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joined Jul 26, 2016

While it comes as no surprise whatsoever that Hishikawa is basically the resident village idiot of the class it's interesting to learn that she's apparently also on pretty good terms with her peers and apparently seen as someone they can confide in.

Then again she only goes really off the rails around Komaki...

joined Jul 26, 2016

Technically both the armed and unarmed kinds are martial arts ("arts of Mars", ie. war), but yeah there's a lot of difference in execution. Though when you get down to it any training is better than none at all...

'Course trying to punch someone in armour isn't exactly a winning game plan. Which is also why modern military hand-to-hand training tends to emphasize grappling rather than - as one commenter put it - "breaking fists on helmets".

joined Jul 26, 2016

Hey, adoption is a thing.

joined Jul 26, 2016

When your mail-order trash is legit magic item

Killing Me! discussion 11 Jun 05:18
joined Jul 26, 2016

You've yet to explain why her guard would be down there in the first place. And pretty sure Miyoko's reflex response to the stimulus of "Saki pulling something out during a scuffle" is "duck."

joined Jul 26, 2016

Survivor's guilt huh. That certainly explains her hang-ups.

woah senri's been looking for herbs with her condition like that? damn she tough

Idk, full peripheral vision and depth perception don't seem critical for the job. Plus she's lived with those disabilities for like a decade already anyway, people get used to worse. It's not like she's missing a limb or anything.

Killing Me! discussion 11 Jun 04:59
joined Jul 26, 2016

That 1st thing isn't's not like she was shown to just have guns. That's just her primary weapon, probsly because it's the most brutal.

General consensus is sharp implements are much more viscerally scary than firearms; blame generations spent huddling in caves while hungry things with sharp teeth circled outside. Also why musket-era infantry stoically held their ground and closed lines over casualties in firefights but promptly fled in face of bayonet charges.

Well, Miyoko did let down her guard.

She was on guard at those times even though she was screwing around. This time it was legitimately a surprise because she had let her guard down.

Reflexes don't work like that, they don't much consult slow-ass conscious thought. And why would she not be on guard there anyway? Thus far in similar circumstances Saki has very consistently gone for her knife, there's no reason whatsoever for Miyoko to assume she wouldn't try it there too.

Nevermind now that if you look at the situation Saki not only needs to first shake off Miyoko's hug, she also has to turn around and get about an arm's length of distance even while she's pulling those paper slips outta her knickers (seriously where does she keep all her gear). That's slow as molasses, tactically speaking, and hideously obvious to someone with every possible reason to expect her to try something.

Narratively useful handwaves are one thing; trying to justify them with nonsense quite another.

Putting that aside, New Girl is a curious combination of borderline-yandere "i-it's not like I'm jealous over Saki-sempai or anything", work ethic and ludicrously impractical weapon loadout. How's she planning to hit something as nimble as these vampires with an inherently slow-ass giant axe in a straight fight seriously... and it's not like they're wearing a ton of armour to hack through either, nowadays.

Also Miyoko sure isn't easily rattled, gotta give her that. Gets bushwhacked with a giant axe and the first thing she does upon regaining consciousness is angrily berating the assailant for doing a shoddy job at it. Guessing she's lived a pretty eventful life...

last edited at Jun 11, 2018 4:59AM

joined Jul 26, 2016

The best friend's daughter thing is an added bonus. The situation is similar to that lesbian pharmacist who cursed her best friend's daughter to fall in love with her because she was a bitter kid.

"I let a grade schooler fast-talk me" is one of the funniest lines in Shuninta's works. o3ob

Anyway, Sensei-chan gets brownie points for acting like a responsible adult with a functioning moral compass here, Matsumoto style. Something never to be taken for granted... :v

joined Jul 26, 2016

"Did you get a gir... a wife?"

That line from Momoko was adorable. No doubt this is the end result Kyouko desires.

Precocious gaydar is precocious.

Killing Me! discussion 10 Jun 03:15
joined Jul 26, 2016

I have some serious doubts about the plausibility of being able to slap a piece of paper on someone already well established as much too quick to stab with a knife and shoot with a gun by surprise but sure. Maybe the majics on that thing start working already in proximity and are keyed to "pull" towards the targeted being so you just need to get it close enough for them to kick in or something...

