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joined Jan 22, 2014

runrin posted:

That was well done. Kuddos.

nya-chan's approval?? it must be good! :P

Yagakimi is not groundbreaking, but it's kind of a masterpiece of classical art nonetheless, if you get my meaning.

The author mastered their craft to near perfection. If I must use the cooking metaphor, Yagakimi is a wholesome home-cooked meal you can't go wrong with and that leaves you satisfied. Nothing fancy, but it's just the one you needed.

I disagree on that one. I've always felt that Yagakimi was unique for many reasons. One, the MC doesn't start out head over heals for the heroine. Two, it isn't overly dramatic the whole time, like most other romance stories, so even little things have a much bigger effect on the viewer.

joined Jan 22, 2014

Actually, if the play really WAS meta, then Touko would DEFINITELY end up with Sayaka, since she ends up with her in the play as well.

She does? I thought she ended up on her own, going on to figure out her life.

In Chapter 31:
Touko: "So... Would you go out with me, all over again?"
Sayaka: "I can see myself, falling in love with you all over again"

I can't believe everyone forgot how the play ended. She only denied to move in with her, because she wants to try and reconnect with her family, they still got together in the revised ending too.

joined Jan 22, 2014

Actually, if the play really WAS meta, then Touko would DEFINITELY end up with Sayaka, since she ends up with her in the play as well.

The only ever polyamory ending in normal manga, that I can remember is in Honeymoon Salad. It's really tricky to get that kind of ending right (outside of hentai, that is), and it can undermine the believability of the entire series. I seriously doubt that we well see that here.

Well, Touko will choose Yuu (or she had already chosen her from the very first chapter), but I really like what ifs. Sooo, if not Touko, than how about Sayaka+Akari? They can heal each other's broken heart...

joined Jan 22, 2014

On a sidenote, I would looove to see a Touko+Sayaka ending. I actually came to like Sayaka's character a fair bit more, than I would expected (given, that her role is obviously a third wheel), and I would gladly see her "seduce" Touko, and have an unexpected win.

Though, if that happed, everybody would lose their mind, for one reason or other. But yeah, unexpectedly event to me, I'm in team Sayaka. Cheers!

last edited at Jan 2, 2019 9:18PM

joined Jan 22, 2014

Sooo, any idea, why is it called "Yuunagi Marbled"? I don't recall anyone called "Yuunagi", but it definitely feels like a name.

joined Jan 22, 2014

Saeki fo the win, hell yes! Saeki has some great potential for character development. I hope, she can gather up her courage and confess her love. Yuri triangles are the best kind of triangles.

joined Jan 22, 2014

And coincidentically every female character ends up in a lesbian couple. Life is wonderful.

Just like what should happen in real life. Tears to my eyes ;-;

and well said yuri_adicta

Yes! Except of course the ones that become my waifu!

joined Jan 22, 2014

I think, Moe does enjoy herself, when she is dominating others, you can see her smiling a bit on some pages, and she is properly blushing while having sex too. But she isn't an S, so you won't see her smile or enjoying herself, when hitting others.

Yes, most of the time she has a blank expression, but her face has been that way, since Ran refused her, it doesn't mean she is faking it, or not enjoying herself, only that she's still heartbroken.

Well, that's how I interpreted it anyway.

last edited at Jun 21, 2015 5:31AM

joined Jan 22, 2014

Gimme moar!!! Me likey sweet sweet yuri!!!

joined Jan 22, 2014


My thoughts exactly. About the chapter though, wouldn't it be hilarious, if the new girl DID fall in love with Kanna?

joined Jan 22, 2014

Angst should be included in the tags.

But forum posts don't have ta....

Oh! Oh, I see what you mean. Nevermind.

Best. Post. Ever.

joined Jan 22, 2014

In the last scene at the sea, Remi seems to be a little... funny. Could it be that she actually felt hurt? Do you think Remi is in love with Ruki? And Remi's last line to the phone: "Yeah, I guess you could say that", I think the question was "were you dumped?" or something along the lines.

