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joined Aug 10, 2015

What train of thought would lead her to assume it was her fault and that she had a way of preventing this whole mess

The thought that she had a (culturally debatable) responsibiiity to nurture that relationship as the leader of the band (community) and failed to truly notice her fellow community member's feelings.

Again what exactly was she supposed to do, was she supposed to sacrifice her own love just to prevent shiho from being hurt? Is that what Takeshima eku is implying?

joined Aug 10, 2015

Which is why I'm glad you have properly explained why just because Aki feels guilty about this, it doesn't mean the author is actually holding her responsible.

Characters are not independent beings with free will (even if good writing gives that illusion), they're pretty much bounded to the author will. Aki didn't reach the conclusion that it was her fault cuz it made sense, she did it because the author wanted to.
Let's compare this mess with a Manga that successfully pulled off this cliche
In bloom into you touko makes yuu promise her that she won't fall in love with her and is implied that if she were to do so their relationship would change drastically. When yuu falls in love with touko she desperately tries to hide it out of fear of how she'll react. When yuu finally confesses she's shivers in fear of what's going to happen, when touko notices this she comes to the realization that she put unreasonable expectations on yuu and by not noticing her feelings and act accordingly she deeply hurt her and is her fault that she's feeling that way right now

Let's say for the sake of argument that aki noticed shiho s feelings. What exactly was she supposed to do? was she's supposed to repress her feelings for yori to not hurt shiho? Was she supposed to date her even tho she doesn't like her that way? What train of thought would lead her to assume it was her fault and that she had a way of preventing this whole mess

By having aki blaming herself out loud the author is reinforcing the idea that she's been wronged by aki, the only reason the readers don't reach the same conclusion is cuz it doesn't make sense and we can see through Takeshima eku intentions,

last edited at Mar 20, 2023 1:53PM

joined Aug 10, 2015

Gotta love how dismissive some people were when I speculate that aki was gonna blame herself and probably gonna be the one to apologize
Even if it's clear to everyone that all of shiho s struggles are self inflicted, I legit think Takeshima eku is trying to convince people that they aren't and that she isn't at fault

Just look at kyo, people like to talk about how expectations and pressure broke shiho, when In reality kyo was the one being forced to play and win by her parents, while being hated by shiho for being better than her. And despite the fact that Shiho ruined music for both of them the manga frames her as the victim and glosses over the fact that kyo lost a friend due to circumstances completely out of her control and for a long time believed it was her fault

Same with the scene with aki and yori, there could have been a scene showing aki concerned for shiho, showing that she's also important to aki and that giving up that easily was a mistake, but instead there's a heavy focus on how sad she was for seeing aki with another girl, as if aki betrayed her by falling in love with yori

joined Aug 10, 2015

I love Bokita after all es el más grande but I feel like nijika understands bocchi in a way no other memeber of kessoku band does, not only that but the way she helped bocchi to get out of her shell and find a goal Is just mmmm chef kiss

last edited at Mar 18, 2023 3:07AM

joined Aug 10, 2015

Sheesh, now that's a ship I haven't seen before and a pretty hot pic to spice it even more

joined Aug 10, 2015

The cliffhanger got me a bit confused, is there a problem with Miyako hanging out with the girls from elm. Is there a problem with myako being in touch with her former group

joined Aug 10, 2015

what an absolute legend, kafka just went for it

joined Aug 10, 2015

btw does anybody know why characters go "thunder cross split attack" whenever they want to say no or show discomfort with something

last edited at Mar 12, 2023 4:12AM

End to End discussion 12 Mar 04:09
joined Aug 10, 2015

joder que rico

joined Aug 10, 2015

@Yachie7 I think you meant zipperman

joined Aug 10, 2015

Granted these are still minors and teenagers do dumb things when emotions run high, I get it and I do cut some slack for Shiho over it, and she has shown to have redeeming values and moments: But she has a LOT of growing up to do before I ever want to see her in a actual relationship

i don´t think that´s gonna happen sadly, the story so far has framed shiho s struggles as stuff that´s completly out her control, as if the people around her were the ones at fault. It wouldn´t surprise me if aki actually apologizes to her for "breaking her heart"(even tho she didn´t actually confess) and ends up being the one confessing. And even tho aki´s been through a lot i think the character that definitely got the short end of the stick was kyo, who for a long time believed it was her fault that shiho stopped talking to her and got fridged for the sake of a more sympathetic back story for shiho

last edited at Mar 5, 2023 8:39PM

joined Aug 10, 2015

i don´t think kumiko is supposed to be blunt nor insensitive, it´s implied that she´s actually really perceptive and can see and understand how people feel but decides to stay at arms length to avoid getting involved

joined Aug 10, 2015

if a had a nickel for every Slice of life that suddenly introduces supernatural/world ending elements on the last chapters to solve them immediately i´d have 2 nickels (chobbits and this one) which is not a lot but is weird that happened 2 times already

joined Aug 10, 2015

after watching hitomi lift a hammer that needs to people i realize honjou and her friends really dodge a bullet when they tried to mock tae

