Forum › Posts by NARESH4444

joined Nov 12, 2020

Is this a bribe or is Bocchi being pimped out?

joined Nov 12, 2020

Yup,way more fun then the original game.

And I don't even play the game.

joined Nov 12, 2020

Drag that silly introvert to where she belongs,the center of love and attention!

The squad has got her back!

joined Nov 12, 2020

Feels rather like Benika will start championing the refugee cause too ...

Yeah, definitely. Hibai thinks she's scaring Benika off, but I guarantee she'll come out of this far more sympathetic to the refugees' situation and Rose's struggles in particular.

I think the real question here is, will Hibai and Gina end up wanting to help Rose and Benika? They seem set up to be a personal bridge between the two organizations and our protagonists.

I'm also interested to see whether the organization's reconcile. I didn't expect so, but both sides have been getting development to be more gray than they first appeared. (Babylon is working to protect the refugees by killing those who would profit off their plight, while the Church is fomenting armed attacks and riots)

Through the power of Benikas' expanded knowledge and sympathy,Rose will then have the power needed to carve a path for each other once Benika finds out the truth.

But then Rose will need a lot more help in order to carve that path big enough to get all the refugees out of their dead end lives due to Benikas' insistence.

Most interesting indeed.

Or Benika will get far beyond what would even be called the reality of refugees.

Straight up Hell itself,in post modern Japan no less.

This ain't the status quo that should be maintained nor one that should be left to somehow get better.

This amount of shell shock is going to cement Benika onto Rose,even when Rose reveals the truth,because there's no way she wouldn't understand how bad it trully is.

joined Nov 12, 2020

Damn,they work fast,chapter two is out already.

joined Nov 12, 2020

Forget acting like a couple,THEY ARE A COUPLE!

And nothing says a good relationship then a lot of violence against the dumber of the pair.

Possibly loud enough for the whole school to hear!

Now all they need to do is acknowledge their troublesome fairy once and for all.

joined Nov 12, 2020

Ah yes,the "Princess Impregnation Carry".

Now start running those hips!

joined Nov 12, 2020

She's totally not taking advantage of her not yet scheme filled brain.

Totally not brainwashing her into the lass with the teasing ass that she becomes later.

Pretty sure Elsa is destine to fall for Evie regardless of the circumstances that lead to it, the timeline isn’t zapping Evie for seeking Elsa out before they are suppose to meet, and she still doesn’t get zapped when she flirts with her.

Wasn’t until she almost stated what their future relationship was that she got zapped, and I’m thinking that only happened because it puts that very relationship at risk of not happening.

True,but until then,gotta fill that small head with all kinds of flirty methods.

And cool explosions.

And now she's awakening her to the pleasures of the flesh.

A fulfilling way to start the day.

joined Nov 12, 2020

Ladies and gentlemen,it's here!

Official English,lets' go!

last edited at Jul 16, 2023 1:01AM

joined Nov 12, 2020

You're boring me and you don't argue in good faith, so no.

well.... i cant say i didnt expect this stale outcome, since this is usual conclusion one manages to reach, as a result of asking for any proof or requesting further clarity in a discussion.

very well, lets end this here, okay?

so i heard this guy got an month suspension? god that last sentence is ***** infuriating,no wander you got suspended, what END HERE? you did nothing but wall of text of fake outrage and then end up in the most ugly conversation from some one like you

whoa.... anger management. much needed. pls gt elp, ocay.

Says the person who was having fake arguements about lolis.

Just be like the rest or us and enjoy the wee lasses whose small asses are light enough for us to hurl at our enemies as deadly face huggers so we can follow up with the good ol' one two to the ribs.

Hell,you can even equip them to extend your vertical attack range.

Lolis are the true meta.

joined Nov 12, 2020

Re-reading chapter 3 and I think my confusion is pretty much cleared up.
Haruki acknowledged that it's already 15 years since their meeting, Haruki and Sakura is just trying to make up their 10th year (the year Sakura died).

Sorry, teehee...!

Well,the time has come.

Also,best parents ever,counteracting some quite bad parents.

She definitely needs to visit them more.

joined Nov 12, 2020

I expect an extreme full chapter make out session between Satsuki and Akira where they passionately proclaim their love for each again and again in every panel

Make that two chapters of hot,passitonate,steamy,and sensual clam jamming whenever they try to get it on like Donkey Kong but keep getting interrupted by their friends.

joined Nov 12, 2020

That's right. The three people in front all need drums, and get a larger hi-hat for the guitarist.

What the fuck is Ren cooking?

She's wingwomaning and getting her girl, so she's cooking up relationships.

A sick-ass drum only guitar solo

One so good that the woman of her dreams will fall for the rose in her mouth,which she pulled out of her arse in just one frame.

Also,fence vaulting is a no no...

...but catching a guitar like a wicked stud is perfectly fine.

