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Image Comments 04 Jun 10:31
joined Jul 26, 2016

I'm aware. What I was asking is why she doesn't have them here, they're kind of her "thing" (and apparently somewhat contagious going by that one Theresa variant).

Killing Me! discussion 04 Jun 07:41
joined Jul 26, 2016

Eh, it's kind of an implicit premise here that Saki's status will sooner or later upgrade from "merely" my current favourite mortal into my special person kyaa~...

Killing Me! discussion 04 Jun 07:00
joined Jul 26, 2016

There's a specific term for that strike zone actually. (Large numbers of people seem to qualify if those trashy pop-up ads and about 95% of hentai are to judge by...)

It could be theorized Miyoko's preferences are at least partly a byproduct of her apparent age, which should make it easiest for her to socialize with and hence prey on teenagers without attracting undue attention.

last edited at Jun 4, 2018 7:05AM

Killing Me! discussion 04 Jun 06:43
joined Jul 26, 2016

...I don't think a preference for (about) high schoolers matches the generally employed definition of "lolicon" actually. >_>

joined Jul 26, 2016

Basically a nice exploration of teenage insecurity and uncertainty (and to a degree envy, I suppose). Whether the anxieties are founded or not is beside the point and outside the scope of the one-shot anyway. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

And yeah by Kodama standards this is downright light and fluffy. Then again looks like a relatively early work too which might of be relevant...

Image Comments 04 Jun 05:18
joined Jul 26, 2016

I stand corrected. Old memory's not what it used to be...

IDR, did it also include the I wanted to **** her punchline?

Killing Me! discussion 04 Jun 04:46
joined Jul 26, 2016

It's certainly a bit of a question mark why exactly she's going after Miyoko in the first place, given that as far as we know the latter is an essentially harmless Friendly Neighbourhood Bloodsucker... Might be a combination of boneheaded "if it's vampire, kill it" attitude and plain not knowing of any others within reach I suppose.

Though more practically I rather suspect the author is just having fun with the typically very poorly thought out animanga monster-hunter cliches and the audience is expected to just take it in stride...

joined Jul 26, 2016

Hey um... I don't remember what happened to the university girls at all, can someond refresh my memories? It's just been such a long time that I forgot.

TL;DR - the crazy survivalist bunch self-destructed, survived by one (also pregnant) who joined the more chillax group our girls hung out with.

last edited at Jun 4, 2018 4:31AM

Killing Me! discussion 04 Jun 04:27
joined Jul 26, 2016

Guys, guys, guys, haven't we taken into account that she just said that to make her jealous?

Eh, I dunno. While I certainly wouldn't put that past her Miyoko seemed to be genuinely confused over why Saki got so upset. She's probably far enough removed from the baseline human condition to have some real problems relating to the emotional turmoil of conflicted teenagers. (I'd hazard she doesn't really "get" Saki and just finds her fun to be around and interesting if a bit baffling.)

Anyway, it's inevitable Saki will someday pass away and leave Miyoko behind, so she'll have to let go and find someone new. It's sad, but true

"Oh well, there's a new bus every hour" as one old guy put it. Wouldn't be surprised if her particular feeding policy was specifically to avoid getting too involved with the short-lived meals on the hoof though...
Mind you, either she has some as-yet unrevealed vampire voodoo that lets her mess with their memories or The Masquerade isn't much of a concern in the setting for some reason (see: "live in a B-movie universe").

1 x ½ discussion 04 Jun 04:01
joined Jul 26, 2016

The author certainly knows how to keep the audience guessing, that's for sure.

On an entirely different note gotta love the sitcom snark between the in-laws. Ayako's sense of humor is definitely of the dry and acerbic kind...

Image Comments 04 Jun 03:54
joined Jul 26, 2016

Omnivore ( ╹ڡ╹)b

joined Jul 26, 2016

Woah, slow down, girl.

That one got me good.

Killing Me! discussion 04 Jun 03:37
joined Jul 26, 2016

"Characters need to be likeable" isn't a concept seems.

