So I'm still kind of new at this, having only been seriously reading manga and doujins since this past July. And there's still a lot about the process of translating them to English that is opaque to me. In an effort to clear away the cobwebs of my ignorance, I have a few questions, and this looked like the best place to ask.
-Do the scanlators work from the actual printed books when they come out? Or do they work from a digital copy? Or do they use some other source? I imagine it varies, but I see the term "raws" all over. Where do the raws come from?
-How long does it take to scanlate a comic? Obviously the page count has something to do with it, and I imagine that some scanlator teams are faster than others. But as a pages translated per day, sort of thing, what is "normal"? If the scanlators begin work on a new project, are we looking at a couple of days before it's ready? Couple of weeks? Couple of months?
-How much of a pain in the ass is it to translate the SFX and onomatopoeia? Seems like the speech bubbles would be reasonably straightforward, if a little constrained on space. But I imagine you'd need full-blown artist skills to erase the Japanese SFX and replace them with English SFX. Every time I see a manga with English SFX, I'm always impressed.
That's all I can think of for now. Might have more questions later.