Forum › Posts by FluffyCow
I feel like this explains the Bright and Cheery Amnesiac (and Yamada, from Kase-san, among others), where this weird ambivalence towards sex both drives the entire plot and is held up as some kind of goal.
It's like, For chrissake, just fuck your girlfriend.
This comment doesn't make any sense. For starters Kase and Yamada have had sex, plus the series is still ongoing, so how is that an end goal? Maybe if you're talking about the first part of the series, but I'm talking about the series as a whole. Also some people don't have sex right away when they enter a relationship and it can take awhile for people to build up to that. I'm someone that's not comfortable having sex with my partner right away and I prefer to take my time building up to it. I don't see how in anyway this is wrong. Also Kase and Yamada starts off with them in high school and it's their first time having sex if I remember correctly, so I think the build up is perfectly normal and the pay off is in my opinion very satisfying. If I wanted the characters to just have sex I'd go read a hentai doujin, but I read manga specifically for the build up and romance, which I think makes the sex better and actually an important part of the story. Also with Bright and Cheery Amnesia they literally state early on that they've had sex numerous times in the past, then the amnesia happened and they're rebuilding their relationship back to the spot where they're comfortable having sex again, plus the idea there is that their rolls have somewhat reversed. Which is in my opinion a really fun dynamic between them.
I understand we live in a day and age where many people are convinced that sex is the most in important part of a relationship, if you're not having sex right now something is wrong with you, that's what someone's friends might say or the pop culture media they're consuming with the likes of music and tv. There's also people that are just comfortable having sex after the first or second date, which is of course fine. However there's nothing wrong with going slow and at your own pace.
last edited at Apr 22, 2018 8:38PM
The comments here are amusing.
I thought it will be hell of a story with those tags. Disappointed a bit.
Well, the title is "One Page Shorts". It's a bit silly if you expected a full story with a title like this.
I expected a long story :(
As Salamandrake said I'm not certain what people were expecting, this was a bunch of cute one page short stories.
Nagashiro Rouge is quickly becoming one of my favourite mangaka. Odd? Yes, but coupled with a beautiful style and interesting stories. Feels a bit like a more realistic and somewhat toned down version of Dowman Sayman sometimes.
Finally, someone who gets it! The rest of y'all need to rewatch yer Rickter andst Mortimer, y'all dumb as hell. Sorry if your yuri reading level is only at a schoolgirl lesbian level, lmao.
I'm not exactly certain what you're saying, but I think the general gist is that you're saying if people like school-girl yuri they have bad taste in your opinion, people should instead read and enjoy the works of Nagashiro Rouge which you consider good taste. That's at least how your comment reads to me, which it seems a tad extreme if that's your intended message. Personally I like both school-girl yuri and the works of Nagashiro Rouge. I'm primarily commenting because I find it funny that my favorite Nagashiro Rouge story is the school-girl one-shot, "Top? Bottom? A Three-Round Bout!".
My personal ranking of Nagashiro Rouge's works starting with my favorite first:
1) Top? Bottom? A Three-Round Bout!
2) I Want To Leave Behind a Miraculous Love
3) Eiko and Leeza's Situation
4) The Heir of the Curse
5) The Second Unfaithful
6) Eve and Eve
Notably I don't hate any of them. I know most people probably disagree with my rankings and that's cool, this is only my opinion. From what I've gathered a lot of people would say likely "The Heir Of The Curse" is their favorite, or "Eiko and Leez's situation", both of which I enjoyed a lot.
last edited at Mar 28, 2018 1:22AM
I'm really uncertain how people are calling this subtext when both characters acknowledged their love for each other, they're only waiting till Yuzumori is old enough to kiss and so fourth. That said I'd really like an epilogue with them like 10 years in the future and a kiss. Maybe a kiss at a marriage ceremony, but I might be getting greedy.
Exactly one person called this subtext, and I really hope they weren't being sincere.
Ah I only read through some of the more recent comments and I saw others were talking about the series being labeled as subtext, so I thought it was a big topic and debate. That's what I get for not reading through a few pages of comments first, my apologies.
Still I also hope they weren't being sincere.
I know I contributed to it myself, but we really don’t need a lot of laborious definitions here—Mimika and Yuzumori spend most of two chapters (29 & 30) sitting in the middle of the street confessing their love and skinshipping just short of tongue kissing and genital penetration (i.e., what would be in this context criminal behavior). Then later:
Mimika to Yuzumori: “I want to be with you forever.”
Yuzumori to Mimika: “Wait for me.”
Mimika to Yuzumori (silently): “Yet each time we meet, I fall in love with you all over again.”I have no shared frame of reference to have a rational conversation with anyone who calls that “subtext.”
