I don't know the series or the characters, but I do like this pic. Very hot.
Pet play can be rough on the knees.
Rin been educating herself on the finer aspects of the art of elocution!
I hope that's an O-face and not a "crying because I'm scared/in pain" face.
Can barely make it past the boobs.
Jesus, where's my insulin?
Today I learned "one person with an opinion on the Internet, writing for a site that has absolutely no influence on the culture at large" qualifies as "heavy criticism".
"Double D" would be my suggestion
It looks like they are sharing one extra-large skirt.
Man, this is extra crack right here. I don't think they interact even once in the anime.
"Opticon 3, this is Uniform 7, we have a situation here, over." kssshkt
Looks like some sort of 17th century romance.
Something about those shoes makes this picture seem like it's from the 1920s or something.
Oh, hey, I like this. "Languid" comes to mind.
They've had some injections.
Eli Kitsune
I am hoping for a gay trucks and trains game next.
I mean, check it: Nozomi's diggin' her fingers into Eli's thigh. Eli's doin' some kinda thing alrighty.
That look on Nozo's face makes me wonder where Eli's other hand is.
I got two kids. I know. :D
Well, I know how this forum is gonna vote...
Yep, that's Umi alrighty. Especially that last panel.
Strategically-placed jacket.
Somehow, it's hotter that she's just now starting to lift up her skirt than it would've been had she had the skirt already up.