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Anime season 13 Mar 02:48
joined Oct 5, 2016

What's the point of marking spoilers when you're showing spoilers out in the open as images?

Uh, I can choose to not click on spoilery images. Which those images were identified as.

I can't magically prevent myself from not reading uncovered text spoilers.

joined Oct 5, 2016

there are a lot more translated chapters available, why are they not on dynasty yet? just havent bothered, or are they not allowed from certain providers, or ?

Where can I find those chapters?

I found this, which has links to (fairly rough) translations up to chapter 26.

Asian yuri movies? 11 Feb 18:43
joined Oct 5, 2016

Hormones (Thai drama): season 1, season 2, season 3. The yuri couple is Dao and Koi, here's some of their scenes, there are spoilers in the video, obviously. If you don't want to go through all of the show here are all Dao x Koi scenes.

I ended up staying up 'til like 4 AM watching Dao x Koi scenes. That was excellent. Especially her coming out scene to her dad was really affecting.

joined Oct 5, 2016

Kishi Torajirou's stuff is always such a delicate balance between fanservice and genuine, subtle emotional writing, I'm really not sure I'd trust any anime studio to get it right. It's pretty easy to imagine it adapted into just a pure fanservice show.

Asian yuri movies? 10 Feb 17:38
joined Oct 5, 2016

Yeah, it was just one of those shows where even though I liked it it felt like it could've been so much better with just some really basic fixes.

Asian yuri movies? 10 Feb 04:49
joined Oct 5, 2016

Transit Girls

It's like an abridged version of Citrus, it's not a movie but it will only take about 2.5 hours to watch the whole thing.

I watched this today!

It's... Odd. There were parts I really liked, I liked the main girl a lot and how the show made it pretty obvious from the beginning she was in the closet.

But goddamn the kisses were soooo stiff and the taller actress just looked uncomfortable with it, it had all the sensuality of someone getting forced to kiss their weird-smelling grandma goodbye.

Also some of the use of music was downright criminally bad.

Now I'm feeling like I'm just ragging on it, but I really did like it overall!

Asian yuri movies? 08 Feb 14:07
joined Oct 5, 2016

A Girl at my Door isn't exactly yuri, but it's a great movie about homophobia and other social issues in South Korea. It's very good, but intense. Definitely stay away if you're in the mood for romantic fluff :)

Anime season 05 Feb 03:35
joined Oct 5, 2016

I mean, honestly I have very little hope that anything like this would develop

But I would be really tickled if it turns out her "it's just an adolescence thing" explanation was only an excuse, and actually there really is more there. She certainly doesn't seem to have any interest in sensei, she wasn't covering up some sort of interest in biting him, she really seemed uninterested.

Anime season 04 Feb 22:34
joined Oct 5, 2016

As much as I loath harem setups, I think Demi-chan does a pretty good job keeping a distinction between Iron Man's flirting with the other teacher versus the simple crushes that some of the girls have on him.

And even though vampire said right in the beginning that oh, liking ice maiden is only an adolescent thing, she still sure seems into her. Especially with how she's talked about biting a neck as being a sort of sexual thing and how she really wants to bite ice maiden...

joined Oct 5, 2016

I think the thing that really differentiates this from other "Oh my crush is hopeless, darn" stories is that in most of those the character's growth is just sort of a generic adolescent change towards adulthood, there's not really a change in the direction of their life. It also usually includes the assumption that same-sex crushes are just a part of adolescence that will be grown out of.

Whereas with this story, the main girl's need for intimacy and love is something that she doesn't even realize she's missing. She would've stayed with a dude that was only using her for sex and thinking that it made her cool, not even really understanding why she felt so miserable. And even though her crush isn't going to happen, it's not "fake", nor just a stage she's going through, it doesn't work out because her friend is straight but the main girl's feelings and her attraction is real.

If anything, that the friend doesn't respond to her "I like you" at the end moves it beyond just schoolgirl yuri, because the main girl is trying to move things beyond just a sort of romantic friendship. So it's a self-discovery for her, that she likes girls as well as boys, or maybe more than boys.

Anime season 27 Jan 15:26
joined Oct 5, 2016

I actually really disagree with the idea that the protagonists of Kuzu no Honkai are acting like adults. They're horny teenagers who are sure that if they don't pair up with their crush they'll never ever love anyone again. That's not how adults act, but that's a very teenager way of thinking! They're teenagers, not elementary kids, they have libidos.

joined Oct 5, 2016

And I mean, on the most basic level, Morinaga writes romances. OF COURSE there's going to be cliches, how could there not be?

joined Oct 5, 2016

Part of the thing with a lot of yuri, especially the yuri that Morinaga writes, is that it's aimed at a relatively young age range, it's for teens and young adults, this ain't josei. And stories for that kind of age range don't -really- tend to innovate a ton, not because they suck necessarily, but because a new audience is constantly coming of age and experiencing these things for the first time themselves and want to read fiction that speaks to their experiences.

Hana and Hina is still that basic sort of yuri story structure of girl meets girl, there's confusion over whether they like each other or not, and it'll no doubt end with them starting to date. But it's still going to speak to its readers about dealing with fears of coming out, not being sure if someone you like will be homophobic towards you if they find out, and trying to maintain a public image versus being true to what you like. And where once yuri dealt with these issues in a very roundabout "oh it's just adolescence!", winkwink kind of way, writers like Morinaga shifted that into being much more undisguised in its sexual themes and romances.

Granted Morinaga is now starting to get outdone by a whole new generation of even more explicitly queer mangaka, but that's more a demonstration of how quickly the younger generation's culture is changing in regards to homosexuality than it is that Morinaga is like, hopelessly behind the times or something. And for a lot of people in less progressive areas Morinaga's work is still going to speak to them.

joined Oct 5, 2016

A sure sign that I've read way too much yuri drama was that I was genuinely surprised that they stuck together after high school. I was really expecting the relationship not to last like most yuri manga where they get separated after graduation.

