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Image Comments 16 Jun 05:15
joined Dec 20, 2018


joined Dec 20, 2018

I love Chidori but her forehead got its own orbit.

And her breasts have their own galaxy


joined Dec 20, 2018

I'm surprised that nobody is commenting on the revelation that Kanda is more or less flat-chested and thus had practically no reason to fear that Ookuma would discover she's a girl just by feeling that part of her torso (and thus no need for the corset all along).

She's likely wearing the corset right now, though, seeing how they're on a date, so it's more likely a result of that and not her normal size.

Suito-to! discussion 15 Jun 15:07
joined Dec 20, 2018

May I suggest dealing with her feelings by changing that label?

joined Dec 20, 2018

Well, with the reveal, it means it's nearing its end.

I thought this line of thought was faulty as a defense of perpetuating the single joke the series started on, and I still think it's silly now that the joke is over.

There are numerous comical romance stories out on the market that do not live or die on any one single joke built into their premise. Why do you think this one HAS to rely entirely on this one gag to continue?

It could continue on and be about them blundering through relationship challenges as a manzai comedy duo. Or Kanda could have to keep perpetuating the gender lie on Ookuma's parents in order to marry her, (or out of fear of reprisal) Or they could just be a cute lovey-dovey couple who gets into funny situations. Or a rival could show up that turns their world upside down, or any of a billion different comically oriented plotlines.

Agreed. While it did start out with the misunderstanding, it's not like the series depends on it to keep going. Hell, unlike some others, it's not even part of the title, so there's no need to worry about that either. It's just a story about a handsome girl and a sheltered girl going out, and even with the misunderstanding out of the way there's still a lot that can be explored after this.

joined Dec 20, 2018

It's still possible that she's still in denial but the mention of naked times shortcircuited her brain. And technically we don't know with certainty how she'll react once Kanda's gender has been confirmed. This has generally been a pretty comedic series so far, but we could end up with some drama, or a comic overreaction, (like she passes out or panics and Kanda is left twisting in the wind) so we're not exactly out of the woods yet.

I expect her to be drooling over Kanda's body and realize why she never had any interest in guys before.

joined Dec 20, 2018

What are you going to do when you can't comedically misunderstood each other anymore!?

Kiss. For a start. No, wait, they decided to get naked even before that...

last edited at Jun 15, 2020 4:16AM

joined Dec 20, 2018

She'd found the place where she belonged right between my legs.

Oh my...

When will they literally do this? Lol
I'll leave it to my imagination for now.

Do you think the series will ever explore that ? I highly, Highly doubt it, but I'd be nice, for science purposes of course.

It's a natural progression of their relationship, so I'm sure it'll (tastefully) get there eventually, although at the pace these two are going, it'll still be quite a while.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Naked (sexy?) bath times is not what I expected Kanda's big reveal to lead to, but I'm into it.

Certainly didn't expect the confession to speed things up instead of causing problems, yeah. :D

joined Dec 20, 2018

I'm having horrible murderous feelings I'd rather not have...

Slow Start discussion 13 Jun 14:53
joined Dec 20, 2018

Kamu thinking Hana was actually younger than them was quite a surprise. :D

joined Dec 20, 2018

And before I forget to mention it again, it was also fun to see Shima comment on Hino and Nagafuji being suspiciously close.

joined Dec 20, 2018

She sure is troublesome... :D

Well, I'm sure Shima would do exactly that if it becomes necessary. Pretty much did with the call. It's just easier to get Adachi to listen when she can back up her words by showing that Adachi is indeed special to her.

joined Dec 20, 2018

I want to say I hope Shimamura won't be TOO accomodating. That Adachi took her away from talking to Hino and Nagafuji is ludicrous and she should be told acting like that is too much.

Well, that was exactly why she came up with the lunch exchange idea, as well as the kiss. To give Adachi the confidence in their relationship that she needs to stop becoming jealous of every meeting or phone call.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Chidori, you just got out of the bath, put on your PJs, and the only place you're going is to bed. Why on earth would you put that ankle bracelet back on? Really committing to the look, girl.

It's not about the look. Remember.

joined Dec 20, 2018

I kinda thought the "handholding = sexxx" joke was a thing of the English-speaking world... but lately I'm seeing more and more yuri manga where the Japanese author plays with the idea that caressing each other's hands is super lewd and erotic and borderline orgasmic...

Is it a case of a Western meme being imported in Japan, or what?

Possibly. Could also be that whole "lesbians use their fingers for naughtytimes" thing too, lol

Actually (as attested to in a discussion in the Futaribeya thread at some point last year) the meme originated in an anime. It didn't quite take off in Japan though, but it did in certain foreign audiences, especially on this site. Then, recently, it seems to have been re-imported into Japan.

Do you happen to know which anime it is? Kinda wanna see what inspired the whole thing.

Found the post.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Fully embracing the meme.

Image Comments 13 Jun 05:16
joined Dec 20, 2018


Image Comments 13 Jun 05:16
joined Dec 20, 2018

Very nice. ^_^

Image Comments 13 Jun 05:15
joined Dec 20, 2018

Adorable. ^_^

Image Comments 13 Jun 05:14
joined Dec 20, 2018


joined Dec 20, 2018

Honestly, my one reaction to Chidori's advice to Mai was that Chidori being a truly good person like this was exactly why Mai knew she had no chance come between them and even went as far as to encourage Chidori before the trip despite her own feelings.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Mai x Manager NOW

Also, I guess Mai's arc got the good ending - she didn't destroy a relationship and she's setup for a relationship with the manager.

Glad its just not me seeing that in the future :-)

From the moment the manger first appeared, there was no question about it. * nods *

1 x ½ discussion 11 Jun 07:02
joined Dec 20, 2018

She made LINE stickers! So cute!


(open the image in a new window to be able to see it full size)

So cute indeed. ^_^

Image Comments 11 Jun 06:46
joined Dec 20, 2018

^It's not, but the setting itself is based on an in-universe VN