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joined Jun 13, 2015

Mimika persevered and was not put behind bars. I'm so proud of her!

Judging from yuri manga, it must be fairly common for high-schoolers to fall in love at first sight with angelic little kids, but I think it was both wise and commendable of Mimika not to go the Happy Sugar Life route.

Less messy, too.

And yet HSL gets the anime adaptation. There's no justice.

I am saddened by this great series ending, but at least it never went shocking swerve bad end yandere even with like at least one page a chapter that made it look like the tone was about to shift into that territory, even in this chapter, for that matter!

Eve and Eve discussion 25 Mar 21:19
joined Jun 13, 2015

Nagashiro Rouge is quickly becoming one of my favourite mangaka. Odd? Yes, but coupled with a beautiful style and interesting stories. Feels a bit like a more realistic and somewhat toned down version of Dowman Sayman sometimes.

Finally, someone who gets it! The rest of y'all need to rewatch yer Rickter andst Mortimer, y'all dumb as hell. Sorry if your yuri reading level is only at a schoolgirl lesbian level, lmao.

joined Jun 13, 2015

Once you pop you just can't stop

Once you pop... that's great!

joined Jun 13, 2015


joined Jun 13, 2015

What, exactly, does Masturi bring to the relationship that Harumin wants?

I too had been wondering about all the love for Matsuri—I have a hard time forgetting the sociopathic sadist we were first introduced to. And in real-life matchmaking terms, you’re right—forget about a relationship, in reality Matsuri’s type is barely tolerable to be around. A Harumin in our world could certainly do better.

But in the story it’s easy to explain. Most of the main characters in the story range from being significantly inconvenienced to being totally paralyzed by obligations/expectations/familial oppression, or other social pressures. Shirapon was brought up forbidden to ever laugh for god’s sake, and even cheerful Yuzu is burdened by the stresses inherent in her secret love. Matsuri is the only one who seems to be free to do and say what she wants, and ever since her abrupt surrender in the war with Mei and her subsequent characterization makeover, she’s been at worst a bit of pest, and at best an important truthteller.

So yeah, in real life I steer well clear of the Matsuris of the world, but in this manga, even though she can be annoying, she consistently brings a bit of fresh air to a fairly claustrophobic social world. And Harumin could use that fresh air nearly as much as anybody.

Finally, an answer! Fair points all around, but I would argue that having another gyaru to hang out with and confide in after school seems to be far more meaningful for Harumin, which she already has in Yuzu, except when Yuzu inevitably blows her off to be with Mei. That's probably the one thing I would like to see Harumin get: more quality girl time with her best friend, without the need for shipping. She seems pretty content to live her own life right now, since she doesn't need love to fill the holes in her heart like Matsuri or Mei.

joined Jun 13, 2015

What, exactly, does Masturi bring to the relationship that Harumin wants? Absolutely fucking nothing. Harumin provides endless emotional support and encouragement and assistance, what does she get out of it? A manipulative, childish schemer like Matsuri? The only person worse than Mei when it comes to admitting their true feelings? No thanks. Matsuri would need to be ten times richer than Mei's family just to start being a worthwhile romantic partner for Harumin and even then no amount of money could ever fix her oh-so-cute (in fiction, at least) bratty personality. Yeah they make for a good tsukkomi/boke duo, but that's it.

Image Comments 05 Mar 12:35
joined Jun 13, 2015

That's because it's bad.

joined Jun 13, 2015

In the afterword of volume 1, Nishi writes that one day they suddenly felt like doing a manga about fighting games in Yuri-Hime, so phoned up and that led to the serialization. In vol 2, they answer the common question of why they thought to do it in YH. Apparently Nishi conceived of it as becoming very yuri if it reached the end. Trouble was the characters were all so absorbed with fighting games their relationships only change very slowly (so it's basically that thing of characters writing themselves). Nishi would have wanted to be able to write the story longer, even as far as a Vegas arc, but is surprised (and thankful) YH gave as much freedom as the manga had.

Okay... well, points for trying, I guess...

joined Jun 13, 2015

Takahashi Mako hype.