Eh. At least it's Advancing the Storyline so I can give it a pass.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Mind, hardly the first one to draw the fairly obvious parallels...

I've read recognition of similar innuendo was why Medieval upper-class ladies weren't supposed to cut meat themselves, and then you had the Roman Legions and their jokes about putting swords in sheaths... a fine old tradition there in other words. :d

Killing Me! discussion 09 Jun 00:29
joined Jul 26, 2016

I mean tbf this is about akin to a kitten attacking an adult cat only replacing the size disparity with an even larger gap in experience...
ʅ ( • ε • ) ʃ
Between that and the fact her not failing would bring the series to an abrupt and untimely end it's no surprise that Failure Is The Only Option. :P

joined Jul 26, 2016

Didn't really pay attention to the whole brouhaha after the first day or so but wasn't that more along the lines of automated response to mass reporting or something? If so it indeed would rather suggest a need for some real organised human oversight on the whole thing.

Also doesn't change the fact they really should clarify their relevant guidelines and exercise at least a bare minimum of quality control. I check the new games daily for the sake of idle entertainement and holy shit if most of them aren't obvious garbage right in the face of it...

last edited at Jun 9, 2018 12:05AM

Yuru Yuri discussion 08 Jun 14:29
joined Jul 26, 2016

Akari is likely the only being in existence capable of keeping in check whatever... Lovecraftian awfulness it is that follows in Chinatsu's wake.

Image Comments 08 Jun 12:19
joined Jul 26, 2016

Breasts, in Senranverse, move in mysterious ways...

Image Comments 08 Jun 07:12
joined Jul 26, 2016

And Vert blatantly hitting on a different girl about every game or so I s'pose.

They're also good games if a bit on the grindy side, but that's par for the course with JRPGs anyway.

Image Comments 08 Jun 07:06
joined Jul 26, 2016

Those airbags are literally bigger than their heads jfc
...must be Senranverse or something.

Nice art though.

joined Jul 26, 2016

He saw his dad where? Holy fuck. Talk about taking trauma to a whole new level.

I laughed at that bit of useless trivia more than I probably should have. The trauma indeed!

Things You're Better Off Not Knowing About Your Parents. Just about all the band shenanigans are comedy gold, really.

New Game discussion 08 Jun 07:02
joined Jul 26, 2016

Clearly hanging out in France has leveled up Kou's hithero nonexistent romantic instincts through cultural osmosis. :v

joined Jul 26, 2016


The volleyball challenge was weird and pointless.

Probably just to give us some idea of their social context... and throw in some extra shiptease while at it. Wanna bet Princess Curls and Sensible Girl have something going on, too? (I kinda like how the former storms in like the most stereotypical one-sided rival ever and then turns out to be a perfectly decent and considerate person instead.)

last edited at Jun 8, 2018 6:55AM

New Game discussion 08 Jun 04:51
joined Jul 26, 2016


Touma-kun discussion 07 Jun 13:29
joined Jul 26, 2016

I came for the communism, but there was no communism to be found. ='(

Yet again the decadent bourgeoise have let us down. TYPICAL.

I like these stories - it may be just the way I'm reading it, but Touma-kun seems to be the "hook" that hangs the stories together and they aren't really about her ... to me the stories are more about all the other girls, of how they find something new/different about themselves (or others) or how they change (or refuse to change in the case of the nurse).

Pretty much. Touma's essentially a walking talking plot device who acts as a catalyst for the focus character du jour.

last edited at Jun 7, 2018 1:31PM

1 x ½ discussion 07 Jun 11:02
joined Jul 26, 2016

But as a story, I find it a lot less creepy than a father/daughter or a mother/son incest, because of the lack of penises.

Call me biased.

Well, incestuous reproduction has a history of not leading to good things, so that could be part of it.

Poor Charles II agrees.

last edited at Jun 7, 2018 11:02AM

joined Jul 26, 2016


Also totally shipping Tenko-nee and the tsundere public morals girl because wynaut.

joined Jul 26, 2016

More like "no touching the l00d AAA geese that lay the golden eggs but who cares about the marginal market segments" I'd imagine.