(After all, once you’ve passionately nibbled someone’s nose, there’s no going back to being “just friends.”)
Who needs marriage proposals when you can tie the knot via nose nibbling? Also I agree with you.
I'm really uncertain how people are calling this subtext when both characters acknowledged their love for each other, they're only waiting till Yuzumori is old enough to kiss and so fourth. That said I'd really like an epilogue with them like 10 years in the future and a kiss. Maybe a kiss at a marriage ceremony, but I might be getting greedy.
I'm surprised so many people here are bashing this show. I love Trigger and I think the general character writing and progression has been really good. People do love to jump on the "I don't like fanservice cause I'm so smart" bandwagon really easily. A lot of sexual nature of the series is about puberty and coming of age, the way their world works and produces babies, how people interact socially and so fourth. However it seems so few people can get over a little bit of sexuality and instead so many people are only focusing on that, which is in my opinion a poor way to critique a series but oh well.
Nagashiro Rougue is a treasure.
The decorative plastic treasure you see in an amusement park.
Someone sounds bitter. I think the author's works in general are really well drawn and have pretty solid stories, but to each their own I suppose.
As for this specific story, it was interesting but it wasn't my cup of tea and I prefer Nagashiro Rouge's previous works.
last edited at Mar 27, 2018 11:43PM
It's fascinating how you easily impressionable sensitive snowflakes really do think elaborating on a point is the equivalent to "baiting" or "trolling". What even is "baiting into an argument"? You're here, in a FORUM, to discuss and fuel argumentation in the first place, aren't you? Whether you approve of others' manner of structuring their arguments or not is none of their business and thus you are the one who has to put up with it, if their posts are not throwing playground insults at you out of nowhere, of course. It's like every post ever has to pander to your exact standards of what's acceptable or not, otherwise it's ultimately invalid, goddamn.
Have we actually seen them bloom out of their status quo, like Queen has pointed out? No. Do I, personally-not-the-objective-truth-please-don't-ban-me-not-a-troll, consider this progress? Not in the sense that their relationship moved forward, since it actually just recovered from that 20 something chapters conflict simply to go back to exactly where it was in the beginning. If anything, the other loli was the one who got some development, which sadly is irrelevant to me because I am not reading this for her; out of her maliciousness it seemed to me that all she got was rewarded, she learned her lesson and still ended up benefiting from it. Maybe we'll get more chapters about Yuzumori's situation at home with her absent parents, maybe more fluff moments between her and Mimika without much thought provoking themes for a while. I would enjoy that.
I think you have completely valid points, you're probably right that Queen also has good points. I do not normally think people expanding on their opinions is trolling or baiting, but in this specific context I thought Queen's attitude was hostile, especially with as I said the mod comment, if I jumped the gun and completely read Queen's tone and intention wrong I sincerely apologize. I don't mind you critiquing my character, but I rather you not refer to me as a snowflake please. It's hard to understand someone's attitude through text on a forum. There seems to be a good amount of people that don't think any progress was made, so maybe I'm wrong in my opinion. However I'm still personally pretty happy with the progress of the series, but I do hope the people that are like Queen and yourself will get more development that you desire. At the end of the day I just want everyone to get along and hopefully enjoy the manga.
Also I thought my last comment was ending things in a non-hostile manner but I guess people took that as me pulling an "I win" card, that wasn't my intention and I only wanted to stop arguing. I apologize.
last edited at Mar 9, 2018 3:49AM
So, it turned into a Slice Of Life, instead of building romance between the two.
We already knew they end up together, but come-on, what's important is not the destination, it's the journey.
I could really do with more stories that focused a bit more on the destination. I'm kind of tired of the old "and then they got together the end." It's one of the reasons I really like Kase-san.
But once they are together, the only way to have a "story" is to create drama or conflict. With family/friends/school/rivals/tragedy...
Or it becomes a slice of life : a couple living their day do day lives and doing couple-ey things. At which point, you become a voyeur, because there's no story to speak of. Not everyone's cup of tea.
Isn't romance even before the couple gets together more or less already Slice Of Life? You're looking in on the "soon-to-be" couple and their progressing relationship and daily life. Romance is basically a Slice Of Life that focuses on Love. If you dislike as you negatively put it being a "voyeur", why are you reading romance in the first place? Or even any story, you have to look in on some kind of characters and their lives, journey, struggles, progression. You're a viewer of a tale, the audience to a theater play, the fly on the wall.
Also even before a couple gets together there's usually drama/conflict with "family/friends/school/rivals/tragedy", stories of generally every kind have some kind of obstacle(s) to overcome.