I'd love the idea of Remi being in love with Ruki, and is trying to break Ruki's fixation on Sacchan, better, than her being just a grinch to every couple around her.

last edited at Feb 5, 2015 6:54PM

joined Jan 22, 2014

Am I alone in disliking our protagonist, Moe, for selfishly pushing her feelings on to her senpai like this? I mean, what does she hope to accomplish? Break up her senpai and the dorm mother?

Mira, the author isn't used to this genre (S&M) yet, and she isn't good at describing the dark emotions of people. Don't worry she'll get better at it.

Moe breaking up Ran and the dorm mother? That's not it. No, Moe wants to steal Ran, capture her, dominate her and make her completely hers. The best panel is when Moe just stares blankly to the girls having sex in front of her, with a dark look in her eyes. That tells you everything, this girl isn't just another sheep, she's the wolf.

And Ran and Ryouko isn't a sweet happy couple either, they are basically just using each other, for sex and misplaced emotions. I'd like to see Moe steal Ran, even if Ran was a in perfect relationship, but supposedly Mira didn't want to make a manga that dark (yet), so she make it, that Ran and Ryouko doesn't really fit together either.

last edited at Jan 25, 2015 11:35AM

joined Jan 22, 2014

Saving Ran? Absolutely not! That' like when Sir Lancelot "saved" Sir Galahad, totally uncalled for. Except the later one was funny, so we forgive.

I don't think Moe will end up with Ran sempai, and although she is introduced as Moe's love interest, she just doesn't seem to be anything more.

joined Jan 22, 2014

Sex in S&M isn't some glorious sacred thing, it's dirty, it's cheap, and only for pleasure,

OK imma stop you right there, as a masochist i take some offence to this, i don't just get off on ANYBODY insulting me or punishing my body, if an average asshole does that to me then they are a dick, something about a person i care about doing that to me however? that shit is hot.
S and M isn't some "cheap and dirty" thing, its just another form of sexual intercourse

First, I explicitly said I'm talking about S&M manga. I don't have any IRL S&M experience, and I never felt the need for it.
Second, Japan is a crazy country, if you've seen japanese porn, you know it. And S&M in manga is Japanese S&M, not the soft-core European kind.
Third, I never said S&M is cheap and dirty. I said, the sex in S&M is. But only as opposed to the concept of some "holy union between men and woman", the way society usually looks at sex.

joined Jan 22, 2014

-I never said Mira had never done pseudorape before. When did I EVER say that? All I said was that it pisses me off.

Then, I'm sorry, it seemed to me that that's what you're saying. My main point is it's not that new for Mira, its just a few new spices.

-And I know it wasn't exactly rape, hence why I put "pseudorape" because, the fact of the matter is, she did not enter the orgy willingly. She STAYED in it willingly and that's where the difference lies.

I wouldn't even call it pseudorape. The one in "The sea, you and the sun" was pseudorape (and I didn't see anyone complaining). Here, Moe did enter the orgy willingly. Of course she wasn't the one to initiate, but you can't really say that she didn't know what kind of place it was, and she didn't even tried to resist, or run away, instead she sit down and watched with anticipation... that's willing enough for me.

-And when did I blame the author for anything? ...

That was my own opinion added, I don't like to double post, so only the first paragraph was specific to you, the others were more general.

About the orgy - it's supposed to contribute to the S&M theme of the manga, and it's clearly failed. It's clear that Mira is not used to this theme yet, it looked much more like an orgy from a harem-comedy hentai, rather than an S&M club.

S&M in manga (I don't really have IRL experience with it, and I'm not japan) is partly about confronting (sexual) taboos in society, and finding excitement in them. Orgies, and in general, sex with people other than your lover, is a taboo, it's wrong in society, but S&M removes that aspect. Sex in S&M isn't some glorious sacred thing, it's dirty, it's cheap, and only for pleasure, and there is nothing wrong with doing it whoever you want. It's a different world.

All I can say is give it time. You can read "Nana to Kaoru" for some insight, if you want, and hope Mira gets better at the ambiance thing.

last edited at Jan 8, 2015 7:28PM

joined Jan 22, 2014

Well, Mira already uses a lot of sex in her works, so that's nothing new, and the reason for having the orgy in the story (which is what most people didn't like), is probably due to the S&M theme (that most people overlooked, because it only appears for a few pages).