On the other hand, why are Official and Doujin being mixed, that's confusing :thinking:

A doujin isn't necessarily unofficial. Plenty of authors with more perverted sides will make doujinshi of their own work using pseudonyms. And an anthology like this counts for both, since they're officiated by YuriHime but by other authors and not canon.

But dang, they're really letting anyone do a Citrus anthology, huh? Who's next, Dowman Sayman?

Also why do people like shipping Harumin and Matsuri? Just because Yuzu and Mei are clearly endgame? Why y'all gotta' do Harumin dirty like that? She's already fixed Yuzu's life, let her have her own happiness instead of being given another charity case. Matsuri, unlike Mei, actually does need family instead of a lover. She's way too young and immature to be in a relationship, anyways.

joined Jun 13, 2015

Am I going crazy? Hasn't Chapter 6 been uploaded a long time ago? I definitely remember reading all of this before and I don't know what other site it would be on... That credits page makes me feel like I've noticed a glitch in the Matrix or something...

Yuri☆Kome discussion 11 Feb 11:25
joined Jun 13, 2015

To me, it was really the art style that did it. If I hadn't seen the other work from this author, I'd honestly think that they purposefully went with the most generic "am I kawaii uguuu desu ne" look possible to further the illusion that this would be some mindless cute girls doing cute things series and not something more dramatic. Like an accidental PMMM or something.

joined Jun 13, 2015

Much as I like the cuteness of it all, those last two chapters were so super-tropish and cheesy, I don't know. It's just always the same in these type of manga, isn't it?

Since when are characters using physical exercise to help with their depression a common trope actually shown in media? (As opposed to presenting characters taking long runs as running from their problems.) I would love to see far more stories use this cheesy trope.

Image Comments 09 Feb 14:39
joined Jun 13, 2015

Sooooo... no one wants to mention how freakishly horrifying those eyes are?

joined Jun 13, 2015

I will say this much for Yukiko: Unlike all these dumbass straight virgin otaku guys who wouldn't recognize emotional intimacy if it bite them in the ass and gave them aftercare, at least she gets Shizuku's character right.

joined Jun 13, 2015

Yeah, Chapter 3 would be hilarious if not for the (purposefully?) awkward self-insert.

Also no offense to Yukiko but I have no idea how she got picked for this when her work is only ever "just plain good" at best. What connections could she have?

last edited at Feb 7, 2018 6:33PM

Dark Widow discussion 05 Feb 17:04
joined Jun 13, 2015

The panel right below it is a Kaiji reference, but I think that's just supposed to be a "creepily over-detailed" face.

Also page 90 has Medusa doing the Will Smith "look at this" meme.

last edited at Feb 5, 2018 5:04PM

joined Jun 13, 2015

Updated with the revised version with improved art and translation.

Is it bad if I can't notice anything different? Maybe my memory is just really poor...

joined Jun 13, 2015

Nice return to form for Mochi.

Also great credits page!

joined Jun 13, 2015

I've come to the realization that nobody actually knows what canon Yui's personality is like. It's a complete mystery.

joined Jun 13, 2015

My my..I like this turn of events..xDDD

Where's your profile picture from? It's quite nice...

joined Jun 13, 2015

I was NOT expecting this turn of events at all, feels like a movie

This really is the start to a Marvel movie...

joined Jun 13, 2015

yuri marvel.

When's Yurinfinity Wars?

Image Comments 24 Jan 11:27
joined Jun 13, 2015

It's amazing how you can tell an artist is Korean by the fashion of the characters alone. (The artstyle helps, too, especially the eyes.)

joined Jun 13, 2015

Seemed pretty obvious that yandere girl was planning all along to kick the other girl out to be with senpai, though it would have been fine to just end there without throwing in the cheating/rebounding.

Also lmao I really can't take this author's dramatic stories seriously since they made that ridiculous 2D nonsense story. Between the weird black bars under everyone's eyes that make them look tired and their inability to write either comedy or drama well, I can safely say I will never enjoy a story by this author. RIP

last edited at Jan 23, 2018 6:33PM

joined Jun 13, 2015

The idea of using yaoi-style proportions to make someone look more threatening is hilarious in general but in this context it kind of works. The man is literally over-extended.