reboots drpepperfan **

That should take care of the problem. If you're still having issues, try turning him off and back on again.


joined Oct 4, 2016

I'll go against the grain and say that I kinda dig the idea of "practicing" with a friend who means enough to you to be your friend, but isn't actually the one you love.

It's one of those things I like to fantasize about, but wouldn't ever actually do in real life.

Kinda like how my ex-wife felt about BDSM...

joined Oct 4, 2016

The muse was upon me tonight. Put up another short (very short) doujin script. It's BDSM comedy, so read at least until you get to the bits that look like they're intended to be humorous.

joined Oct 4, 2016

Hey DT, do you know of any future plans to make more Valkyrie Drive anime? Maybe based on the Bikkhunin (or however you spell that) game? I don't have a PS Vita, so my ability to interact with Valkyrie Drive is limited to the anime.

joined Oct 4, 2016

Hmm are they naked under the covers?

Signs point to "Yes".