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Nezchan Moderator
Fanfictions 01 May 09:31
joined Jun 28, 2012

Oh, and if you're interested in a bit of original fiction, Basil Makes Everything Better is a great piece by angharad_crewe. I love lesbian elements in genre fiction like SF and fantasy.

Nezchan Moderator
Fanfictions 01 May 09:28
joined Jun 28, 2012

Giving In is one of the best ShizNat pieces I've read, although pretty much anything by centauri2002 or Sombereyes is worth a look. It's NSFW, so be aware that smut lies waiting.

Oddly, there's a lot of AU stuff with that couple.

Nezchan Moderator
Image Comments 01 May 09:19
joined Jun 28, 2012

Same artist. Although they seem to be in school uniforms, and the long-haired one seems way too innocent to be Mew.

Nezchan Moderator
Image Comments 30 Apr 23:27
joined Jun 28, 2012

Oh nice! I love her style, and the hand holding is lewd as it gets.

Nezchan Moderator
Image Comments 30 Apr 23:26
joined Jun 28, 2012

As a big YuuParu fan, I approve!

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Exactly. Massive balls are well known for their effects on gravity. Damn traps be tripping everywhere because of them.

Bitch be trippin' balls!

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

As a person with massive exposed balls I can confirm that this is almost a continuous state.

Interestingly, in Japanese folklore huge testicles were considered a sign of impotence. Which is one reason tanuki, often portrayed as comic figures, were given prominent balls.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

The solution here is to not read any manga whatsoever, since a good majority of it contains panty shots.

Huuu.. we're not reading the same manga then. I've read thousands of manga without any pantyshots.

And yeah, I think koneko is right after all. In Himegoto, it's just to destroy any semblance of yuri that we are constantly reminded he's really a guy.

Well you know, how would you know it's a crossdressing manga without HEY LOOK! BALLS! every few pages? I mean you never saw his nuts in Prunus Girl, and nobody ever suspected he was a guy.

Nezchan Moderator
Anime season 29 Apr 20:48
joined Jun 28, 2012

The fight animations in episode 4 was improved!! I guess they do read critics and forums.

Although given how the process of animation works, it was probably already completed before the first episode aired.

Nezchan Moderator
Image Comments 29 Apr 16:25
joined Jun 28, 2012

Weren't these two confirmed by some of the show's artists?? But because of TV blablabla they cannot be depicted as a couple or something? (I don't watch the show, just came across this info somewhere.)

Kate Leth, who works on the comic, says it's 100% they have had a relationship and it shows. I think the semi-official word is they were dating at one point but aren't actively going out during the time of the show. Been a while since I've read that though so I may have missed some finer details.

Nezchan Moderator
Nomia discussion 29 Apr 15:28
joined Jun 28, 2012

God damn those fingers look like ones from the YouTube videos Salad Fingers.....

S-Salad Fingers!? is that still being made? I watched three or four episodes years ago, I think I was 13 our 14 at the time, although it wasn't a nightmare I had a not very good dream after watching that, let's just say that I didn't want to hear or see anything about Salad Fingers again, I need to watch it now that I'm older...

I like it when the red water comes out....

and seriously, you didn't get to the REALLY disturbing bits

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Ok so now that Konami officially cancelled Silent Hills we can now calm down and oh wait AAAAAHHHHHHHHH FUUUUU- ah there we go.

Silent Hills cancelled? you're kidding right...?

'Fraid so, bub.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I dunno if this continuation will be het since it seemed like Ms. Tokyo was waaaaayyy more gay than she thought.

I just hope it doesn't end up involve her with the couple in this chapter.

It seems practically guaranteed that Ms. Tokyo will end up with Ms. Public (im)Morals, although her sidekick would be a fun choice. Hopefully the lesson is getting over her infatuation with her dad by making out with girls instead.

Nezchan Moderator
Love Latte discussion 28 Apr 22:15
joined Jun 28, 2012

Didn't you know? Girls can only have sex with toys or when banged by men while kissing the girl they're in love with /sarcasm

Totally. Like, why would I go out with my girlfriend if I didn't have a guy invovled? People these days.

You're obviously going out with her to make the guy you like jealous, geez. Lesbians? What are those? ~.~

It's got something to do with girls' schools I think. Certainly there's no chance of something like that in a co-ed school where they have real guys available.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012


Okay, I already said it gently so now I'm saying it not gently. CUT THIS OFF-TOPIC GREATER GOOD DISCUSSION SHORT OR I'LL JUST START DELETING SHIT.

And Thiaguinho-sama, you're banned from posting images for the rest of the week.

Sorry, I also didn't see your message, here is tuesday, by the rest of the week you mean until friday or sunday?


Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012


Okay, I already said it gently so now I'm saying it not gently. CUT THIS OFF-TOPIC GREATER GOOD DISCUSSION SHORT OR I'LL JUST START DELETING SHIT.

And Thiaguinho-sama, you're banned from posting images for the rest of the week.

last edited at Apr 28, 2015 7:00PM

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Okay, y'all have had your fun. Enough with the "greater good" thing and get back on topic.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Well, it would be nice to have permalinks to individual posts in general. Don't have that functionality atm.

Nezchan Moderator
looking for e-friends 28 Apr 15:08
joined Jun 28, 2012

Nah I was just kidding! I am really BAD with people, I've been in trial and error but nothing worked soooo... I pass sorry, I'm really glad with the current system of dynasty. I can read, share and laugh with you guys but w/o need to know each others personally.

Serenata wins the thread with this massive rejection D;

Serenata is an inspiration to us all.

joined Jun 28, 2012

"I'm never washing this hand."

jesus christ lmao

That's a pretty old joke (goes back about as far as TV comedy does) to basically communicate that someone's starstruck, rather than like a stalker or something. Your reaction suggests you haven't seen it before.

Nezchan Moderator
looking for e-friends 28 Apr 13:24
joined Jun 28, 2012

Cautionary Nez Note

I'll leave it up to individual members whether they want to put their contact info on a public forum. Just be aware of your personal privacy and suchlike.

last edited at Apr 28, 2015 1:25PM

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Dagnabbit, now I'm just sad - where will the unintelligent, unskilled, ill-mannered, etc Sheska work now?

There are always middle schools looking for staff.

Nezchan Moderator
Love Latte discussion 28 Apr 09:06
joined Jun 28, 2012

Are toys a huge turnoff for anyone else?

Toys don't turn me off. Crappy doujins that use toys in a crappy way turns me off.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

or for the Nezchan x OrangePekoe Fanfic I wrote.


Someone need to make a manga about that fanfic like they made for Husky and Medley, so that everyone here on Dynasty can read it!

By real love you mean your love for Nezchan? Nezchan x OrangePekoe are my otp on Dynasty!

Actually RPS (Real People Slash) is kinda creepy. Husky and Medley is kind of an exception because they knew about it and have been cool about the whole thing.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Okay, wow. Huge fucking image. Could you maybe resize it or something?

I'm using my smartphone since I'm not home, so I didn't notice it was too big, is it possible to resize in the post or I need to use a smaller image?

You'll need to use a smaller image. In general, you should use smaller images if you can, because they take up a lot of real estate in the forum and tend to break up conversations.

Or, y'know, communicate with words. That works too.