It felt very purposeful in taking a lot of yuri tropes and undercutting them one by one with a specifically lesbian take.

She talks about previous same-sex crushes from a young age, and identifies herself as one of "them", instead of their romance being that standard yuri first crush where she learns about feelings in a safe penis-free space and then they graduate on to heterosexual dating.

People know she dated a girl before, and they connect that to her being gay, not just some sort of yuri schoolgirl thing not to be taken seriously. Being identified as a lesbian is something that complicates her relationship with others.

Ending specifically by saying yo, this is a real relationship that lasted, not just some schoolgirl stage. And communicating that to a younger generation of girl who herself is wondering if her own same-sex experiences are "real" or not.

Anime season 20 Jan 01:41
joined Oct 5, 2016

One thing that is interesting with KnH is that
Despite Ecchan's kind of crappy ending later (although the manga's not finished yet, so maybe we'll see her again), Hanabi does find that she really likes having sex with Ecchan. She even thinks about how it feels better than when she's with Mugi, the male lead. Hanabi definitely comes across as finding out that she's bi, at least to me. It certainly goes faaar beyond any sort of mere yuri schoolgirl kissing.

So their breakup isn't because they're not sexually compatible, kind of the opposite - it's because in the end Hanabi is still not in love with her, she's just using her friend for sex, to feel desired and wanted, and she feels shitty doing that to someone she does care about, if not romantically. As far as who (if anyone) she actually ends up with, who knows, Hanabi is kinda fucked up.

last edited at Jan 20, 2017 1:43AM

joined Oct 5, 2016

Haha, yeah, I've skipped through the first two episodes now and like

There's not really any overt romance between them, but there's hella sexual tension. I doubt it's going anywhere but it's not just fans with yuri goggles either, it's pretty obviously being done on purpose.

I've always been a sucker for those rich girl / poor girl or mistress / servant type of relationships, will definitely check this out properly once I have some free time.

joined Oct 5, 2016

I can't find a stream for Night Life, but certainly from reading the dramabeans recaps it sure sounds like it's got some yuri overtones.

Less in the script itself, but that the two female leads perform it with a lot of sexual tension

Anime season 18 Jan 03:08
joined Oct 5, 2016

Kuzu no Honkai started out OK, hopefully the anime smooths out some of the dumber chapters from the manga.

Judging by how explicit the sexual themes were in ep 1, they're definitely going to get to the bisexuality as well.

joined Oct 5, 2016

Yeah it wanted me to download an executable and I was like ooooooh hohoho no, no I don't think so

joined Oct 5, 2016

I finally watched The Handmaiden and it was really amazing

Yeah, I watched it recently and it was really good. Both MCs were amazing! Even more surprising is that the maid was played by a rookie actress-it was her first movie, I think.

If you haven't seen it, I quite recommend also checking out the BBC adaptation of the same novel, "Fingersmith." Like most BBC shows it's easy to find on youtube.

Fingersmith is more reserved but also I think more intelligent with its use of sex, and there's more time spent on the twist and how it plays out compared to the movie.

I thought the Handmaiden cast was mostly more charismatic (with the exception of the uncle, who is Charles Dance in the BBC version!), and it smartly keeps the story focused just on the two female leads, whereas the BBC version (and I think the novel) gets a little distracted by a side character and it hurts its pacing.

On balance I like Handmaiden better, but there are aspects of Fingersmith that I liked a lot too. And it's different enough it's kind of interesting just to watch both to enjoy the differences.

joined Oct 5, 2016

The Last Of Us canon

Can The Last of Us really be called yuri? Sure, Ellie is gay/bi, but she's never seen with a GF in the game itself... I guess Left Behind would be more applicable though poor Riley bites the bullet.

The Last of Us DLC is helllla gay and very sweet.

It's The Last of Us, so it's also bittersweet as fuck obviously, just generally don't go anywhere near Last of Us if you're not ready to cry a bit. But it's real good.

I think the biggest thing with the DLC isn't just that it was a canon lesbian romance, it's that it was between two pretty young teenage girls. Adult same-sex romance is one thing, but you really don't usually see that sort of thing in American entertainment between kids.

joined Oct 5, 2016

The site's been slow for me for quite awhile. I just assumed it was my internet though because my isp is utterly worthless. Unless it's something like Google or Youtube it'll frequently take me 30+ seconds to load a page.

This's been my experience more often than not ever since I started using the site. Images load sloooooow, and sometimes I just can't use the site because it'll so often fail to load pages.

Anime season 10 Jan 03:26
joined Oct 5, 2016

Yuri on Ice was fantastic, and it leaves absolutely no doubt at all that they are a romantic couple. It's not yaoi, it's a sports series where the romance plot just happens to be gay.

joined Oct 5, 2016

It's hard to understand. If the black-haired protagonist hasn't dropped the guy, that's surprising. If the grey-haired woman hasn't taken up with him, why would the BHP assaulting him "embarrass" her. And why would kissing the BHP be "revenge?" I agree with the guy, assaulting him was wrong, but she shouldn't keep him around, either.

It does kinda feel a bit rushed, the author plainly wants to kick the story into gear fast but it leaves us kinda guessing about a lot of stuff. Hopefully as the story continues it'll be able to slow down a little and flesh things out.

joined Oct 5, 2016

Damn, lets hope this is the last of the biphobia in this comment thread, I don't want to read any more comments like this. Pure lesbians lmao

No wanting hetero or bi relationships in your yuri story is not really biphobia.

Haha, this is such a "I'm not racist, but..." line