Citrus + discussion 26 Feb 23:35
joined Aug 10, 2015

bruh is so akward whenever yuzu and mei are by themselves. Lycoris already proved that you can have an stoic, by the books character and a easy going, cheerfull one develop a fun and cute relationship, so why does saburo uta refuses to let their relationship evolve, why are they doing the same thing they´ve been doing for the past 30 chapters. Does people actually find cute/interesting watching mei rejecting yuzu at every chance she has

last edited at Feb 26, 2023 11:36PM

joined Aug 10, 2015

Idk what yall are talking about, I really like the story. I don't mind all the Shiho drama and angst, It's interesting

It isn't tho, this is basically an Incel throwing a tantrum and lashing out at people that did nothing to wrong her, the sad part is that she's probably gonna get rewarded at the end

And imo it makes the scenes we do get with Yori and Hima even sweeter because we don't see them constantly

I can agree with that, it doesn't make the shiho plot less obnoxious tho

last edited at Feb 21, 2023 1:43PM

joined Aug 10, 2015

YES I'm so glad someone made the obligatory yu-gi-oh abridged reference

joined Aug 10, 2015

Is there even a point to the battle of band now that the jig is up and hima being the manager of lorelei is not an issue,
Like aki my girl I love you but what's the point of trying to make up with Mrs Incel here, she clearly doesn't deserve any sympathy from you let alone your love. Like life was so beautiful before shiho returned I don't recall a single dialogue of any of the SS girls being like "oh miss shiho so much" so why are they going to such lengths for some that left on her own

joined Aug 10, 2015

Nijika playing chess while Bocchi and Ryo are playing checkers

joined Aug 10, 2015

^de hecho mi estimado, hay un cómic en chochox que lo explica

joined Aug 10, 2015

C mamut

joined Aug 10, 2015

I took some major restraint to not shout on the middle of the night when nanao finally confessed but after asumí rejected her my disappointment was inmensurable and my day got ruined.

I still have some hope for nanao but I'm expecting the worst. I wish this one could go the botan route and have nanao getting the girl but after reading countless romcoms and always getting the same result , I've come to realize that the botan incident was a one in a lifetime event.

last edited at Jan 29, 2023 11:15PM

joined Aug 10, 2015

... d'you know, I'm still not completely sure Imitatio is Enorme, even with this.

Haven't we already seen Imitatio's non-magia form? In chapter 36, pages 4 and 5, the three girls appear to introduce themselves to Tres Magia in their normal forms, and then transform in front of them. And in chapter 41, Utena fails to recognize Imitatio when they first meet, but instantly recognizes her when she turns up in her cape for battle, suggesting that the two forms are separate.

I dunno, come next chapter I'm 10% leaning toward Imitatio just being like "lolno".

I'm pretty sure that's just perception blocking magic,

joined Aug 10, 2015

The irony is that the author actually tried to put drama into the story. It's just that they didn't know how to do it correctly (remember about Sora's mother? Yeah...) and decided to move on with a different approach for the second part of the series, until they couldn't prolonged any longer. I can assure you that most of its readers can't even remember what happened in the vast majority of the last 15 or 20 chapters, other than "they were cute together". Again, not necessarily a bad thing, but that should tell you something.

Even if sora´s mom arc was poorly executed (to put it nice) it was a problem that directly involved sora and ayaka, there was a sense of urgency and the main characters had agency on the plot. The beef between shiho and aki is not only unrelated to yori and hima but it´s also inconsequential, if shiho and aki decide to not make up nothing will change, everyone s life was better after shiho left the band, is not as if aki or any of the SS girls were actively trying to talk to her.
Everyone move on and continue with their lives. This whole arc has been hima desperately trying to fix something that´s clearly out her control and barging into peoples personals affair despite being told to stop while yori tries to find something to do

And i do remember a lot of lonely girl and i´m pretty sure i´m not the only one,

Although everyone has different preferences, two key elements when it comes to telling a story are the conflicts and its resolutions, both things in which Whisper me a Love Song seems objectively superior to me. Can't Defy the Lonely Girl was popular not because of its storytelling, but because is escapism at its finest.

lonely girl has conflicts and resolutions, there´s a lot of them actually : sora and ayaka confessing that they have been using each other, getting together, coming out to their friends, etc. It might not be as melodramatic as you´d like but there are conflicts with proper resolutions nonetheless. If you enjoy the current arc of sasakoi that´s prefectly fine, not everyone has good taste, but claiming that is objectively superior to lonely girl is simply not true. And come on dawg there´s a lot of good stuff about lonely girl, even if you don´t like it, claiming that people only enjoy it as escapism is just pretentious

last edited at Jan 22, 2023 2:42AM

joined Aug 10, 2015

Damn it bocchi you and your cybepsychosis again