Ignoring the absurdity of the rest of that conversation, I have to call shenanigans on Akira never seeing or touching boobs. Anyone over the age of 18, can see boobs pretty much anytime they want. There is porn and strip clubs. As an artist, she could hire a model, to come to her studio and pose topless for her. I bet with a bit of sweet talking and some extra cash Akira could even get the model to let her touch them. Akira could tell the woman it's part of her process. Hell as a woman Akira could just go to a public bath.
Looking at her reactions and everything said and thought in this chapter, she seems to be the type who likes to pretend she knows it all, especially in front of someone young and impressed like Chiaki, but in reality is rather timid and would freeze up even if she had the opportunity. Certainly not someone who would seduce models left and right or molest women in a bath.