And that dude is the best supporting dude ever.

joined Nov 12, 2020

Well that was something of a departure from previous chapters, I guess I don't mind but not much happened :P except some fuel for the Hatomori x Ruri ship

I imagine that aside from feeding the fans of that pair, it is also a good way to segway into explaining why Miyako quit being an idol and such.

You know, they've stopped manufacturing Segways. Going to be a problem for writers.

The Goddamn West Taiwanese company that was making knock-offs simply used their profits to outright buy the original Segway company.

A potential futture that any company might face if they're publically traded.

Also,it seems that not everything is well in paradise...

joined Nov 12, 2020

Feels rather like Benika will start championing the refugee cause too ...

Yeah, definitely. Hibai thinks she's scaring Benika off, but I guarantee she'll come out of this far more sympathetic to the refugees' situation and Rose's struggles in particular.

I think the real question here is, will Hibai and Gina end up wanting to help Rose and Benika? They seem set up to be a personal bridge between the two organizations and our protagonists.

I'm also interested to see whether the organization's reconcile. I didn't expect so, but both sides have been getting development to be more gray than they first appeared. (Babylon is working to protect the refugees by killing those who would profit off their plight, while the Church is fomenting armed attacks and riots)

Through the power of Benikas' expanded knowledge and sympathy,Rose will then have the power needed to carve a path for each other once Benika finds out the truth.

But then Rose will need a lot more help in order to carve that path big enough to get all the refugees out of their dead end lives due to Benikas' insistence.

Most interesting indeed.

joined Nov 12, 2020

You bring it up during the foursome.

Or band practice.

Not that those two are mutually exclusive...

joined Nov 12, 2020

Yup,Mihoyo ain't got nothin' on this.

joined Nov 12, 2020

Oh,even more lore that's better then whatever the official game can come up with.

joined Nov 12, 2020

I like how even the big dwarf is throwing nigh pebbles, while Soara's ready to let loose with a couple of mini-boulders... probably good for the korporkkur that she didn't get to throw.

1500 posts but no embeded image?...

And she did throw one,she was probably the only one who threw.

As for what comes next,I predict they're going to turn Lil' Golly into the mobile tree house itself.

joined Nov 12, 2020

The chapter was so good,it left this fella speechless,eh?

Also,that was an amazing way to showcase how the senior of days long past has been doing,and she did great.

The fun part is that it only takes one bus stop extra when going to Risa to end up where her clinic is,so there's a good chance Hiroko might run into her.

The conflcting train of feelings would also probably be followed by Hiroko being told to finally embrace Ayaka for all she's worth.

Or the even better result where Hiroko manages to get Ayaka to with Risa or even all three of them together!

Bonus points if its' all four of them!!

joined Nov 12, 2020

Nice try,but we know...

...exactly what... want to do... the mature looking(?)"loli" middle schooler personal maid.

joined Nov 12, 2020

I wonder how Mary will now respond to this development?...

Albeit,now one wonders,was it a stillborn,abortion,or even murder?...

The answer is...butchery.

Stillborn or not,she was told to chop it up and flush it,which actually reminds me of the teen pregnancy story my morals' teacher told us,where the teen mother did exactly that after snuffing the baby.

And Mary took it as a delusion,trying to keep her grasp on her fragile mind that is far too young to be experiencing PTSD...and that lie was then disproven plus now part of a cornerstone of friendship,which is not helping her lack of sleep.

Judging by Colins' words,she's definitely just waiting for him to return,which is definitely unlikely,unless he somehow escapes,and she would turn on Mary with the very thing Mary doesn't want,the loss of that cornerstone.

She can't tell the adults,and voila,a non-adult shows up...but will Riko survive if Riko tells the adults herself?...

I can't wait to see how this 'Nam flashback pans out.

joined Nov 12, 2020

This panel goes hard
God damn an Ak type 3. What an unexpected beauty to see

Maybe someone should have known something was up when Vatican representatives were pushing real hard for Monster and ZipRecruiter to include the Khyber Pass in their covered regions.

I told my brother about this manga and he was like “Oh, and the church is actually a secret organization, right? I would be more surprised if it wasn’t.”

What is it about Japanese manga and The Church!?

Dude, that's been a fucked-out trope since forever. Japan loves making institutionalized religions into Secretly Evil Organizations!!!! Usually there are demons involved, but not always.

Home grown Japanese Christian AKs built by the best of the best from the Khyber Pass,what a time to be alive.

And this reminds me of a short lil' anecdote which I can't find anymore.

A pastor/preacher/priest during wild west era mentioned "everyones' time will come and they will go to meet their maker",when later asked why he carried a gun,"in case I met those whose time has come".

Christianity might be no different in terms of how bad it is,like all religions,but the sheer amount of great gun stuff associated with it is amazing,as well as ironic considering the origins of gunpowder.

Especially this :

And,despite definitely being a different church,one man delivered for sure.

joined Nov 12, 2020

Mangadex just uploaded up to chapter 313.

Dynasty,you gotta get your crap together at some point.

joined Nov 12, 2020

The Prince will win,because he'll get to witness lesbian dramatic love front and centre.