I strongly believe part of a romance's "story" can be after they get together. You're still progressing the characters, you're progressing their relationship even further. Sometimes this is a build up to sex, marriage, having children, growing old together. There isn't much of a story if it's just "and they got together, the end", I personally want to know what happens after they get together, what kind of struggles the couple faces and what they overcome, something that really makes me believe in their love and their ability to overcome anything together. That's in my opinion all part of a romance's story, if you choose to go that route.
You then may say well not everyone enjoys that sort of progression. Okay cool, well there are stories that end right after the couple get together, plenty of them exist. There's also the option to stop reading after the couple gets together.
I don't understand why we shouldn't have stories that continue after the couple gets together simply because "some people don't like that". There are people like me who enjoy stories that progress further, I think we should be allowed to enjoy and have those kind of stories. People that aren't a fan of stories that progress in that way can simply go enjoy the many stories that progress in the way they prefer.
Edit: After thinking about it more, I realized there's another element here. After the pair officially become a couple and are no longer just friends or associates their dynamic changes completely, how they interact with each other is changed on a fundamental level. For example their dialog and physical interactions can be more relaxed, because there's no longer that tension and they're able to say how they really feel. There's a lot of various changes you can make to the couple. Actually this new chapter of "Their Story" shows off this kind of change, we see that Sun Jing now teases Qui Tong in a more open and flirty way.
last edited at Mar 9, 2018 3:04AM
I'm curious to see all the comics we get with these two.
This ship is crazy but let's just let it be =w=
More like crazy good.
Honestly most of the ships in "Slow-Start" are at least pretty good in my opinion.
That was super comfy and cute. I hope to see more works from this author in the future.
last edited at Mar 6, 2018 12:57AM
I enjoyed this new chapter, I'm really looking forward to the next.
@Nez You're really not helping your case at all.
@FluffyCow I'm just not going to respond when the first thing you call me is a troll just because I have a differing opinion than you. It's childish. You can scrape whatever ooze you want from the corner of the pages and call it "progress" but yet here we are back to status quo with nothing to show that the 15 chapters of drama was worth it.
I'd like to clear this up. I said you're starting to come across as a troll because your responses and specifically your wording really feels like you're trying to bait people into an argument. Also the main red flag for me was your comment saying how the mods ban people here for having an opinion that's different than the majority, that's one of the most common and obvious signs a person is trolling in from my experiences on forums. That's usually something a person says before they get banned for being hostile, then they blame the mods and claim to hold no responsibility for their own actions. I for one think the mods here are fantastic and much more so than most forums I've been on. I love Nez.
I want to make it clear to everyone that I do not think anyone is trolling for having different opinions. I welcome different opinions and a variety of different view points. I don't want to be in an echo chamber, so even if I disagree with an opinion that's different than my own I can usually at least respect it. Unless people come across as blatantly hostile and mean, that's my major exception.
I don't know if I'm getting baited into a response by you "Yuri Queen", but I really don't want to argue with you or anyone so this is my final response to you. I wish you no ill will and I hope you live a good life, have a nice day.
After all that we are back to this? yawn
What didja expect? more drama?
How about something more significant than going right back to status quo after 15 chapters of crying. What was the point? Their break up and reconciliation has done little to progress the relationship.
Even if I were to disagree with your opinion I could at least respect your ability to present your views in a way that's properly explained.
I'm avoiding that since from various threads I have been reading the mod here has made it a habit to threaten to ban people who defend their opinion if it doesn't match the majority's.
You're really starting to come across as an immature troll. So I know I'm probably getting baited into giving a response, but here goes. Their break up has done little to progress their relationship you say? I'd strongly disagree. Yuzumori was able to completely open up and tell Mimika how she felt, which was the entirety of chapter 29 and 30. For example that page where Yuzumori tells Mimika that she never got to say how she felt, because Mimika ran away from her. This is in my opinion a key moment of the series where both characters realize that if they need to actually talk about out their issues with each other.
On the note of going back to the "status quo" as you say, I think that's normal in my personal experiences with human interaction in general. I've had huge fights with some of the people most dear to me, then we talk about our problems and discuss how we feel, then the following day things are pretty much back to normal. Our relationship progressed because we both learned how to handle each other's emotions and how to talk things out a bit better, which the next time we get into a fight the experience helps us resolve things more quickly and smoothly.
Ultimately in order to show how much the characters have progressed in this story we need more time and chapters, the author needs to show us that the characters now know that it's best to talk things out. However in the meantime we need some healthy fun between the characters, so now that everyone has expressed their feelings and wiped off their tears it's time for some fun at the festival!
last edited at Mar 3, 2018 12:03AM
After all that we are back to this? yawn
What didja expect? more drama?