Characters don't have to be conventionally likable to be entertaining and interesting. ʅ ( • ε • ) ʃ

Image Comments 04 Jun 03:29
joined Jul 26, 2016

The anime actually spends a fair bit more time shipping teh roris than the manga, IIRC. Then again if memory serves it didn't do the Let's Get Closer scene and the brats have a spin-off manga of their own so that's a wash I guess? (Anyway Saikawa's mad gay for circa ten-year old...)

Image Comments 04 Jun 01:22
joined Jul 26, 2016

...wait, where'd Sakura's rabbit totes fox honest ears go?

Image Comments 04 Jun 01:20
joined Jul 26, 2016

This is going to turn into a match over "who can make Kaban-chan cum more times" isn't it.

joined Jul 26, 2016

These two are us, aren't they? -_-;

Killing Me! discussion 04 Jun 01:09
joined Jul 26, 2016

I like how blasé the nurse is about one of her students shooting at another one in her nursey...

You'd think someone would notice her constantly firing a gun in school.

Clearly they live in a B-movie universe where such things attract little attention. Probably an everyday occurrence anyway.
┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌

Dude that Saki is a bitch, "i will stop sucking your blood when you become an adult" are you for real? are you really that egocentric? i dont know about you guys, but for me this dropped my liking for this chick to zero.

As already pointed out she's an immortal monster that must literally prey on people to survive; being arbitrarily picky about her food is... somewhat irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. This is roughly analogous to being fussy about which particular kinds of free-range chickens' eggs you eat (since she apparently takes a very "minimum damage" approach to feeding).

"When you must hunt your own kind to survive empathy is the first thing to go."
- Blindsight

last edited at Jun 4, 2018 1:09AM

Earth Girls discussion 02 Jun 20:32
joined Jul 26, 2016

I'm gonna go with this theory because the tribe seems to accrete members over time that needed it for a variety of reasons - some seek the tribe out, some wander in, some are found in Kidaha's exploration, etc. etc.

Going already by the first story the village seems to be more or less the recognised regional repository for women who for one reason or another don't really "fit in" with mainstream society, which makes a lot of anthropological sense given how many real "primitive" societies have dealt with such outliers.

Being closely associated with the volcano, no doubt a major regional landmark loaded to the gills with mystical symbolism, cannot but help make the community widely known through the regional exchange networks and further add to its special status and duly help attract immigrants.

On the whole I get the impression Mira got the inspiration for this series from reading some proper, if popularized, Stone Age scholarship and related topics.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Who's the best girl and why is it Kaede?

Image Comments 02 Jun 14:27
joined Jul 26, 2016

@Skydragon0 My money's on that horny brat Kiana, already because unlike Kallen she didn't already get her girl (re: the Sakura Samsara sidestory)... :d

Though when you think about it this gets pretty meta levels of gay as Sakura moves around outside her little pocket netherworld by borrowing Mei's body and presumably something similar is the case between Kiana and Kallen as the latter has been equally physically dead for the last five centuries (and not coincidentally uses the same Awakened Soul mechanics)...
Some echoes of the finale of Kindred Spirits there come think of it, actually.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I'm pretty sure at this point the mods are just laughing their asses off at everybody saying that subtext is more clear than a sign where it'd be written they're gay for each other.

Super Subtext

Killing Me! discussion 01 Jun 23:11
joined Jul 26, 2016

Well it may not be realistic but it's a very easy way to depict a missed shot with little ambiguity.

Still looks dumb as shit and a few well-placed lines would do the job at least as well.
Recalling some Mickey Mouse issues from when I was a wee brat, even Disney comics know enough to use that visual effect.

Yeah, if the bat was immune to most mortal weapons, had super human strength, and speed, and could drain you dry.


last edited at Jun 1, 2018 11:13PM

Killing Me! discussion 01 Jun 21:59
joined Jul 26, 2016

So basically vampire bats that can hold a conversation and don't bother cattle. ʅ ( • ε • ) ʃ

joined Jul 26, 2016

Only the eared seals "stand" on their flippers like that, the earless kind are basically wriggling tubs of lard on dry land. Very funny looking though.