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Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

"since it's just the two of us we've been staying up late"
staying up late doing what I wonder? probably playing too much uno./j

I'm sure that's it.

joined Mar 3, 2013

Bla bla bla about romance, she should go poly, even the author continue drawn 3P because she is not convinced

Go poly? I don't think she even wants a cracker. Man, seems like there's a LOT of people into parrot play lately . . .

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

I like that the she's so frustrated to see the General she took it out on the grass. Gird your loins, General, battle will soon be joined.

I think she's looking for the kind of battle where you UN-gird your loins.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Cats DO smell like fresh sunshine. Particularly impressive since in theory they should smell like cat drool after licking themselves that much.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

I like to have something to contribute to these discussions, but all that's going through my head is

joined Mar 3, 2013

Well, that's a lot of panic and disclaimers but it was so cute and touching and adorable that all is forgiven.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

So uh, nobody's mentioned it here yet so I might as well.

(asked my translator about this) Masatsuka attempted suicide a week or so ago and will be in a mental hospital for 3 months. I'll put it in the credits for the next translation but I'm not sure when we'll get to it so might as well say this here. Please support the author if you can.

Oh, jeeze, hope they're gonna be OK.

I saw people commenting on this at 4chan. There were even some fuckers cheering it and mas they didn't died.

4chan really is where the lowest of the low gather around.

They did what. Oh my god how can someone even be that much of a sack of shit?

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

He's hilarious, is what he is. Beyond that, I don't really care what particular kind of gender fiddling he might be doing or if he's just a pretty boy with interesting fashion sense.
I'm dying. Funniest chapter yet.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Missing the Long strip tag here, I think.

I thought the stripping happened quite quickly, though?

. . . Gotta admit, she has to be dead right about the degeneracy of her creators. In fact, in terms of pure naturalistic realism it's a bit far-fetched, but as biting commentary this could be good.

last edited at May 7, 2024 2:15PM

joined Mar 3, 2013

"Let's make my only daughter the crown prince and heir to the throne. Oh, and also make her the wife of a powerful duke who will manipulate and treat her like shit. What could possibly go wrong?"

Hee! Yeah, this king's dynastic decision making doesn't make a ton of sense even in realpolitik terms.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

So is younger sis a total bitch or what? "I can feel they're in the middle of things, which means it's my twin sister's first time, and with the girl she's been passionately in love with all this time. Guess I'll interrupt with the mail!" She's always been pretty snarky but really, WTF?

joined Mar 3, 2013

I can definitely see why this won the award! It was super cute, sweet, and funny. I had to stop and catch my breath after seeing the Edison yukata, I was laughing so hard. XD

It was the second Edison yukata that did me in . . .

That poor gangster-like science nerd! Don't worry, someday you'll meet a straight science girl with a yakuza fixation!

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

I think the best part is that if the guy gets into another guy the lesbian fujoshis will piss and shit themselves and go insane etc.

Could we just not do this kind of shit?

joined Mar 3, 2013

With this one, how many lesbians did Truck-kun isekai so far? He needs a new hobby.

I think of it more as a full time job. Nothing but work, work, work, underappreciated . . .

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Well. It's a lucky thing for Meguru that the person she decided to fixate on happens to be sweet and nice.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

I feel like granny is a monster hunter. Hijinks could ensue.

Purple Library Guy
Suito-to! discussion 23 Apr 19:46
joined Mar 3, 2013

This manga singlehandedly convinced me to trek down to Fukouka on my last trip to Japan, and also led me to several extremely memorable meals (I could eat that mazesoba from the first or second chapter literally every day), so I'm both super happy to see it back here and mildly disgruntled because now I want to go back to Fukuoka for delicious karaage.

I, myself, am feeling fairly gruntled today, and a chapter of this helps that along.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Are we sure it shouldn't be marital instead of martial? Would make more sense to me considering she learned a multitude of skills to be a good wife, not to be a great warrior xD

That wouldn't be a SECRET skill though. I'm certainly hoping she's secretly a major kick-ass fighter, it would go weirdly perfectly with her cute inoffensive looks and bearing.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Well, this may be subtext for now, but those interlaced fingers and the loving way the heiress girl's curves are depicted say to me it ain't gonna stay that way.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

"You'd end up in the third-string." Is that a British thing? I've never heard the expression, though I can guess the meaning from the context and the picture.

First-to-third strings are sports jargon since circa 19th century, based on a more literal medieval saying about spare bow strings. Doesn't appear to be limited to a single country's English.

For social standing, it'd be sports jargon leaking through sportsmen and sport fans into colloquial use, and may be of limited spread outside their circles (not into sports myself, I don't remember encountering it before either), but it also isn't a recent fad or specifically British: urban dictionary (crude language warning), urban dictionary again, reddit examples

Thanks for providing the links, and to everyone else who explained this. I now understand that the reason I do not understand this expression is that I spend all the time I could be playing sports instead reading yuri manga.

Well, maybe. I hate team sports and yet am quite aware of the expression; I thought it was pretty common and I'm surprised to see so many people who aren't aware of it. Mind you, I'm old. Maybe it has gotten less common in recent years.

joined Mar 3, 2013

Cinnamon roll too pure for this world . . .

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

I don't really get what happened in the second half, did she confess? Hypnotize her? What spell is she talking about?

Yeah, she cast a spell to make Kana-chan fall in love with her. It’s not a spoiler to tell you but it’s also explained later on, so you don’t have to understand at this point; I think it’s intentionally confusing.

Oooh that's fucked up. Give me more, please.

It is definitely fucked up. I don't think I'm interested any more.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

What a great girlfriend. Definitely the girlfriend she needs, if perhaps not the girlfriend she deserves.
But then, do any of us really deserve the goodness of it when we get a great significant other? Yet it would be a sad old world if none of us had one. I know I'd be sad.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

I can't believe that after more than 20 years of reading manga I didn't know that info from the credits about the timing of school Cultural Festivals. How many dozen of those things have I read about without that ever coming up?

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

What on earth is his deal? She's so beautiful, why would he not want her? Why would he marry her if he didn't want her? I don't see how it could be some kind of bizarre thing with how he relates to her family, because her family are nobodies. There's the dynamic where some men marry a classy woman but want to do their fooling around with trashy women, but first, usually men like that are at least polite to the woman they married, and second, while she does seem to be sort of innately classy, she's not upper class in her background . . . I don't get what's going on.

Not that I ultimately care. Forget that loser and let's see these two beautiful flowers make each other happy.