I'm not gonna spend too much time hating, but my goodness Lycoris Recoil felt like one of the most uninspired shows I've seen. Girls with guns is like my favourite, but everything about this show felt so purposeless and overdone. With the exception of Mika and his lover, I guess. The fights rarely had much choreography or narrative weight. The plot on its own felt like a retread of other popular anime. The side characters didn't get enough screen time for me to treasure them. The comedy mostly consisted of panties and poop, neither of which I care for.
I'll agree with TB earlier. If you're like me or protectmomo and don't find yourself particularly enthralled by episode 3, just move on. It doesn't get better from here. If you're into it for the eminently giffable flirting, I can promise it disappears after episode 5. Unlike similar "subtext" shows, i.e. Machikado Mazoku, the narrative never grants their relationship primacy, either. Each time Takina is called upon to save someone she fulfills that role, but is then immediately discarded to focus on other, more important character conflicts (Chisato v Majima, Chisato v Yoshimatsu, Chisato v Fuki, etc.).
As for the yuri bait discussion earlier, I wasn't finished with the show so perhaps I shouldn't have participated. After finishing, I just wanted to agree with protectmomo in broad terms. As far as their classification, anyway. If we define "yuri bait" as "overt flirting between girls, portrayed to garner some audience with no interest in further development" then I think this one is pretty close. I've personally never experienced feeling baited till now - but this show just about did it. Yes, the two characters were sometimes physically close. Yes, they're sometimes forced by circumstance into intimate situations (panties, sleepover). These scenes never amounted to anything, though**. They're interesting out of context, but in the context of the story being told they never seemed to have any impact or relevance after.
I get that most don't agree with me on most of the above. That's okay! No need to worry about me using the word yuri bait in the future, it seems super inflammatory. Maybe I'll find joy in the doujins. I'm also hopeful this series' bombastic success spurns a bunch of copycats. The more girls with guns, the better.
** Episode 5, which actually does weave Takina's concern/curiosity for Chisato's heart into its episodic narrative with some fluidity. I was thrilled with that, it was a big motivation to keep watching. Unfortunately for me, I never fully bought into Takina caring so much in the first place, nor did she ever initiate any level of affection again.