The orgy is supposed to be all about S&M, about the ambiance. I admit it fell a little flat on that promise... But in this manga, or any S&M manga, sex is not the highest and mightiest of all things, it's just a means of communicating feelings.

joined Jan 22, 2014

i feel like this might end up being really shitty.

Yeah, this mangaka is really doing something that's way out of his element and, let's be honest, that rarely ever ends well lol. I'm not loving it based off the first chapter alone (although that might just be because I like couples, so orgy's, especially those involving pseudorapes really, REALLY piss me off) and if it keeps on with this, i'll probably just drop it. And I'll be honest, it takes A LOT for me to drop a yuri series.

Have guys actually read his/her works? He did pseudo-rape before, he did start off with sex right at the very start, it's not out of his element at all. The only new elements are the orgy and the S&M, and that's fine too. Not every author wants to write the same story a billion times, some likes to write NEW things.

And it WASN'T rape, she wasn't jumped on the minute she came in, she had plenty of chances to back off. Just because the Mira didn't detailed her every thoughts this time, everyone assumes it was rape.

It's something new. Not his usual pre-determined, carefree happy ending, without any real problem, but a bit grimmer, bit darker and bit more dramatic story. And it'll be just as good, if not better.

If you can't take darker manga, don't read it, your loss, but be a man and don't try to blame it on the author.

Smile Maker discussion 06 Jan 06:59
joined Jan 22, 2014

This was confusing. I though the girl at the start was supposed to be the protagonist, but the perspective switches to Sakura after a few pages.

Manga, no, really, any story operates on a first come first served basis. The first character that gets introduced, narrates, starts a monologue, or does anything to face the readers, automatically becomes the protagonist of the story. Introducing a side character first, that has no important role, especially in a short story like this? That just doesn't work really well, I still wanted to root for her, even though I realized she isn't gonna be the love interest.

LOVE/DEATH discussion 23 Dec 17:52
joined Jan 22, 2014

Wow! I suggested the WTF am I reading tag, not sure about it being a comedy though. It's pretty hilarious, but only because of the sheer absurdity of the situation, this could go either way from here, it doesn't have to become a comedy.

Definitely an interesting manga to look out for.

last edited at Dec 23, 2014 5:55PM

Stretch discussion 10 Dec 20:00
joined Jan 22, 2014

BTW, the second Stretch printing is released. The kindle version is 540 yen.

And you can't buy it if your location is outside Japan T__T I'm curious how many chapters are in each volume though.

You could just try to use a Japanese proxy to buy it ... It shouldn't matter for SSL and https.

Citrus discussion 07 Dec 09:57
joined Jan 22, 2014

Unlike most people here, I don't mind the "forced" drama. I mean if they got together so easily/soon, then the manga would be ending, right?! (:

There is still a long way for them, even without any artificial drama. Yuzu is still pretty much in the closet, and Mei still has her heart closed. That's what I want to read about. What I don't really care is a third love triangle, that will play out just like the two before. Unless something REALLY substantial happens in the next arc, it's basically a filler.

Also, I don't dislike short manga. Given how often good, promising series, I want to read go on Hiatus, get axed, or just have their translation dropped and never picked up again by any team, I'd rather see the ending of this one that being left on an eternal cliffhanger.

joined Jan 22, 2014

Ran acting all grown up, and not her usual childish self is very unexpected. I guess it makes sense if the next one is really the last story arc. I hope the Author nails the ending.

Stretch discussion 30 Nov 22:43
joined Jan 22, 2014

And looks like we'll beat the Citrus thread with the next chapter or two!

Unless they release their chapter first.

Not a chance, Citrus updates veeery slowly, it's barely even started with the double digits yet.

But back to Stretch. Shou (the author) is clearly dropping hints about Ran and Keiko being in love with each others (, so he doesn't intend to ignore the Yuri aspect. And while that does not automatically means a Ran x Keiko ending, right now anything else is unimaginable.

joined Jan 22, 2014

Yuri Sankarea.

But hopefully better. Sankarea was just a little too idiotic for my tastes, the comedy in that killed off any drama in the plot. This one seems better.

Also, this will end (should end!) with tragedy. No more ending like "warm bodies", please!

last edited at Nov 30, 2014 10:19PM