I'm also genuinely curious as to what they expected. More drama, lots of kissing, tons of sex? I don't think any of those things would have made sense here. Their relationship hasn't quite reached the point where they're going to kiss, however assuming we get more of the festival maybe we'll get the famous fireworks kiss. In terms of drama we just had a lengthy arc packed full of drama, hurt, and cliff hangers. We need a break from drama and having cute+fun interactions between the main pair is necessary for contrast, otherwise things can and will become a slog of misery and suffering. So far I think we've gotten pretty solid character progress.
Also was the "yawn" really necessary? I'd be more interested in hearing you explain why you're unhappy with the way the series is progressing, in your opinion what kind of progress would you prefer to see? Even if I were to disagree with your opinion I could at least respect your ability to present your views in a way that's properly explained.
last edited at Mar 2, 2018 12:09PM
Very unfortunate and sad news, may she rest in peace.
don't tell us they had sex show it
It's been while since I've posted on the forums so I'm not certain if we're allowed to post links but here's the wiki page on Danbooru for "They had lots of sex afterwards":
It's a humorous way of concluding a story and confirming that they had sex. It's in my opinion a perfectly fine thing to use when writing. Maybe sex isn't something the author is comfortable with going into detail, or any other number of reasons. This instead gets the point across in a comedic way and doesn't change the tone by getting directly explicit with the content.
Personally I enjoyed this short story, I found it to be cute and funny. Lastly I don't think graphic sex is a necessary detail in a story such as this.
last edited at Feb 27, 2018 12:13AM
"Sweet Dangus McGee", you're basically saying "feel free to have an opinion that's different than mine, but you're still wrong and I'm right". That's just childishly unreasonable. At least "UranusAndNeptuneAreJustCousins" has a solid reason for disliking the picture, the proportions are indeed all over the place. I never even said what I thought of the image in the first place, only that I don't think it's deserving of the lolicon tag. Danbooru, Gelbooru, Sankaku all don't have it tagged as such, but for some reason Dynasty does so I found it interesting.
Homura E.N.D, my apologies for misunderstanding, ya there's always some strange artists out there. Also DoctorPepperfan and Komohiro, I realized after thinking about it that Ana in this picture doesn't have the grey hair that she does in game. So I'd say given the face she looks middle aged, lets say she's somewhere between 43-45 here that would make Pharah 15-17. Since officially on Overwatch's website Ana is listed as 60 and Pharah is 32, making Ana 28 years older than Pharah. I'd still argue Pharah being a teenager possibly around 16 here that she's not a loli, even more so with size of her breasts, I guess you could argue she might be "oppai loli", but I still think that's a stretch. People are still of course free to disagree, but that's my take on it.
last edited at Nov 14, 2017 5:06PM
It's obviously adult Pharah with normal sized breasts and granny Ana, so why is there a lolicon tag here? Also there's actual lolicon material on this site and other mother x daughter stuff, so I don't know why people are so easily triggered right now. Also I don't really get what's wrong with "weird" or being "weird", but "Homura E.N.D." I don't understand how "yuri" is a little weird. To me gay relationships are as normal as hetero ones but alas.
last edited at Nov 14, 2017 1:42PM
if we will get amnesia tag, I will be furious... I hate this things in manga...
Even in Bright and Cheery Amnesia?!
The real clichés are all the complaints about clichés. I think it could be made into a trope of forum critics.
I think Bright and Cheery Amnesia should be exempt from "Amnesia Hate". That series is freaking adorable and puts a huge smile on my face every time. Normally in most stories Amnesia is done in absurd ways to change things drastically or drag out a series, but with Bright and Cheery it's naturally apart of the story and done in a way that's very pleasant and funny.
Also ya complaining about cliches is thee popular trend. We're reading romance series, which all have at least some kind of cliche. In my opinion it's all about finding the cliche(s) that you like in a series and read those. Complaining solves nothing, but I guess people enjoy complaining otherwise it'd wouldn't be so popular.
I was having an awful morning, but this comment section made me laugh really hard. Thanks everyone!
What is this,no thread created? I think DReader get sick of schoolgirl,haha........pls dont bully me.
I'm confused by the point of your comment, is there a joke I'm missing? This doujin was posted fairly recently and pretty late so that's the main reason why there probably wasn't a thread yet. I know some people are tired of "schoolgirl" but there are plenty of us that aren't tired of it, I simply didn't expect an upload so late into the day. You're entitled to your own opinion and it's fine if you're "sick" of the tag, but don't speak for the rest of us or at least me please. Also If you don't like "schoolgirl" I advise going to your profile and blacklisting the tag, afterwards go look for something that makes you happy and enjoy it. I'll be here enjoying my schoolgirl yuri stories because that's what makes me happy.